P.P.P. x Blueberry x Sativa.(Full gro with pics)


Well-Known Member
no owrries....you you didn't imply that it was an errant thought that flew through my brain.....the picture is pretty plain though, ain't it! it would just be a matter of taking the opportunity if one so chose to begin to tabulate a baseline....that from which can be compared in the future....but..anyhow...no you did not infer that in my view....no worries...walk on!


Well-Known Member
no owrries....you you didn't imply that it was an errant thought that flew through my brain.....the picture is pretty plain though, ain't it! it would just be a matter of taking the opportunity if one so chose to begin to tabulate a baseline....that from which can be compared in the future....but..anyhow...no you did not infer that in my view....no worries...walk on!
We can study the pics in a way that we couldn't really before with these new digital hd cameras.
Maybe this will open up some new doors for us.
I just always feel that its hard to convey things well in text sometimes especially when your chatting to people from all over the world.
So much is lost on text.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
yes.....I totally agree....I have found in my work there are those that you communicate well with on email etc. and others you just leave it alone...here it the only option.....and as with other aspect of the world....adapt or perish.....hahahahaha not really....but I totally understand how you feel!


Well-Known Member
Plants are growing hard and well.
One is definitely ready to be fimmed.
I will add some new pics later.
I can tell already that this stuff is gonna be some real good shit:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
hi nat, cannot wait to see the latest pics, my new seeds came today.
pakistan valley.world of seeds thc 21.2
and a freeby
10.indigo . the stavia seed bank.
im germing, 4 of the paki.valley first just put 4 on ptm.to germ.


Well-Known Member
nat what do you think, are they ready for topping yet.lol
there 15 days from seed, but only half the size of yours, and look at all the thc on your babys, they look like you have sprinkled suger on them. they look great.
are you using a hps, on the babys. cannoty wait for the new pics.

new pics 004.jpg

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new pics 021.jpg


Well-Known Member
OK heres the first fimm pics.
The others aren't quite ready still to be fimmed yet.
I could fimm them now and in theory you could fimm them a lot earlier than i do but i think they recover more quickly and respond better to waiting until the 4th branch(lol)is protruding properly.
This is just my way though and there may be better ways than this for all i know.
These plants are 19 days old from seed,i did not soak the seeds prior to planting into the heated propagator,they went straight from the matchbox into the mud.

nat what do you think, are they ready for topping yet.lol
there 15 days from seed, but only half the size of yours, and look at all the thc on your babys, they look like you have sprinkled suger on them. they look great.
are you using a hps, on the babys. cannoty wait for the new pics.
I think that you can get away with it if you want to but i always wait for the 4th set.
Your seedlings are looking fine so far for 15 days they are fairly big.
Heres some other random shots.
Other plants are gonna get it tomorrow(lol).



Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
hey Nat looks awesome.....love your photos!

BTW - them earbuds.....the thing that amazes me the most in the "feel" the music has.....the real low Hz is amzing....you can actually feel it....and the clarity and tone spearation.....simply amazing!


Well-Known Member
hey Nat looks awesome.....love your photos!

BTW - them earbuds.....the thing that amazes me the most in the "feel" the music has.....the real low Hz is amzing....you can actually feel it....and the clarity and tone spearation.....simply amazing!
Yeah man they look great on paper and now from your praise onto them and the fact that i am truly sick of headaches from my headwart headphones i am definitely saving up for them.
Cheers for checking out the pics i know its slightly boring for others till they start to turn into BUDPORN(batman music plays lol).:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
hahahaha....yea....i like to see all the stages, and intermediary development....its all telling and provides additional background reference to measure from....


Well-Known Member
hahahaha....yea....i like to see all the stages, and intermediary development....its all telling and provides additional background reference to measure from....
I love it to but the batman music only plays for bud.:mrgreen:
Plants are growing like crazy,cant believe how much hybrid vigour is showing i have to keep moving them around as they grow so fast they keep touching the tube every couple of hours.
I cant wait to see how they respond to real weed nutes after years of me using the cheap and cheerful option of mg and tomato food:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Day 21 from seed.
Everythings going great,plants are growing like crazy.
I am well happy with these new f1s so far.
Chucked 18 f1 mostly indica x tripsativamale seeds into a jar of water last night as well.
They are only going to get dotted around the outside of the area receiving minimal light just so i can see what they are like and how they taste etc.
Heres a load of pics,this stuff is going to be some strong shit:blsmoke:

Got 5 tops at least coming on the first fimmed plant,i will also fimm the next 5 tops then that will hopefully be 25 tops and then finally fimm 5 more tops around the centre of the plant to hopefully end up with 50 tops that will hopefully turn into at least 50 eighths as i have to keep it short and fat.



Well-Known Member
so nat ... umm after the 2nd set of fan leaves u FIMM it?!
I do it after the 4th set has set well enough for me to get the scissors onto the 5th node.
I fimm the 5th node whilst it is so small that it causes the plant to split into several heads.
After this fimm i will refimm all of the new tops as soon as they show 1 set of leaves of their own and a new node.
I will remove 90% of the new node of each new top at a 35-45 degree angle as near as you can get anyway.:blsmoke: