P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
Hey Nat the last pics of the airbasket plant look great! I was just wondering Is it growing better than the rest of your plants? Are you planing on using these on all your plants next time, and doyou think it was wourth the extra work?
Also do you plan on using it thru seedling stage through to flower? Or just after last transplant?


Well-Known Member
Hey Nat the last pics of the airbasket plant look great! I was just wondering Is it growing better than the rest of your plants? Are you planing on using these on all your plants next time, and doyou think it was wourth the extra work?
Also do you plan on using it thru seedling stage through to flower? Or just after last transplant?
What extra work?
I will continue to use them for the foreseeable future yes but only from the time they show sex not during seedling stage.
As for the fact of is it growing better if you go back through the thread you can see that these were all about the same size on the 28th of January.

The plant in the airbasket is 3 times the size of my other plants.
Dont forget i have nothing to sell and that you can buy the materials to make your own airbaskets for 1.79 without a pump or about 8.00 with a pump.
The airbasket plant still has about 42 days to grow yet and if all goes well it will be massive.

I will post a side by side,size comparison pic in a minute of a plant in a normal pot the same age,same feed,same everything so you can see the difference better.
The plants in the small pots have been elevated to be almost as near to the light as the airbasketed plant.

Pumping air to the roots is a good idea,the holes in the basket itself allow maximum drainage and aeration all the way through your grow.
Air is the key to bigger fatter buds:blsmoke:

Rope Smoker

Well-Known Member
I guess I just start drulling when I look at your pics and forget to look at the size comparing the difference. Just looking great Nat I'm getting ready to transplant. My 1 plant and start some more seeds now that Ive got my temp better under control. Just thinking should I wait and get the stuff to go air basket or wait. Now I know to wait till they show there sex! Thanks Nat!


Well-Known Member
cool natmoon i want to give the airbasket a try.
It wont let you down bwinn.

I used the specialist compost from b&q which was 2.79 a bag and i mixed in one small sachet of water absorbing crystals and used 7 scoops of soil to 3 scoops of perlite and mixed it all up really well in a separate container before putting the mix into the basket.

The plant is huge and nobody can deny that there is a very obvious difference and i don't think it is to do with me being skilled at all,just that the soil can never become water logged and is constantly aerated from the holes,excellent drainage,and a constant supply of air just underneath the main rootball.
My soil is still spongy feeling and has not compressed at all really.

I totally recommend this basket and if people follow the instructions and the kit i used exactly i see no reason why it wouldn't work for anyone.

Here are some pics i just took to try to show the size difference properly and don't forget that this was only planted into the airbasket on the 29th of January 28 days ago and it had only 2 pistils on the whole plant.:blsmoke:

28 days ago.




Active Member
That air basket seems to be really making a difference, and that thing is really filling out nicely, very nice job :mrgreen:. I bet you cant wait to chop that baby down, I think when I finally decided to grow indoors here in the next couple of months im going to try and invest and make one of those. Also just wanted to say I love your journal very helpful full of pics well done my man you deserve a big fatty :joint::joint::joint::joint: for it.


Well-Known Member
That air basket seems to be really making a difference, and that thing is really filling out nicely, very nice job :mrgreen:. I bet you cant wait to chop that baby down, I think when I finally decided to grow indoors here in the next couple of months im going to try and invest and make one of those. Also just wanted to say I love your journal very helpful full of pics well done my man you deserve a big fatty :joint::joint::joint::joint: for it.
Thanks for taking a look through i appreciate it.
Waiting for harvest never seems to lose its magic just like a kid waiting for xmas but the novelty never seems to wear off with harvest time:mrgreen:

I believe that the baskets have definitely made a lot of difference,im sure you wont regret your investment.
For people that want to grow several big plants at a time they could just buy a powerful pump and rig up a splitter that pumps air to several baskets at once.
Ive only used a cheap 6.00 mini fish tank air pump for this one basket.

Hope you enjoy the journal and get some good info from it:peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
thanks for the info natmoon and the pics. plants look like there thicking up. good job.
No worries bwinn.
Let me know if or when you give the airbasket a go and i will look in on what your doing.
I am already subscribed to your current journal but just in case you make a different one or do it on another grow.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Damn, i bet you get every bit of 12 ounces dry.
I am hoping that each one of those stems will weigh by harvest dry about an ounce each if i am lucky.
They are already getting pretty fat so as long as i can keep them fattening and no slow growth periods occur then i think it will happen.
I am convinced that a lot of the slow growth that can occur later on into flowering is from a lack of air and soil compression,so hopefully that wont happen to this plant:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
great job natmoon ive been reading this whole post over the past day or two while ive been smoking and the pictures / advice is excellent, keep up the good work and beautiful photography man.


Active Member
Awsome grow Nat, just read through the whole thing. My Blueberry seedlings just sprouted. Ill be looking through here for sure for advice through my grow. Take a look if you got a chance.

Your girls blow my mind...


Well-Known Member
I second that ian...I'll be around for that.

Those colas are georgous...I realize you have
been growin for some time, and was curious about
your objective opinion on the difference betweeen
Soil and Hydro...

I haven't done soil, but have an open-mind and very
capable of it...Just wondering...


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate, only read first 10 pages, then couldnt stand it anymore and fast fowarded. Very glad to see they are doing wonderful.

Hope everything stays good <3

Also I am still confused about Fimming, I thought you just made a 180 degree cut, leaving 20% intact. Does the 45 degree cut give better results? I myself have not yet used the fim technique but plan on doing so in my next grow.

Growers <3