Pale seedlings

Hi, first time grower here. I've got some seedlings about 2 weeks old that started out nice and deep green and have turned rather pale. It's a bit yellower towards the tips of some, but the paleness is fairly across the whole leaf. Some plants are a bit worse than others. I'm done lots of reading and know some of the possible causes, but just want to post a pic here and see if anyone has had similar looking plants and/or knows what's going on.
Is this pale enough to worry about?

I hate flourescents with a passion, so am using a wide-spectrum incandescent just til they're a little bigger, for efficiency sake. I keep it a few inches up and keep the plants cool (75ish) with a fan.
They're in a quality organic soil mix and I've added no fertilizer of any sort.
I do have a small heating pad under them and the soil is about 75-80 degrees.
Because of the pad, I've been a bit paranoid about them drying out, so if anything, I've been overwatering them a bit. The soil tends to stay pretty moist, but the bottom of the cells are free to drain.
I kind of doubt it's nitrogen deficiency because it's good soil, and they're so young, and am wondering if being too wet is the cause?
Or could I have had the bulb a bit too close to the plants? Temps have been in lower 80s a few times - I heat with wood so it's a chore keeping it stable. I've been running 24 hours, not sure if that is recommended. I just read a thread saying that's not so great, so I just darkened them for the night.
Thanks for any advice. When I'm wiser, I'm happy to dispense it right back!


Well-Known Member
Stop hating fluorescents and kill the incandescents. Fire the fluorescents up and give them some light they can use.

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
You don't say anything about your Ph's. If you haven't yet, you need to get ahold of both soil and liquid Ph testers to properly grow cannabis. Right where your plants are now is the point when they should start receiving weak nutrients. At exactly that size, we transplant seedlings from inert seed starter soil into rich soil with Worm Castings and a few other light ferts. In place of lightly nutritious soil, you could also give them a dilute organic fertilizer mix somewhere in the vicinity of 1-1-1 (assuming a mixed, full strength fertilizer solution retains its labeled NPK percentages).


Active Member
Yep mothers finest seems to have it right. Flourecents would be better as well in my opinion. Like your avatar schwein, haha.


Like everybody else has said, its the light you are using. There is not enough useable light for them. You can see that your plants are starting to stretch as well. Also another indication that there isn't enough light for them. You don't have to listen, just some friendly advice, but if you want to turn your grow around, get some different lighting on em. Good luck and happy growing, hope you get things figured out.

heres a link to answer any questions you may have, 4th question down, highly suggest reading it:
So I did some reading on neodynium bulbs, what I'm using. Turns out the spectrum is full of holes, despite the higher overall temp.
So I'm retrieving my T8 terrarium light tomorrow and putting it back to use.
The light looked ok, but looks can be deceiving!
Thanks for all the input, hopefully I'll get these babies some of that deep green!
I'll check out the ph angle too, thanks for that.


Well-Known Member
it looks like a nitrogen defeciency from over watering or ph problems to me. Do you intend to grow them all the way out with the "t8 terrarium bulb"?
it looks like a nitrogen defeciency from over watering or ph problems to me. Do you intend to grow them all the way out with the "t8 terrarium bulb"?
No, I have a 400 watt HID light. Going to get a 2nd smaller HID too, for veg growth, as 400 is overkill for a few dinky plants, and the 400 is sodium only. But it'll do in a pinch til I get the other one.

So many choices of screw ups I made. I'll get that light first, check the ph asap, and ease up on the water.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, i wouldnt sweat it. I was afraid you were going to say yes you intended to use them all the way. lol. I'm relieved you didnt. I would put them right under the 400w right away myself. It will make a huge difference. Keep that t8 above them a inch or two in a way that doesnt block the hps, it will keep the plants from stretching badly upwards towards the hps while the plant still gets all the benefits of the hps light hitting it.