Pablo's Socal Balcony Grow


Active Member

What do you do with the trimmings/clippings? Do you plan any (or maybe you did allready) bubble hash?


Well-Known Member
Thanks Weedoozie! Definitely not gonna be ready in 69 days, tho.

Automon, I toss my trimmings/clippings. I have no interest in making hash. Not yet, anyways. You chopping today?


Well-Known Member
Hopefully that does the trick and you don't have any more problems with those pests!
I use this as a preventative more than anything else. The problem is once a plant is late into flowering (say 2 - 3 weeks before harvest) I don't like to spray them with anything. Unfortunately, the aphids take advantage of this window and take up residence on the underside of the small leaves at the very bottom of the plant. Now I've been picking up my Top 69 plant and inspecting every single leaf, and as soon as i see an aphid(s), I just crush it. I just didn't catch them in time with that Pakistan Ryder. That's the cool thing about autos - the ability to carefully inspect the entire plant for pests.


Well-Known Member
I just tried the Pakistan Ryder that's been curing. I like it. Similar to Easyryder. Nice and relaxing thru the body while keeping a heady, sociable high. One small bowl and I was good. Not a couch lock effect, which I don't want anyways (unless I can't sleep). I think I'm going to leave the top of the jar open for awhile to let it get just a bit drier. It's almost there but not quite, but I don't want to have it too dry.

Kandy Kush was watered and fed with Big Bloom today.


Active Member
I just tried the Pakistan Ryder that's been curing. I like it. Similar to Easyryder. Nice and relaxing thru the body while keeping a heady, sociable high. One small bowl and I was good. Not a couch lock effect, which I don't want anyways (unless I can't sleep). I think I'm going to leave the top of the jar open for awhile to let it get just a bit drier. It's almost there but not quite, but I don't want to have it too dry.

Kandy Kush was watered and fed with Big Bloom today.
Sounds good pablo!


Active Member
Looking forward to trying some of my own pakistan ryder. Tried it already but that was just a small j just after harvest. Wait till its proper cured and then we'll have a nice smoke! Cheers for the review though. How long did you cure yours for?


Well-Known Member
Hey James, the Pakistan Ryder has only been curing for 1 week. Seems just fine to me, but I'm sure it will benefit from more curing.


Well-Known Member
Sounds delicious Pablo

May I ask how you are drying/curing?
I usually hang my buds in my dark closet until they are dry enough to put into jars. In my area of SoCal, that takes 3 or 4 days depending on the weather. You're a bit cooler, so it may take a day or so longer. I wait until they feel a bit dry on the outside, but still feel slightly spongy on the interior. Some folks say when you can "snap" a stem, or close to it, then it's dry enough. Then I transfer to a glass jar. I let them sit in jars for a couple of weeks. During that time, I open the jar at least once a day and rotate the buds and allow air into the jar. Seal them back up, and repeat the following day.

To be honest, I don't get too crazy with my curing process. Maybe that's because growing is new to me. Here's a good write-up of how to cure your bud, but I don't see this method followed very much (at least on this site) :

As I get more grows under my belt and gain more experience, maybe I will get more into the curing aspect of my bud. My upcoming crop may be a good time to do this. Let me know if you have any tips. Cheers.