

Well-Known Member
Seems like your tolerance should be through the roof, if you've been doing the opiates for the past
Several years like you mentioned in your past posts egon... I know that just for the five I used, mine was through the roof! I couldn't even go to the dentist, & come outta there office without having to be overly medicated, because the dentist would have to keep giving me more & more, to the ponit to where I ended up getting too much! But he told me that even though I was highly medicated, that my body would still jerk & jump, while I was under... high tolerance! That's what
It does for ya! Well, if I don't happen to talk 2 anyone soon, y'all have a wonderful christmas! Happy 420.
I don't take them daily, for about two years I was bad on them, after using all kinds of drugs including meth for years.. I eventually settled on oxys.. 6-10 of the 80mgs a day, an actual habit.. about five years ago I was arrested for pot and while on probation I detoxed and have been in control ever since. Though I never considered myself an addict because I never had money problems kr craving or any problems because they were free from my friends and women I dated... I had a 60 hour a week job, the biggest problem I ever had from.drugs was being arrested for.pot... Now I won't touch any opiate for very long just to be safe.. normally once every few months I might take something.. which is why my tolerance is so low now..

I do the same thing for all drugs I might drink a few times a year, I might take an opiate a few times a year, I take acid a few times a year, or mdma or shrooms or any drug... it keeps tolerance low.. the only time I might abuse something longer is if I come across rare like opium then i just smoke it every day till its gone... but once its gone its gone and that's it.. its just a treat.. not and everyday thing.. which I've said multiple times already...

Anyways update is I still haven't taken it, don't wanna waste it so I was thinking I might try to separate the goodness.from the time.release shit...
again thanks to all for the non judgmental help from those that offered it...


New Member
If you're gonna do pills there's no need for smoking or snorting them, a few of these pills a week and you'll start your new addiction...


Well-Known Member
all you can with an op is eat is or let it gel ur nose up...anyone that has taken 6-10 pills a day would know this! your starting to sound like ur full of shit... if you dont have a habit eating a quarter or half would get you nice n cozy...even make u throw up if your tolerance is low enough. eat a quarter ....wait an hour and smoke some piff....


Well-Known Member
Op have only been around for a few years, five years ago (when i took them regularly) you could get the OCs easy.. And there is a way around the gelling. I couldn't eat a whole one if I wanted to.. low tolerance comes in handy.


Well-Known Member
u will ruin it tryin to make it smokeable...like u said u already ruin a piece doing some bullshit... someone listed how to do it a few pages back so i hope u have a lab