Pale Edges and Tips on Tiny 5 Week Old Plants


Is this mild nute burn or a deficiency?


RDWC, Room 75, Res 71, PH 5.6 to 6.3, PPM 700 (tap water is 200), using Heisenberg's tea. Blueberry, 5 weeks old (yes, don't laugh). Thanks to Heisenberg's tea, I'm finally seeing good root development on 6 of my plants. I have some hardwater floramicro on the way because I'm concerned that my CA is too high. In the last two days, my PH has been going up alot over the course of the day and my PPMs are creeping up even though I'm not adding any nutes.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Look a little stunted maybe some deficiencies along with a little TOO much Nitrogen or also you may have some Nute lock-up with the PH issue -- try a general flush with distilled water and add just micro-nutes (mg,mn, etc..) just to see if the new growth shows frying on the edges -- they are not drooping which is good just have to even out the ride for them -- if your root development is good then thats 1/3 the battle -- the stem also seems pretty strong another 1/3 -- now get some good green chlorophill producing leaves on those babies and you will sail on home -- hope this helps good luck!


Well-Known Member
700 ppms is that total ppms or is it 700 counting the tap water's
200 ppms? Most growers here don't count what the tap is you
subtract it and this is the ppm. I'm thinking 500 is about right
but the 700 would be on the high side. And this can cause the
lock out and permanent damage to the roots. Where as not using
fluorescent light the first week or two and using say MH this will
and can damage'em too! But at 5 weeks I'm two weeks into flowering~


"But at 5 weeks I'm two weeks into flowering~"

Yeah, yeah, you had to rub it in. :)

I used 150W CFL in a seedling dome for the first week with plain water. That was the best week of my grow, lol! Actually, I've seen tremendous root growth in the last 3 days so I'm hoping I've finally turned the corner.

I've had major issues -- this is my first grow. My room and res temps were out of control in week 2 (up to 90+) and it took me about another week to get things fixed temp wise. I then got major brown slime and root rot. I haven't gotten any decent growth since they sprouted until I added Heisenberg's tea. H202 wasn't doing it.

The PPM is 700 total. I had them at 550 total a few days ago and it's climbed up to that in the last two days. I just did a quarter water change (10 gallons with RO at 150 PPM all nutes). I'm going to do a full water change tomorrow night when my hardwater FloraMicro arrives. I think my tap is coming out 150+ calcium and the regular FloraMicro has a big shot of calcium too.


Active Member
hard to say cuz iv never done hydro but it looks like there might be too much nitrogen. id flush it with pure water and try again. happy growing and as always, stay smokey :leaf: