Pacquiao vs. Bradley FIXED

So fixed it aint funny.

Pac/Money probably lost 10 million each on their eventual match-up because of that fucked up decision.

All hail the new and undisputed king of combat sports: UFC/MMA
^ lol.
Boxing isnt dead guys. Yea it left a bad taste in our mouth.. Like when may sucker punched ortiz or when marquez got robbed.
Just dont buy into all the hyoe in the mega fightsm stick to friday night fight or showtime.
They always have hungry fighter just looking to prove there worth.
I hate how pac has no motivation. But thwn again what is there left to achieve?
Aha thats an intresting match up of styles i think. Not really a fan of amir. Nevrr have been and only seen garcia once. Hes alright. Just another "champion" i want garcia but im thinkin amir.
When they print the poster for fight 2 before they even step in the ring you know already its fixed as hell!!! I hate politics it ruins everything that is fair!

^ lol.
Boxing isnt dead guys. Yea it left a bad taste in our mouth.. Like when may sucker punched ortiz or when marquez got robbed.
Just dont buy into all the hyoe in the mega fightsm stick to friday night fight or showtime.
They always have hungry fighter just looking to prove there worth.
I hate how pac has no motivation. But thwn again what is there left to achieve?
there is still a big fight out there. mayweather or manny could fight that red headed mexican kid. who ever faces him may loose fore sure,
no fix about it.
Yeah I heard Lederman was blaming it mostly on the female judge that scored the fight, she was the same broad that gave the decision to Mosley over De la Hoya in their fight. Don't you think that they should pick the best judges possible for big name fights like this, not just going at random and give the fight to whatever judges names come up at that time. Like some dumb broad that shouldn't be a pro boxing judge anyways, has she even ever been in a ring or had gloves on?
Some dumb broad? You fucking pig.

There were two dumb judges who voted against the winner, and one of them wasn't a woman. Why are either of you asswipes singling her out? Never mind, I know the answer.
Aha thats an intresting match up of styles i think. Not really a fan of amir. Nevrr have been and only seen garcia once. Hes alright. Just another "champion" i want garcia but im thinkin amir.
def gonna be a good fight either way im bias thou cause i know mr garcia dannys pop he be at the gym i take my nephew to sometimes
Why is this any surprise to anyone?, boxing has been a corrupted sport for damn near a century. It's a hell of a lot easier to fix a fight than it is an NFL match-up.
I once knew a ranked Welterweight from the 1950's. He confirmed to me the crookedness of the sport during his active career. The difference here is that there is no way to suggest the two judges just viewed the fight differently from the rest of the World. I wonder how the sports books took paying out at six to one? (Or were they "In" on it?)
Oh no, books are going to be why this sport is reformed, if it ever is. Arum is freaking out because Vegas books are talking out loud about never taking bets on boxing again. I'll see if I can find the quote...

Here it is with a few other bits thrown in..

Even Roger Mayweather, the uncle and trainer of Floyd Mayweather, questioned the decision, in a tweet: "Can't lie i hate Manny but he did beat the (expletive) out of Bradley. But like i said it's no one to blame but Bob Arum."

Arum knows he's a natural scapegoat but swears he had no ulterior motive or any part in the decision.

"When the guys at the (Las Vegas) sportsbooks are talking about not betting on boxing anymore, I take that very, very seriously," he says.

DiBella said nothing surprises him in the sport anymore.

"This is boxing hurting itself. The way boxing's been self-destructive for a long time. It's very clear it's not going to get fixed from the inside.

"It's a cesspool."
Oh no, books are going to be why this sport is reformed, if it ever is. Arum is freaking out because Vegas books are talking out loud about never taking bets on boxing again. I'll see if I can find the quote...

Here it is with a few other bits thrown in..

Time for another Congressional investigation...kidding of course.
Some dumb broad? You fucking pig.

There were two dumb judges who voted against the winner, and one of them wasn't a woman. Why are either of you asswipes singling her out? Never mind, I know the answer.

Why am I singling her out? Hmmmm maybe because this is the 3rd time she has proved she has no place ringside for big ticket professional fights, she needs to go back to judging golden gloves and stop ruining pro boxing. If it was the 1st time she has robbed someone of victory I wouldn't say shit, but its not so yes I point her out specifically.
def gonna be a good fight either way im bias thou cause i know mr garcia dannys pop he be at the gym i take my nephew to sometimes

Don't watch much boxing anymore, for pretty much the same reasons as other posters. It's no longer the spectacle it once was.

Have seen Khan fighting a few times all be it really poor fighters in the UK. First puncher he faced he got sparked in the first.

What I would say is his conditioning seems to have went up exponentially since he went to the states. Looks like a different fighter nowadays.

What's garcia like then, any tips for the fight. Let us know if you here anything from the camp :) Injuries and the like. RIU members could clean
What idiots the WBO are. They announce a re-scoring of the fight!

...but not to determine if their was a flawed decision.


By Lance
June 13,
2012, 12:52

The World Boxing Organization on Wednesday
announced it has assigned five judges to re-score Manny
's controversial loss by decision to Palm Springs' Timothy Bradley
in an effort to convince state commissions to widen the pool of judges for major

Although many at ringside for Saturday's fight gave Pacquiao between nine and
11 rounds, judges Duane Ford and C.J. Ross scored the bout 115-113 (seven rounds
to five) in Bradley's favor, and a third Nevada judge, Jerry Roth, had it
115-113 for Pacquiao in the WBO welterweight title contest.

WBO President Francisco "Paco" Valcarcel said five judges, from New Jersey,
Connecticut, Florida, Pennsylvania and Puerto Rico, will re-score the bout and
submit their work confidentially to the WBO, with the scores to be gathered by

Valcarcel said that armed with that information, he will submit to the Assn.
of Boxing Commissions by its July meeting a request that state commissions such
as Nevada's work more diligently to bring in judges from outside their states
for fights of the magnitude of a world title contest.

Before the Pacquiao-Bradley judges were assigned by the Nevada State Athletic
Commission, Valcarcel said he submitted a list of 20 judges from elsewhere who
could be assigned to the bout. None were chosen.

"We're asking the ABC to make recommendations how a sanctioning body like
ours can work better with a state commission, to use this experience to have
better scoring in the future," Valcarcel said.

Valcarcel said he is not considering stripping the WBO belt from Bradley, and
will not order a mandatory rematch, because Pacquiao's contract stipulates he
would get a rematch if he lost the bout. In promoting the fight, Bradley had
printed up a poster and ticket hyping Bradley-Pacquiao II on Nov. 10.

"This wasn't Bradley's fault, and we're not saying there was any evidence of
fraud or corruption here," Valcarcel said. "That's outside the scope of what
we're doing."

He said he's also not questioning the integrity of Ford or Ross.

"There are excellent judges available internationally, and they should be
considered," Valcarcel said. "We've done it here in Puerto Rico, bringing in
judges from Nevada."