Oxycodone addiction, help please?


Well-Known Member
i find this kinda funny, "oxykotton for abdominal pain" but those things rip the shit outa my stomach not sayin they dont work for u. as for quitting just cut back and try to quit. addiction is all mental beat it mentaly and ur good.


Oracle of Hallucinogens
I got perscribed oxycodone for my abdonminal pain caused by my Crohn's, and at first i didnt take them at all i just smoked the reeferbongsmilie. But im having to stop for a while to get a job. And ive been taking 2 a day every day for a while now even when im not in pain. I need to keep myself from taking them unless i have pain, but my will power isnt strong enough. can someone please give me some advice
Haha.. Opiates make Chron's flare. Why would your doctor give you that?


Well-Known Member
its oxycontin, as in oxycodone continuous release. it was supposed to be a pill that lasted hours. but not if you chew em , thats what the company didnt know

fat sam

Well-Known Member
i went through this also, i was doing 20 norco a day and couldent kick so i got on suboxone, that was the only way for me to get off those, even though your taking a fairly small amount if you go cold turkey you will fell like you have the flu or something, mad shitting bone aches all that shit, if you can taper down to like half a pill a day then you should be able to kick without much problem, check out opiophile.org its sort of like this site for junkies but there is a lot of good advice from people about tapering and suboxone and shit like that


Well-Known Member
you shouldnt have to hard of a time with the amount you taking! but suboxone works well, and weening urself off will work good! the thing is you said you dont have the will power???????????? dont think like that man!!! nothing will help you kick them if you dont trully want to, there is no magic pill or way to kick opiate addiction!!!! the things mentions here will just help! you have to man up and be motivated to quite!!! it will suck at first but you can do it bud!!! i have found myself getting close to addiction before and its not good!!!!! i used the reefer to help me!!!!