Overwatered... now what


Active Member

So I have a PH meter, but it's less than trust worthy. I ordered another one, it will be in on Wednesday. The meter was reading 7.0-7.3 on most plants I checked, but nothing in the 6's.
I'm not sure they starved, but.. maybe? I used peet pellets to start them. They grew 1 week in them, and then I transferred them to these cups with the fox farm mix. I actually popped a couple out of the cup to look at the root and they have started to bunch at the bottom, so I'm thinking of transplanting them in the next couple days, its just I got a little side tracked with the current situation.


Active Member
one of the worst problems is giving your plants TOO much attention... just water when the soil feels dry! make those roots work to spread!.. just let those sluts do their thing and they'll be huge in no time


Active Member
also the new growth, even though the leaves are tiny, are coming out looking good, so that's what made me think it was the over watering. I just would like the existing leaves to look nicer.....


Well-Known Member
FFOF can burn your plants so it could be that as well.. Just ordered three different pH meters off amazon and they were all garbage so I returned them. Can anyone recommend a good meter?


Active Member
FFOF can burn your plants so it could be that as well.. Just ordered three different pH meters off amazon and they were all garbage so I returned them. Can anyone recommend a good meter?

uh oh.... I hope its not the one I just ordered off there. It had decent reviews so i thought I would be safe. It's this one.



Active Member
The more I'm reading... the more I think I shouldn't have used FFOF. At least not in the solo cups. When I transfer them to their next sized pot should I mix in some regular potting soil? Or do you think if they make it to that point than the FFOF won't be too hot for them?


Well-Known Member
You're gonna have people on both sides of the FFOF debate. Ive used it once but it was about ten years ago, I don't remember having any problems with it. I asked if they're from clone or seed because of the yellowing of the leaves. Its not uncommon for the leaves of clones to yellow while they grow roots. It shouldn't happen to seedlings. I think by overwatering the soil the ph is off. I would repot them at least a couple of them, moisten the soil and leave them alone for a few days and I think they will improve. Overwatering causes more problems than heat, bugs, nutrients combined. It can fuck up ph locking out nutrients, take 02 outta the root zone, and keeps the roots system smaller because they don't need to search for moisture. The best way to tell when they need water is to fill a pot with dry soil pick it up feel the weight of it, water just before your plants feel that light by weight. Its the easiest thing to do, but everybody on this forum has dealt with over/under watering at some point and ones who haven't are lying.


Well-Known Member
Happy frog is much better for the new grower! Less hot. More room for error, spacious and airy. Pick that up if your like me and love to show too much attention to your babies


Active Member
I actually had a cup of dirt that I was doing this with. That's why I was surprised when I saw these symptoms. I was watering about every 36 hours. My humidity isn't very high. Only around 30% so I figured they were just drying out fast. Maybe it is related to the soil being hot more than over watering....

Ugh.... you know I did order some sledgehammer. What if I flush the soil out? I don't know.
I feel like this is when you have a small drop of spaghetti sauce on your nice shirt and you go to clean it off and just smear it all around making it worse.


Active Member
To anyone who sees this. I'm an idiot. Yes the soil may have been hot. But I realized today I wasn't using my lux meter right. Once I realized my error I measured and the little babies were getting 90,000 lux. So ya, needless to say I think this also contributed to my issues. I moved the lights. So now I'm around 35-45k. Yeesh...