A bit new to growing here but I think I may have either over-fertilized or over-watered my latest plant. The leaves are looking fairly wilted, drooping pretty majorly. Cameras not working right so I don't have photos, but the leaves are looking pretty bad. I just added some organic fertilizer and I hadn't watered in a bit. I've got the plants in bags somewhere around 0.5 gallons. I usually water from the top but they've been quickly drying out and wilting so sometimes I go a bit nuts on the watering to compensate and let them soak it up for a day before draining. Up until now, this worked like a charm but maybe I was just lucky. I'm using a pro-mix with perlite and worm castings. I've also augmented the water with earth juice liquid catalyst, Cal Mag, pro grow bloom, and Liquid Karma. Any ideas?