Hi kaya,thanks for taking a peek and commenting it is appreciated.
As well as loving my own plants and pics i love looking at other peoples to.
I had hoped to maybe be able to trade my seeds and that is why i got so detailed with it all in the first place really,but its looking like it may never happen to be honest.
Unless i can emigrate to Amsterdam that is as i don't want to break the law anymore than i currently am,but thats all speculation.
First i need to save up some hard cash before i can even apply and then wait for ages to see if i get accepted for immigration your talking years of saving and waiting for red tape really.
Many shops want my seed but it would seem they all want a load of my seeds for free.
This ain't gonna happen.

9 years of cross breeding to give my seeds away to some other company in the hope they will actually pay me.
Sounds like crap to me,so i will wait and share what knowledge i have and all that i know with you all.
If i ever do manage to get to the dam i will make my seeds available at a reasonable price with full info on their age i.e. date stamp the packets,born on etc,parentage,conditions and for say an extra pound or 2 include a full colour mini grow leaflet specific to each strain with pics from seed to weed and does and donts.
I am a pot geek.

Maybe we need a camp like band camp but only pot camp
Anyway heres the latest pics just switched the lights back on and all is fine the slight heat and tiredness stress they incurred yesterday seems to have gone away with letting them sleep for 8 hours.
In these pics i have shown all of the sites that i have fimmed and the results of fimming in high definition.
Also of note is the effect on the stems that fimming has as you can see i now have super fat and stout strong short stems which will form a great base for a strong many stemmed plant with little chance of it ever snapping.
If you wait to long to fimm and you have a long lower stem this can be a huge problem with bending or falling over especially outdoors or in strong fan currents once the plant has set with heavy buds collapse is a real issue.
Hope you all enjoy the pics as i enjoy yours,all comments are welcomed and appreciated including constructive criticism
Plants are 24 days old now from seed.