Ozone in DWC


Well-Known Member
Edit:not finding the grow journals/demonstrations I’d like to see, plenty of info can obviously be found.

Anyone with real life experience? I’m only finding limited info and am looking to find some peeps that have demonstrated continued success implementing this in real life.

I would be using and ORP controller and simple generator with dryer and pump. Very interested in SOP and longer term effects on PVC, ABS, rubber seals etc. Some root porn would be sweet too.

If you have the experience and time to share, it’ll be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
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no first hand experience, but it should oxydize your iron out of the water, maybe look that up.
dutch tomato grower use UVC to sterilize the nutrient solution, same effect, oxydizer.
they tend to measure the iron constantly and ad by demnad as the oxydizer strip the iron out of the water.
there had been a device i dont remeber the name of, basically also a ozone generator promissing aditional o2 in your DWC water, but same problem there.
Money Talks…Bullshit runs the marathon

Any go-getters?
This is nothing new, I know hobbyist have been experimenting with this for over a decade.
if my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bicycle

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I tried using ozone in my rdwc system a year ago and it didn't go well. I had plant defencies within a few days along with stunted growth. Like somenone else noted, ozone causes iron ( and manganese? can't remember atm ).

I was injecting ozone via a venturi valve and was controlling it w/ a orp meter ( ~400mv ). Later I switched to a dosing pump using diluted bleach water. Basically it added this water to the res whenever the orp dropped to a certain level. 350-450mv worked best for me.

I've been using ozone in my top-off + holding tanks for over a year with good success. It keeps the water very clean and fresh. Before that it would smell pretty swampy and u could almost watch bacteria form in them.