Over/under watering?


Active Member
I'm not to sure what is going on with my plant. Her bottom leaves are starting to curl at the tips and turn brown and one leaf above that one.:-( They are all kinda droopy. I dont know if this is because they are over watered or not getting enough water? Or even maybe my lights are to close? I'm really not sure.. please help!


Active Member
Eh. I'm not really sure. Once a day to every other day. And I dont give much. I dont measure so I'm not positive. But I pour the water around ever side so it puddles a little and then soaks in.


Active Member
And so you know, I didnt plan on growing this plant. I found it in my back yard a few weeks ago and took her in as my own. Shes small, only about a foot and a half and flowering already.


Active Member
try not to make it puddle
it still sounds like partially over watering
besides that its probably a chemical problem like you said (maybe ph, maybe N)

i could be terribly wrong i just blazed a huge cone and im trippin


Well-Known Member
ok its sounds like ur over-watering a lil and u might have nuteburn from what ur describing to me heres a good way to judge when to water ur plants stick ur fingers 2 inches ion the soild and if its still; moist than wait till it dries out some pics would be nice and a big help and what size pots do u have them in and what kind of lights are u using and how close


Active Member
Ill post some pics in a few minutes. I only have one plant and im useing two 26w cfls about 12 inches away each.


Active Member
Well heres some pictures. You can see the wilting and in one picture you can see how there is lighter spot on one of the leaves. Theres a couple more like that on a couple other leaves. Idk what that would be either.



Active Member
Alright, thanks. Would you happen to know what could be causing the light spots on some of the leaves? In the last picture I posted you can see one.


Well-Known Member
First you need to check your drainage. You should water until you see it drip from the bottom of your planter. Let your soil dry complete before rewatering, if the plant is young it shouldnt need watered more than every other day probly every 2. If you have poor drainage you can add perilite to your soil for airation.


Well-Known Member
If you arnt using nutes and your leafs are spoting you are probly watering directly to the leaves, thats a no no. If you water the leafs direct they will magnify your light and burn the hell out of your plant.


Well-Known Member
projectearth it looks like u have a PH problem wat have u been watering ur plants with??? the nutes in the soild aint bad leave it it looked like u had lil white spots am i right??? or was it that lighter green area on one of ur leafs ???? if u have lil white spots u have spider mites if u have a area starting to change color might be a PH