Pale Green Patchy Leaves


Heya fellow growers!

Hoping someone can help me diagnose this issue I've got with one of plants in the current grow.

Strains a destroyer auto from DC seeds and since it was a seedling there's been these lighter green markings on some leaves. Left it for a while as she seemed pretty healthy and I thought it was just due to the genetics or mutation. She still seems to be growing with no issues but curiosity is now getting the better of me. Grows been completely organic in some no till soil and alfalfa meal mulch over the top.

Curious for some thoughts from the experts and whether this is something I need to be worried about/fix!

Looks like what the chem Genetics do...leaf verigation or however the spelling.
10-15 years ago people on here would swear up and down that is was tmv.
But its just genetic, some plants just do it.
Looks like what the chem Genetics do...leaf verigation or however the spelling.
10-15 years ago people on here would swear up and down that is was tmv.
But its just genetic, some plants just do it.

Yep, even Dj's early blueberry crosses like Vanilluna had a lot of variegated phenos, which were mostly Thai strains. I'd guess the OP's variegation comes from all the Thai genes in the Destroyer. Plant looks otherwise good, petioles are green, leaf color looks fine besides the variegation.
New fresh growth is green and vibrant, some of the older leaf stems looks like not genetic purpling/reddening, still looks great but I think it could be happier