oversized fan leaves and lighting question....


Well-Known Member
Hey all. Got a white rhino that's in veg (3 1/2 weeks). The fan leaves are frickin' fat and heavy. My concern is that since they are so heavy and big... (seems as though this Rhino is leaning towards the indica side, unlike my other Rhino that leans towards the sativa)... can I cut some fan leaves(just like 2 branches only) to alleviate the extreme shading the wide long leaves are creating? They always seem to droop and cover most of the plant, and I feel the rest of the plant isnt getting light. It doesn't seem like a "bad" droop. I water carefully and everything. They are just so big compared to the height of the plant(8'') that they seem to just pull the branch down. Even after I water and the branches perk up, you can see the branches struggling to stay up under the weight.

Bottom line: Should I be concerned? And I know that the fan leaves are the main source of light conversion to food, but the rest of the plant needs light-love too, right?

Thanx in advance!!

p.s.- sorry for no pic right now. At work and will have to wait till I get home to post it.


How long do you plan to veg for? I wouldn't recommend cutting leaves. I'd say add more lights to the side/bottom before cutting the plant.


Well-Known Member
The leaves are collecting the light, not the buds, nor anything else. If you have big, fat leaves, that's great - the better to collect energy for the plant! They should not be drooping, though. I've had huge leaves before - bigger than my face. They were perky. If your leaves are drooping, it's either from under or overwatering.


Well-Known Member
I've had huge leaves before - bigger than my face. They were perky. If your leaves are drooping, it's either from under or overwatering.
That kinda worries me then. I only water if the pot is light-weight, and dont water if my finger comes out with moist dirt when I stick it about all the way to the knuckle. Sounds root bound, maybe? Thats the only thing I know of to cause droopy leaves without any immediate signs of issues(yellowing, ect.) It's in a decent size pot(10''), so not sure if that could be it. Just snowballing here...(hoping a more educated growing mind will chime in again:mrgreen:)


Well-Known Member
And I was only gonna veg for a month, pbbro. Have a bachlor party mid june I was gonna bring some smoke to, so gotta flower soon....


Well-Known Member
What are your temps/humidity at? Too high for either of those, would cause some slight droop. Then it also matters when you're seeing it. Towards the end of their day, before lights out, the plants will start to droop slightly, they get tired - and will perk again come "morning".


Well-Known Member
temps never exceed 80. Dont have a humidity reader though, but upon opening the door to the space, it doesn't have any kind of "humid feel" (hard to explain) to it. SWo it cant be too humid..... (i know though, i need to get a humidity reader.....)