overwatering or too much lights?


Active Member
Yesterday i add 3 more 23w equivalent too 100w lights so i have 6 in total. They put off some heat but i have a fan for that
i have some 2 1/2 and some 3 inches away. I also watered this morning. it is about 2 momths old and a foot tall i also topped yesterday too and suppose to veg for two more weeks then flower. Heres some pics. Does it look like a light issue or i overwatered



Active Member
Def over watering, possible heat stress. Hard to tell with pics, raise the lights some, point a fan on her and let her be.


Active Member
Ok thanks it was starting to scare me i raised the lights some this morning before going to work. I cant wait to get home to see if it picked upup


Well-Known Member
You can never have "too many lights" bro... :mrgreen: However it can be "too hot" for them! What's your temps running? Do you check your ph? Also, how offten do you water/feed, do you feed?

Yesterday i add 3 more 23w equivalent too 100w lights so i have 6 in total. They put off some heat but i have a fan for that
i have some 2 1/2 and some 3 inches away. I also watered this morning. it is about 2 momths old and a foot tall i also topped yesterday too and suppose to veg for two more weeks then flower. Heres some pics. Does it look like a light issue or i overwatered


Active Member
Ya i never checked the ph levels. I just used tap water sit for 24 hrs but i just switched to bottled natural spring water. I also use soul synthetic nutes.
Get something to measure your pH and give em time. How often were you watering??


Well-Known Member
Ya i never checked the ph levels. I just used tap water sit for 24 hrs but i just switched to bottled natural spring water. I also use soul synthetic nutes.

I hear ya bro.... I use to do the same thing when I 1st started growing 11+ yrs ago. Yeah, your going want to get a ph meter bro.. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias=industrial&field-keywords=ph+meters

I purchased the e3rd one down on that list for 15$. They have some even cheaper then that.. I also would get a ppm meter aswell. With those two meters, you cant/won't go wrong! Just make sure to keep that ph within 6.0-6.3, and everything should be gravey!! :mrgreen: the ppm meter is to measure the parts per million in your nutrients, just an added measure so the grower won't "burn" there plants, or even be feeding your girls "under" what they would need/get.. ;)
Hope that helps ya bro.
Also when your "watering", general rule of thumb is to let your plant/containers "dry" out a bit. If there "light weight" wheb you pick up there containers, then they should need water. If there heavey, then they don't need water.



Well-Known Member
if you look at my grow, i over watered and like to have lost them. my grow was a 12/12 from seed and my tallest is about 12" to 14" tall. we learn from mistakes, in my case i was giving them to much love. good luck.


ph problems are easily resolved with dolomite lime. mix it into your soil and let your plants tell you when they want to be watered. nothing hurts a 5 gal flush and a 3-5 day draught. ;-)