ow, careful with crap, lol.

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
On "house" tonight, a rerun, the guy, a cop, growing marijuna in a nice setup too (trees) was using pigeon poop as a fertilizer. He go this huge brain diseas and that was what was eating him for the whole show. lol.

Uh, i am just getting into organics, has anybody got any advice for me not dying. I have no common sense. lol.:eyesmoke:

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
few, *wipes* forehead, lol, it was something else. Man, I am bored tonight, but still a good thught.

I am composting and awaotong bat poops and bio bizz. If you got any advice on staying alive with organic wastes, let her rip!

get it?


Well-Known Member
Yes - avoid the P's of manure - People, Pigeon, Pigs (carry parasites that also affect humans - unless very well aged / composted), Pets (dog or cats) and Pests (Pigeons, Black Birds, Armadillos, Skunks.....etc).
Stick with fish emulsions, or bat, cow, horse, rabbit, worm, and chicken manure as your main sources of fertilizer. Avoid the stuff, that is not commonly discussed / used by people for vegetable gardening. If it's safe enough for your tomatoes - it's safe enough for Mary.....
Hope this helps.....


Well-Known Member
Don't touch organics with your bare hands ever... Wear rubber gloves. Why??? You can get ringworm and other fungal infections and shit from shit.

Don't touch shit, or shit with shit in it... Then you're fine

dirt clean

Well-Known Member
I found one more thing. It concerns poop as a fertilizer and the organic standards. I found this on an organic web site

production. However, it must be applied as if it were raw manure. According to the NOP's rules, raw manure:

• can be applied at will to crops not intended for human consumption
• cannot be applied to a crop within 120 days of harvest if the edible portion has direct soil contact
• cannot be applied to a crop within 90 days of harvest when the edible portion does not have soil contact


Well-Known Member
I like House too....... But thats what he gets for storing inside a hot humid environment with SFA ventalation...... it was just made up champ..... and who would keep it inside anyway its shit...........


Well-Known Member
OM,I've never heard of ringworm from poo in this country.I come from farming stock,been picking up cow pats for 40 yrs,helping and crutching sheep for 35,never has this condition arisen.I guess we are the lucky country.

Stoney Jake

Well-Known Member
That was so stupid to even go there in house. He had a decent size crop, why not spend $10-$20 on some proper nutes. The cop growing pot that seems to be a fecal feliac.
Made no sense but I do like the show lol

NYC Diesel

New Member
haha i almost considering using my dogs crap for fertilizer, but then i remembered that it eats plastic, metal, rubber, rocks, and other scary stuff. You definitely want to avoid using dog crap.


stays relevant.
haha i almost considering using my dogs crap for fertilizer, but then i remembered that it eats plastic, metal, rubber, rocks, and other scary stuff. You definitely want to avoid using dog crap.
Don't forget about crayons... who hasn't seen some rainbow poo in their life :lol: