Overall health and water runoff


New Member
Hey guys, I have a couple of questions regarding my first grow. It’s an Amnesia Auto in its 3rd week of life. I’m using a 13L pot with super soil and 200W of LED lights on a 21/3 schedule. I already made a bunch of research and would like to get some more insight from you.


Today I noticed there’s these yellowish spots on most of the leaves. After some research I found out it’s probably a sign of magnesium deficiency. Is that right?
i use tap water and I just checked the pH for the first time (my bad) and found out it’s too high (about 7.3pH). Is it okay if I lower the pH using food grade citric acid?
I also plan on spraying the plant with a mix of water and epsom salt to give her the magnesium she’s been missing. Is that okay to do?

And my last question is about runoff. I want to know if there has to be runoff water every time I water my plant and how much of it? I water it with about a liter of water every 3-4 days and every time there is very little runoff. Close to none.

Thank you!
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Use spring water if you can. Make sure the water is not too cold, let it warm up to room temp. Just give some plenty calcium and Nitrogen rich feed about twice a week (1ml to 1 litre water), you don't mention a fan? will keep bugs and mould away from your fan leaves. they look good right now, I wouldn't worry about the spots too much just needs some calcium, and that is rich in still spring water.
Its much more likely nutrient burn than deficiency. It should grow out of it. Tap water and your super soil should have plenty of calcium and magnesium. I went directly into 100% supersoil for my current grow and my girls definitely got a little burn but not to bad and they are coming out of it. In the past i always mixed half hot and half cool dirt this time i went full boar with hot and it still may pay off because the burn is minimal. The thing about nutrient burn is it can look like sooooo many different issues. Autos are particularly finicky but they usually adjust to their soil pretty quick. I definitely would not be feeding it anything as the other guy suggested. This chart is kind of a good place to start but one of the big lessons to take from it is that excess/deficiency of each nutrient can cause all sorts of different effects. Excess of one thing causes the plant to lock out and then become deficient of another.

Getting your ph down to 6.5 is a good thing but honestly 7.3 isnt that bad, soil acts as a buffer. Wouldnt hurt to buy a bottle of ph down from amazon or the grow shop, its cheap. Sounds like you are giving her the correct amount of water. The one big thing with tap water is make sure you get the chlorine and if it has it chloramine out. Only 15-20% of tap water in the USA has chloramine and im betting it smells and tastes like pool water if it does. These filters are both great for your heath and your plants. Figure out if your municipal water has chloramine and buy the correct filter. Ive been running my filter for 2 years and my water tastes better than most bottled water. These filters also dont take the calcium or magnesium out so you dont need to add any. Super soil truly will grow a plant for a very long time if not the entire grow without additional nutrients- a friend of mine vegged plants for 5 months in super soil alone and they are still vegging looking great.

Use spring water if you can. Make sure the water is not too cold, let it warm up to room temp. Just give some plenty calcium and Nitrogen rich feed about twice a week (1ml to 1 litre water), you don't mention a fan? will keep bugs and mould away from your fan leaves. they look good right now, I wouldn't worry about the spots too much just needs some calcium, and that is rich in still spring water.

Thanks for the info. I do have a fan! :)
Getting your ph down to 6.5 is a good thing but honestly 7.3 isnt that bad, soil acts as a buffer. Wouldnt hurt to buy a bottle of ph down from amazon or the grow shop, its cheap. Sounds like you are giving her the correct amount of water. The one big thing with tap water is make sure you get the chlorine and if it has it chloramine out. Only 15-20% of tap water in the USA has chloramine and im betting it smells and tastes like pool water if it does. These filters are both great for your heath and your plants. Figure out if your municipal water has chloramine and buy the correct filter. Ive been running my filter for 2 years and my water tastes better than most bottled water. These filters also dont take the calcium or magnesium out so you dont need to add any. Super soil truly will grow a plant for a very long time if not the entire grow without additional nutrients- a friend of mine vegged plants for 5 months in super soil alone and they are still vegging looking great.

Thank you so much!! Taking in the wisdom.