Pain killer by Dr underground anyone

Labs Dexter

Well-Known Member
I'm on quest topping anyone who has grown it and If there is any goods or bads.. I currently have two in vegg they are 4 weeks nearly 5 from Sprout planing one putting one in with my afghani freebie
week 5.3 days flowering and the structure and smell is like a deep cheese.

If anyone interested in pics let me know.

I find that it loves nutes more you give more it grows.. Temps are 26 and 15... with the temps low temps it's allways praying when waterd do I'm guessing it would love drain to waste and hydro stuff.
I'm in Spain and I like Dr Underground. Had some lovely Melon Gum which were good fielders but it wasn't too stable. One was more lavender and the other more bubblegum. You'll need a lot of seeds to pick a mum.

Expect a bumper harvest.
I hope the second pain killer grows the same this one I have now the vegd together so its allot older.... Waw I am impressed either with my approach or the plant is easy and loves wet feet and dry pot it just prays for more lol
This was my first trial on re used soil then after 1month I added root boost potting mix on top. But I promise there is perlite and vacu stuff goldy looking thing
yeah with defoliating i learned not to as long as it is a healthy ridged leaf i leave it alone until week 5 of flower after the growth is mainly done and the buds have enough sugarleaves to keep the sugar factories going then the sun leaves start coming off strategically done for shaping the plant 20 percent roughly at a tim. but will follow to see if its not negatively affected i might try on one only first
I'm using 600 hps red for flowering room.
The plant has barely any leafs grow like a sativa. All I did is take the fan leafs the cover other heads, if you look at overhead picture you'll see what I mean.... I allways defoiliated like that lol if it like a brolly then it's gone. And as for sugars leafs I feed raw honey and water the crystals go crazy lol it allways works and potent.
I mentioned before but different forum imo that out doors the sun goes around the plant from day to night but indoor it's stationary, and I think it's best to remove obstacles that could cause shade by strapping stems down or/ and removing fan leafs.
I have good air circulation because of what I do and my plants the way I grow they lone it.
This is grow six and allways same. But my first two grows where over stripped lol now I found the sweet spot and know how much to do for effectiveness. That's just imo. What tactics do you guys use for air circulation and to avoid popcorn buds?

Don't say lolly poping because that hurts the lady's more than the fan leafs removing. And sure I will post in few weeks when things start getting tasty
Has anyone grown white Russian before. It looks exactly like it same shape buds and structures from pic I see of the Russian, but the smell is podgy like a cheesy smell