Pa Growers


Well-Known Member
horrible... put my auto seeds into peat pellets last thursday and all this cool, rainy, cloudy weather isn't helping them grow very fast


Well-Known Member
Ill probably go with the smaller bag. and also should i add 25% perlite to the promix? for a better soil
That sounds like a lot of perlite. But idk. I also add worm castings, dehydrated manure, blood/bone meal and some othersmall shit I always forget. Subcool says all ya gotta do is add water. No nutes.whoa I forgot. That's only for indoor. Outdoor is another ball game.


Well-Known Member
should warm up here soon... i assume pa is mostly outdoor growers, anybody got anything indoors goin on atm?[/QUOTE

I just checked out the 10 forcast and it is all rain & T-storms for the next 10 days. There was one day they weren't calling for rain but it was still supposed to be cloudy that day. Oh well... I have 11 Russian Rocket Fuel regs that I am starting to put out right now. I guess it doesn't really matter if they do REALLY well anyway. I am leaving all the males with the females so I can have a nice harvest of seeds. I will chop down the males about 2 weeks after they all start to flower. I want to let the seeds mature and I don't want a bunch of immature seeds in the mix.

The Pipe

Well-Known Member
Ill probably go with the smaller bag. and also should i add 25% perlite to the promix? for a better soil

it comes with plenty . so much so that I occasionally cut with regular peat moss to make it stretch a little further

EWC are great but for the outdoor the bone/blood meals can attract animals


Well-Known Member
This rain is getting ridiculous! Chance of rain every day for the next week again. I was lucky enough to have my autos out for a week before all this wet weather hit. Glad I held off on the photo plants. Watch, in July when we NEED the rain, it'll be bone dry.

Another shitty side effect will be the mosquitos. I got eaten alive last year until I started practically showering in Deep Woods Off before venturing out.


Well-Known Member
anybody growing inside? seems like all the discussion is about outdoor ops
Not me. I'm strictly outdoor ATM, although I do start seedlings inside for a month or so before moving them out.

I'm sure some of these other guys do though. The reason you haven't heard much is probably because this is the outdoor forum.


Active Member
Hey guys I am new to the PA area but I am prepping my kids to go outside whenever the rain decides to quit. I have a question what have you gentleman found effective on the outdoor wildlife in the area to minimize the loss.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am new to the PA area but I am prepping my kids to go outside whenever the rain decides to quit. I have a question what have you gentleman found effective on the outdoor wildlife in the area to minimize the loss.
I spray for a living and I'm not trying to be a smart ass but the best way is to minimize the wildlife


Well-Known Member
Hey Dannyboy you going to raise the vibrations at independence mall today? free little festival going down. i should be there in a couple hours if the rain holds off.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I am new to the PA area but I am prepping my kids to go outside whenever the rain decides to quit. I have a question what have you gentleman found effective on the outdoor wildlife in the area to minimize the loss.
I use Azamax for insects. It works fucking great and is organic. Just a little expensive. Havent had any problem with deer. Last year though i had a plant in a 5 gal grow bag get dug up by some animal that i assume was trying to burrow. Didnt get far but killed the plant.


Well-Known Member
Checked on my outdoor girls. Planted four so far last sunday and they all survived the storms and rain weve been having. Growth has been slow thus far but itll speed up when the weather improves. I'm gonna throw up some random pics from my 2011 growing season...



Well-Known Member
Thought id throw up some new pictures of my outdoor grow in the mtns. Taking me forever to get all the plants out with me n my partners work schedules. So 4 went out 2 sundays ago and 1 new one went outside yesterday.



Well-Known Member
Well, the rain looks like it will finall end after tomorrow. I guess it's time to mix my soil and prep for the venture into the mountain and get setting these girls into the sun. I'll post some pics if I can get the wifey to help(not to savvy with comp or camera,lol). I've been cursing the rain for two weeks now and trying to keep the girls happy as well without enough light for the number of plants I have. Anyone else here in the northern tier with plants out or going out soon? Curious as to your success or if you are holding out still?


Sup fellas..a little late to this thread, but glad I saw it.. sw pa here. I am sooo glad I held off starting my od grow. I was almost gonna start at my usual time regardless of all the rain, thinking it was gonna stop "any day now".
Got a few autos; Smurfberry, Lowboldt, Double Diesel Ryder, and Afghan Kush Ryder.
And some photoperiod; Super Skunk, Grapefruit, Neville's Haze, and Easy Sativa. Also putting out out some dank unidentified bagseed( they surprise me every time).
Deer are a serious problem here; I was lucky enough to find a spot secure enough to actually build an enclosure. Plus using coyote urine, not taking any chances; these deer are fucking voracious...
All seedlings are 10 days old and looking fantastic, THANK YOU ATTITUDE SEEDS!!! Out of 28 germed, I have 24 healthy seedlings going.
Will post pics when I get these girls in their permanent home..