Pain when dropping acid


Well-Known Member
I only slept for 4 hours in the last 2 days and can see visuals when I close my eyes :D Also quit smoking a lot of indica which has a role to play too, I feel like your brain gets a little overdrive :D It wasn`t this prevalent before even after taking LSD and not sleeping for 48 hours after.

But HPPD wise I`m safe. I get looking at trees and plants a lot more often thats the biggest effect :D


Well-Known Member
i said what appears to be. i see this going on when im not in the shower
I`m not sure how much you know about HPPD but this sounds like a mild version. Erowid has some great info on it if you want to have a read :)

I advise you to anyway, HPPD is nearly always temporary I think I read fading away in 5 years or so in most users. Some longer and it gets very pronounced when you start worrying or thinking about it. Take necessary precautions!


Yes i have seen that Erowid has a lot of good information. I have noticed that thinking about it seems to make it worse. It doesnt really bother me and i notice its usually more frequent within say two weeks after dosing, and begins to fade away.


Well-Known Member
Yes i have seen that Erowid has a lot of good information. I have noticed that thinking about it seems to make it worse. It doesnt really bother me and i notice its usually more frequent within say two weeks after dosing, and begins to fade away.
Yeah, well don`t permfry yourself or anything. As long as your aware of the facts and don`t actively worry about them you should be fine.

I don`t know how often or how hard you like to trip but keep an eye on things for yourself.

Best wishes! :)


I would say i trip every 3 or 4 months sometimes acid sometimes shrooms, or 2ce/i, and i usually take meadium to lower range doses and once in a while take a stronger dose. I usually spend a good amount of time looking things up and reading stories and comparing experiences I like to be safe and well aware of the facts.