oxycodone first time


Active Member
Hey so I was prescribed a big ass bottle of 60 5/325mg of Oxycodones. The imprint is Watson 749.. I know they've got 325 mg of APAP so I'd rather not snort them. How many should I take to get a nice high for my first time? And I'm thinking I should parachute them. Any opinions are appreciated. Thanks. and just tell me what i should do in order to get the best possible high for my first time without getting sick. :)


Active Member
I'm not going to be doing them a lot or even more than 3 times.. I just want to try it out and see what it's like. Just answer my questions? :)


Well-Known Member
Go to the bathroom, flush all but two down the toilet. Take those two and be done with it.


Well-Known Member
Well you have 5mg of oxy and 325mg of tylenol. You probably need to take 3 or 4 of them but the 325mg of tylenol x 3or4 at one time is not good for your liver. I'd be more worried about the tylenol than the oxy.


Well-Known Member
i agree with flushing them depending on what type of person you are.you say your only going to do it three times but just wait till that feeling hits you and then see how many times you will do opiates


Active Member
Yea, I think I'm going to parachute 3 and see what that does. I'm not too worried about the apap because its not too dangerous at that amount. It gets dangerous once you start taking around 3000-4000 (at most) Anyone elses input?


Well-Known Member
yea, i dont even see why people worry about the tylenol, its not like your going to eat that many.if your an experienced opiate user where you would be eating like 20 or more you obviously know how to do a cold water extraction of the opiate.


Well-Known Member
well if you barely ever do opiates i would say between 1-3 would get you fucked up. even if you ate like 10 its not like you would O.D., percocet 5mg's are not that strong of a painkiller. as for ingestion, just eating the pills takes longer to kick in (45 minutes) because they must be dissolved by your stomach-the plus side to this method is the pills last longer because they are compressed. parachuting pills kicks in faster because they are already dissolved but they wear off quicker because the pills go through your system faster because of their powdered state


Well-Known Member
then i would say eat 2 at first and see if you even like the feeling. personally i love the feeling of being doped out but some people are the opposite and hate it and like doing uppers like cane. so eat 2 and first and if you like the feeling then rage on


Active Member
My own opinion would be to go back to the doc a week later and tell him that you have to take 4 in order to reduce pain. for whatever reason you were prescribed oxy, It would be better to get a bunch now, that way if you find out you don't like them... you can still do some trading for some grass.
In my foresight I would have never abused this drug. The cravings are undesirable and so are the people associated with them opiates.
SWIM tried some of these fentanyl patches. started going like thre to four days on that shit. I saw first hand withdrawl that I would never want to go through.
your best bet kid is to try them. dont take a lot just try like three or four and give up. Just take it easy. besafe and take risks!


Well-Known Member
yea, thats what I'm thinking also. So just tell me what I should take. How many and pop them or parachute them?
dude holy shit lol take 1 pill and see how you feel. oxy will make you itch your flesh off if you take to many. if you wana puke and itch, take 4 or 5. and dont crush them up and put them in a napkin of that stupid shit. nuff said

T@ll T33

Well-Known Member
yeah i tried 8 for a whole weekend was fine and on the way home felt so sick it was the worst feeling comin off them i threw up twice on the highway couldn't hold them down and didnt pull over in time it was a fuckin mess dont mess with them

i used to love pill but its all about mother nature for me weed and shrooms