Ozone generators??


Well-Known Member
"The FDA has a regulation for medical devices that they should not produce more than 50 parts per billion (ppb) of ozone." Note that the source states this is a 35 year old regulation based on outdated science.

A true clinical trial came up with these figures:
"the 'best case' scenario allowed for an ozone emitting air cleaner to produce 17.5 mg/hr of ozone in a home (whole house), 1.3 mg/hr in an office and 9.9 mg/hr in a school. In the "worst case" scenario where the air cleaners would be used around people in the respiratorially sensitive population the ozone producing air cleaner was allowed to emit 0.45 mg/hr of ozone in a home, 0.041 mg/hr in an office and 0.13 mg/hr in a school."

Many health issues related to ozone are accumulative, and take time to show up, so just because you are running at x.x mg/hr for the last year or three and feel fine, doesn't mean it's safe.

Typically your out vent is where you send your ozone down, and usually you'll vent it to the outside, and in that case you can pretty much turn it as high as needed. With proper ventilation all air escaping is through a vent with ozone, so no need to ozonize the whole room (it can also harm your plants, another good reason to use it on vents).

And damn, you guys like to get in fights... If I thought someone was hiding their grow from family I might say something too. If I was mistaken or misunderstood the situation, then a simple 'sorry, misunderstanding' should be all you need. C'mon, we're supposed to be stoners here, not meth heads, mellow out :)


Active Member
Do you mean square feet or cubic feet? not sure if you meant floor spce or total volume because the instuctions are expressed in cubic feet and puts out between 2 and 40mg per hour. According to the instructions, I can keep it on the low setting however,while I can program it to come on and off up to 8 times per day, there is no inication as to how long it ought to be left on for at any given time. It makes reference to 'air changes' but does not define these. In short it's *really* confusing :? !
before i had my carbon filters i used to use the O3 machines i had inline ones in my ducting and kept them running 24/7 during flower.
love the carbon filters!! wont go back to O3