over/under watering?


Active Member
i have 6 sluts a week in bloom, and i have a moisture meter which tells me to water every day. After 24hr the leaves start to droop a little and after 48hr they hang right down. A few hours after watering they stand up ok but it seems to me watering every day is excessive even if the plants seem to need it. Is this normal?


Well-Known Member
no if you are watering everyday you are probably killing your ladies, you are supposed to let the soil dry, then water. usually every 3- 4 days depending on drainage. also those meters are crap. i suggest using light pots and just watering when the pot feels light

Cannibal Sativa

Well-Known Member
imo if the plants are drooping bad after 48hrs and perk up after watering, then it would be underwatering. what size pots are they in. they drink alot in flowering.


Active Member
5litre pots. I just yoinked my one and only male from 6 (sweet) and ripped out the whole root ball and dumped all the soil out. I watered yesterday 250ml approx and only 24hr later no kidding the soil was BONE dry? WTF not wrong about being thirsty during flowering. Guess they need water everyday then. Possibly due to conditions. 250ml is just enough so that water starts to seep from the bottom. Anyone know if Gro-Lux fluroescent light spectrum is suitable for lower lighting or is warm white better?