Over-watering, under-watering, heat, or normal?


Well-Known Member
I notice the last few days my plants have been a little droopier than normal. Also, the pistils seem to be changing color a bit early, since I am only about 4 weeks into flowering. These are outdoor plants in 25 gallon pots that I water every 3-4 days. I typically will check the top of the soil and the drainage for moisture, if dry to the touch, I water. Since the temps here in SoCal have been mild all summer and then the last week have been quite high, I am wondering if this just isn't a case of heat stress. I may be worrying to much, but they have been doing so well up to this point, I hate to lose them over something as trivial as over-watering or under-watering. Opinions and thoughts are much appreciated!


Sorry for the sideways pics, it was early and I was thinking when I took them:)


Well-Known Member
Your plant doesn't look very big for a 25 gallon container.
IMO- for the plant size and the amount of soil your using I don't think you need to water as much as you are. there's alot of soil to retain water in your 26gl. pot.
I would say to pick the container up and feel the weight, but your pot is to big to do that. I would get a soil moisture tester, with that you know for sure what the moisture of the soil is.

The Pistils changing color is normal. When the Pistils become un-viable they dry out and turn color. Red, Orange, Brown what ever genetics for the plant your growing.
It's a good sign. Your plant is maturing.

Your plant looks good.
Just remember sometimes it's better to do less than more.


Well-Known Member
Thanks topfuel29! The reason they are small is because I got a late start to the season. I got them as clones at the beginning of July and slowly acclimated them to the outdoors. Funny you mention the water meter, I was just getting ready to head out the door and go pick one up at home depot:) I am pretty sure you are spot on, think I may have been a little over zealous with the watering.


Well-Known Member
Ok, it's bugging me, so I decided to post a few more pics. Maybe someone can give me some more advice. At this point, I think over watering may be an issue, but does anyone see anything else that might need to be addressed?
