overwatered? now P+K+Mg+Mn deficiency? plz help

IMG_20120830_012936.jpgIMG_20120830_233820.jpgIMG_20120831_075108.jpgIMG_20120901_130914.jpgIMG_20120901_130922.jpgIMG_20120901_130941.jpgIMG_20120901_131002.jpgIMG_20120901_131018.jpgIMG_20120901_131035.jpgIMG_20120904_190046.jpgIMG_20120904_190059.jpgIMG_20120904_190106.jpgIMG_20120904_190112.jpgMMS_PICTURE_1346879816517.jpgMMS_PICTURE_1347124457145.jpgMMS_PICTURE_1347124483986.jpgMMS_PICTURE_1347124519724.jpgMMS_PICTURE_1347124548307.jpgIMG_20120909_132637.jpgIMG_20120909_132644.jpgIMG_20120911_173605.jpgIMG_20120911_173640.jpgIMG_20120912_171703.jpgIMG_20120912_171713.jpgIMG_20120914_081103.jpgIMG_20120914_081110.jpgIMG_20120915_183435.jpgIMG_20120915_183442.jpgIMG_20120916_175432.jpgIMG_20120916_175444.jpgIMG_20120917_081447.jpgIMG_20120917_081456.jpgMMS_PICTURE_1347884353710.jpgIMG_20120919_192002.jpgIMG_20120919_192010.jpgIMG_20120919_192019.jpgIMG_20120921_120700.jpgIMG_20120921_120707.jpgIMG_20120921_120723.jpgIMG_20120922_115827.jpgIMG_20120922_115833.jpgIMG_20120922_115846.jpgtextplus_externaltmp.jpgIMG_20120924_121448.jpgIMG_20120924_121502.jpgIMG_20120925_125329.jpgIMG_20120925_125337.jpgIMG_20120925_125347.jpgIMG_20120927_120531.jpgIMG_20120927_120543.jpgIMG_20120927_120555.jpgIMG_20120927_120631.jpgIMG_20120927_120638.jpgIMG_20120927_120648.jpgIMG_20120927_120655.jpgIMG_20120927_120855.jpgIMG_20120928_184040.jpgIMG_20120928_184054.jpgIMG_20120928_184104.jpgIMG_20120928_184129.jpgIMG_20120928_184142.jpgIMG_20120930_230716.jpgIMG_20120930_230727.jpgIMG_20120930_230743.jpgIMG_20120930_230758.jpgIMG_20120930_230812.jpgIMG_20120930_230818.jpgIMG_20121001_125111.jpgIMG_20121001_125129.jpgIMG_20121001_125140.jpgphosphorus(p) red purplish stem
potassium (k) yellow leafs with brown rusty spots
Magnesium(Mg) yellow leafs with brown rusty spots & tips curling up
Manganese(Mn) yellow leas wit dead rusty spots

ok im thinking i have this problems. little confused wit k/mg/ and mn since they all three kinda look like each other in late stages of deficiency.
but more thinkin manly mg since i looked at her today and i noticed curling upwards tips. (wasnt curled up last nite) the (p) since i have red purplish color on lower stems. seed popped out of the soil 8/30. so its a month old and its started out better than any ive tried to grow before.
the temp goes as high as 83f n gets as far down as 73f at its nite time. use to have a high humidity, now have it down to 50% since it first showed signs of overwater, due to bad drainage of soil. thats now fixed due to placing fish tank small rocks at bottom of pot. i use tap and bottled water btw.
im goin to try to add pics showing start to now to help fig it out. i started out with two goin n went to one that looked * started out better to have more room in the little space i have to grow with.

thanks for and & all help


Well-Known Member
Jesus, you have enough pics there to make a movie and call it 'the grower with no idea '. Your tap water could be as high as 9. Get aph pen and adjusters have water at 6.5 and watch things improve.
hey the gravel really has helped since my soil didnt have to much purlite. its a mix soil made by a buddy of some potting soil/sand and little horse manure. yeah i plan on getting sum ph sticks from walamrt. this was done on a very low budget. i have 3 100watt replacement (uses 26watts) 1750x3 so 5250 lumens 2700k bulbs on it now running 12/12
sorry if to many pics lol
ok imma get ph strips and test my bottle water i use & test my tap water and also test see where my soil is.
im leaning it has little phosphorus since red purplish bottom stems so need to add phosphate?
and need magnesium since yellow with rust spots wit the tips curling upwards not down.?
how to i test n see if enough or to much potassium & calcium. read to high or either or both can make magnesium deficiency


Ursus marijanus
I think the horse manure did you. Too much urea N, and probably a lot of sodium. Buy some Fox Farm Happy Frog, replant, and you will probably see much improvement. This plant can be saved if you move with a certain urgency. Jmo. cn


Ursus marijanus
so think if i trans plant and put wit better soil? would miracle grow normal potting soil do just fine?
I would specifically recommend Fox Farm. Others here like Roots Organic. All the Miracle Gro soils I've seen have those awful timed-release nutes that turn out to not work well for Cannabis health. There are some lousy bagged soils out there. cn
ok well i wasnt able to get new soil yet due to funds but i did come up wit miracle grow tomato feed.... lets see if this helps at all
ok i used some ph tester strips and tested my tap water n my bottled water.. both was very high in alkaline. havent checked the run off water yet. but how do you lower ph in ur water?


Ursus marijanus
If your bottled water (what brand/kind?) tested strongly alkaline, I'd question the goodness of that test kit. Also, test strips are not designed for pure water or other solutions with low ionic strength. You really need a pH tester if you want accurate pH readings. More important are TDS, total dissolved (ionic) solids. You need a TDS/EC tester for that measurement. cn
it was deer park bottled water.... and i used freshwater fish tank strips. i used more than one to make sure had the same readings... it didnt go to low for ph scale.. think it was 6.2-8.9 and i was about max on high side of ph...