Over-watered or under-watered???


Is this plant under-watered or over-watered? This is my first grow and I am unable to tell which it is. Thanks in advance for any help!2012-08-04 16.02.34 (1).jpg


hey there mad grow,
can you give me a brief history on this plant so i can do my best to help you out,



Sure. It is a Barney's farm pineapple chunk that is two weeks old today. I'll have to check on what soil I have her in as I can't remember, but I have been watering her three tablespoons of distilled water every day because I read two to three tablespoons of pure water should be given daily until you transplant to the pots. I noticed today that the leaves looked like this and I know it is either over watered or under watered but I cannot tell which because this is the fist time I've grown. Could you tell me which is is and possibly tell me how much I should water them? I will be transplanting them to pots later today.


have a look at the soil around the plant, is it quite often dry and crumbly and light in colour or is it dark and moist? also what kind of lights are you using and how far away from the plant are they? Maybe hold off on transplanting them today dude, it is a stressful proccess for a plant and is best done at a time where the plant is in good health.



The soil is usually moist. The plants are being grown under four fluorescent tubes and 12 CFL's totalling 668 actual Watts and 48,000 lumens. They are about 6-8 inches away from the lights. The temperature inside the grow room is 78 degrees if that also helps. Also, thank you for the advice on transplanting. I will hold off on doing so for a few days until I figuure out what is wrong and fix it.


dead right football first,

ok man we just found your problem, you have about 3 too many flourescent tubes, try using just one of those tubes as 48k lumens is far too much for a 2 week old plant to handle, you are burning the chlorophyll and effectively cooking it. thus giving your leaves that dry and wilted look, promptly, and when i say promptly i mean straight away! remove or turn off 3 of your lights so just one light is running, mist the plant with a spray nozzle to cool it down every half hour or so for the next few hours. i am 99.9 percent sure that is your problem my friend, make sure the light isnt to far away so the plant doesnt stretch to meet the light aswell. And also a quick tip, if you let the soil dry out for half a day or so the roots growth will be accelerated as they will search for nutrients and water in the soil.
shit nearly forgot to mention, get rid of those 12 cfls aswell, apply them as the plant gets bigger



Thank you so much! I really appreciate all the help. I'll remove the CFL's, begin misting and let the soil dry out for a while now.