overlapping leaves getting damaged from pushing together


Active Member
I have great internode space but its so bushy that the leaves overlap a little to much and when they grow they get pushed against the stems and other leaves and now there growing weird and and deformed looking. The whole plant looks super healthy except for my nute burns but other than that she's super bushy and tight node spacing with a very strong main stem. Will the leaves pushing and overlapping be ok?


Well-Known Member
it'll most likely be fine. the plants just doing what it can to get the best light it can, it knows what its doing and just adapting to the envirinment. u could try trimming back some foliage, this is known as 'lollypopping' some growers swear by it, personaly i try to avoid it unless ive no option. its a well recognised grow option and will allow light to penetrat into the denser area s of your plant. dont go overboard thoiugh, the leaves are there for a reason. what i will say is check the leaves and make sure the twisted ones dont have any mold growing on them as a result of trapped moisture, if so just snip the leaf. other than that i'd just leave them. sum plants do tend to give out mutant leaves for no real reason, dont worry about it, ive pulled oz's from weird looking fuckers. best of luck.


Active Member
I chop my bitches up. They love it, trich's everywhere. Some people hate lollypopping, some love it. I love it :D Don't trim too much, though. The plant needs leaves for photosynthesis, obviously. But I believe strategically trimming to get certain bud-sites out of the shadows can be beneficial. Some of them can be trained, too. Or rotate your plants, etc... I still trim them, though.


Active Member
What dura said.

The trapped water can indeed be a problem. I had one plant where the covered leaves would get wet during the dark hours from transpiration and then get burns from the light on the water droplets. Keep a fan blowing on it.

A picture would help.