Palin 2012

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
You never Know, who would of thought Obama would of been Prez. Not me........He's a smoossser.........Doesn't know what to do unless he has a teleprompter in front of him.
you dont know what your talking about...Im sorry, obviously, A LOT of people thought he would be president, and oobviously, the majority of the country realized he was our best bet...I would call it a landslide victory even...he turned like 11 red states blue!


New Member
You never Know, who would of thought Obama would of been Prez. Not me........He's a smoossser.........Doesn't know what to do unless he has a teleprompter in front of him.
all the previous presidents since the age of television have used a teleprompter sorry. :dunce:



Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Don't have to its a free country right now, though Obama would like for us to be a socialist country
he doesnt want this to be a socialist country, people need to get that ridiculous accusition out of their heads, BUT...even if he did...whats so wrong with socialism, why are ppl so afraid of it?? haha what I just said will have some repubs goin nuts lol
We are a free country, we are not Great Britian. we broke away from them along time ago, so why go back to being controlled by the gov.
Socialism chokes off any kind of free enterprise, they regulate fuel, energy and we would have heavy taxes and no money. Gov. would be telling you how to spend your money. Which I don't like anyone telling me how to spend my money. how about you.

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Socialism chokes off any kind of free enterprise, they regulate fuel, energy and we would have heavy taxes and no money. Gov. would be telling you how to spend your money. Which I don't like anyone telling me how to spend my money. how about you.
no our taxes would be higher because of all the extra shit the gov. would provide for free, universal healthcare is the way to go...our nation just cant figure that out...ppl are just SCARED of socialism, its a bunch of nuts scared someones gonna take their guns away! lmao


New Member
if you don't like it leave...

that's what you told us for 8 years.

it's been less than half a year so get used to it.


sarah palin is a dumb bitch.:hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:
You, my friend are a fucking idiot. Do you honestly believe that anyone who is anti the fascist Obama is pro Bush? As a person in favor of Obama, you are in in actuality, a person in favor of the distruction of the American way. You are in favor of the distruction of individual liberty, free minds and free markets.

Obama hasn't run a god-damned thing before his introduction into his first executive job ... the president of the United States. He was nothing more than a ghetto street organizer ... and this is the guy you would put in charge of our futures and the futures of our grand children? This is the guy you would put in charge of our entire health care? This is the same guy ... and his ilk, who has completly destroyed our housing market. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has destroyed Medicare. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has destroyed Social Security. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has nationalized the auto industry, the banks, the lending industry ... and next, health care. This is a guy ... and his ilk who are now the laughing stock of political leaders around the world. This is the guy ... and his ilk, who have emboldened our enemies and those who would harm us, like N. Korea and the totalitarian leaders in Iran and Palistine.

Again ... you are a fucking idiot ... and even more. You are a dolt and an uneducated moron. In addition, you are an unwitting dupe who is promoting fascism.

Now go pound sand.


Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
indianaman dont worry, viredd is the most extreme and crazy right winger on this whole forum...I dont take anything he says serious at all, I just laugh...its really funny how he thinks hes so right and that he has everything completely figured out....its obvious hes set in his ways, and that he completely thinks obama is just the fuckin antichrist and is absolutely destroying our country as we cant argue with someone like that. I mean look at what he wrote, hes saying obama has single handedly destroyed every aspect of our country within 5-6 months, its completely LUDACROUS.


Well-Known Member
You, my friend are a fucking idiot. Do you honestly believe that anyone who is anti the fascist Obama is pro Bush? As a person in favor of Obama, you are in in actuality, a person in favor of the distruction of the American way. You are in favor of the distruction of individual liberty, free minds and free markets.

Obama hasn't run a god-damned thing before his introduction into his first executive job ... the president of the United States. He was nothing more than a ghetto street organizer ... and this is the guy you would put in charge of our futures and the futures of our grand children? This is the guy you would put in charge of our entire health care? This is the same guy ... and his ilk, who has completly destroyed our housing market. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has destroyed Medicare. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has destroyed Social Security. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has nationalized the auto industry, the banks, the lending industry ... and next, health care. This is a guy ... and his ilk who are now the laughing stock of political leaders around the world. This is the guy ... and his ilk, who have emboldened our enemies and those who would harm us, like N. Korea and the totalitarian leaders in Iran and Palistine.

Again ... you are a fucking idiot ... and even more. You are a dolt and an uneducated moron. In addition, you are an unwitting dupe who is promoting fascism.

Now go pound sand.

agree Vi. anyone who is pro socialism is an idiot. the bigger the government the bigger the problems. taxes will be outrageous. we're at like 39% right now.. the revolutionary war was fought over 1%.

have u seen Obama's Give Act he's proposing.. about mandatory volunteerism. thats right "mandatory volunteerism"
i don't know about you, but when im forced to work with ZERO pay... i call that slavery :wall:


New Member
uh........ the new deal did work.

this is the dumb fuck that ruined america, and the person that started the bailouts... invaded 2 countries. this dumb fuck had his finger on the ''nuclear football'' had innocent people incarcerated for 5-7 years...

YouTube - President Bush -- Fool me Once

if you google ''what has obama done so far'' you get 34,000,000 hits.

your right wing, romper stomper, neo-nazi, fascist, douche-bag rebuttal in fact, makes you look like a complete tool...:peace:


New Member
You, my friend are a fucking idiot. Do you honestly believe that anyone who is anti the fascist Obama is pro Bush? As a person in favor of Obama, you are in in actuality, a person in favor of the distruction of the American way. You are in favor of the distruction of individual liberty, free minds and free markets.

Obama hasn't run a god-damned thing before his introduction into his first executive job ... the president of the United States. He was nothing more than a ghetto street organizer ... and this is the guy you would put in charge of our futures and the futures of our grand children? This is the guy you would put in charge of our entire health care? This is the same guy ... and his ilk, who has completly destroyed our housing market. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has destroyed Medicare. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has destroyed Social Security. This is the guy ... and his ilk who has nationalized the auto industry, the banks, the lending industry ... and next, health care. This is a guy ... and his ilk who are now the laughing stock of political leaders around the world. This is the guy ... and his ilk, who have emboldened our enemies and those who would harm us, like N. Korea and the totalitarian leaders in Iran and Palistine.

Again ... you are a fucking idiot ... and even more. You are a dolt and an uneducated moron. In addition, you are an unwitting dupe who is promoting fascism.

Now go pound sand.

Wait, social security has been fucked up for decades.. Are you seriously going to blame that on Obama? Fuck it, blame Obama because the sky is blue.. Its gotta be his fault. Accourding to you everything else is his fault...

Why do all of your posts sound like you got sand in your vagina?


Well-Known Member
Wait, social security has been fucked up for decades.. Are you seriously going to blame that on Obama? Fuck it, blame Obama because the sky is blue.. Its gotta be his fault. Accourding to you everything else is his fault...

Why do all of your posts sound like you got sand in your vagina?
Does it matter which Party you blame it on?

FDR for starting it?
Johnson for expanding it?
Republicans for not standing more forcefully against its expansion, or an increase in tax rates?
Bush for failing to actually do anything other than talk about fixing it?
Obama for believing it can be saved?

Obama is just the next in line of a long line of people that have raped this nation financially through their imbecility, war-mongering, and avariciousness. People that regardless of their party affiliation believe that they know better how to live your life, or some one else's lives for them.