Pakistan Ryder, and Diesel Ryder under 366w (Bonus PR growing outdoors)


Active Member
Well I don't know the sex yet, but seeing as how I got feminized seeds I would think there is a higher chance of females than with regular seeds.

What you are referring to as looking like seeds, could be male pollen sacks, but without a pic it can't really be determined.


Active Member
Looking Lovely m8, very proportioned and bushy plant, no stretch either +rep to u!!

cant wait to see em budding uP :)


Active Member
Thanks brotha!

It is starting to smell a tiny bit of skunk :)

I thought it was growing fast in its seedling stage.. but holy cow.. the first one exploded with vegetation in only 3 days.. haha


Active Member
My apologies everyone, forgive me, I am stoned all the time and make stupid mistakes haha or maybe not idk

But...we have 7 bud sites, I think at least. The new leaf growth alternating between nodes are budsites right?


Active Member
Temps were up to 83 degrees the last few days due to hot weather, and the two of the leaf tips started to point down, but all is fixed, temps are back to normal and she is back to normal

here are pics this morning, she grew noticeably larger overnight...
same with the seedling.



Active Member
Ahh!! looks like some mite eggs I have found on my plant. This shouldn't be a problem though right? I did spray it with soapy water and then with regular water a few minutes after too rinse it off. They are still on there. I don't really mind smoking little tiny eggs, just I don't want these fuckers hatching. Can someone help?


Active Member
Day 19 update!

More tiny hairs in some places, not too much hair growth really. I have a concern though, I think either I burnt the leaf tips yesterday or my plant is low on magnesium.

Can anyone let me know whats up? There are also 3 light yellow spots on one of the leaves, as if the pigment is changing.

The leaf tips of the newest growth all have these rust brown tips. It seems to me it is a magnesium deficiency, but I don't want to give it something it doesn't really need. I will foliar feed a tiny amount to her when the lights go off to see if that makes any difference. But any other help would be very much appreciated.



Active Member
Well it seems to be getting better. I doubt though it was magnesium. Definitely just burns from the bug cleaning solution i made a little too strong. She seems to be recovering so all is good. Lights off, gave her a good misting and took the other plant completely out, as that had eggs all over and didn't want to risk the other one that has just started flowering to get any more eggs.

I am also thinking of tying down some of the fan leaves to expose the "in betweens" to the light. What do you guys think? If anyone is even wanting to reply.

actually negative on the tying, the less stress, even a tiny amount, is better for this little guy



Well-Known Member
Hey ive been letting the soil get somewhat dry on mine, do you notice that they dont mind being watered every 24 hours or even grow faster when watered more often?


Active Member
Well, I water every 24 hours pretty much and they love it, I don't know how watering more often would affect them. How is your watering schedule?

I do see though how they could benefit from watering more often, but then that could possibly lead to root rot, and that aint no fun. That is if you just dump water on there like its underwater or something haha.

Some people even water every 3 or 4 days depending on medium and how fast it drys.

And I really recommend spraying your leaves with plain water to wash off dirt that accumulates, every day during lights off while they are in veg. And even a little into flowering. It makes a HUGE difference in the leaves health and cleanliness.


Well-Known Member
i just water them when the soil is dry an inch or two deep but i guess it wouldn't kill them to get watered when just the surface is dry. Im just scared to give them root rot because the first time i ever tryed growing i got root rot from over watering and the plants pretty much detached them selves from their roots.