panama red ace seeds

The thing about the weather is, it's largely unpredictable. To add to that, a plant also doesn't follow a script unless it's a clone, so there really is no way to actually predict with accuracy.

Don't forget that you can induce flowering early by using a tent or the like outdoor. I've seen a few videos on YouTube of guys doing this to ensure thier plants finish before winter.
Yeah i get what are u sayin man!!!U are right Thanks very much!!! Bless!
This is my Panama x Honduras from my last grow. Exclellent south american genetics. the high is energetic and clear. like that really good limey brick weed you could get on occasion back in the day.
This is what I am looking for, I loved the high from the sticky lime green brick weed. I was getting it for 450 pound and getting 200 ounce. Everyone thought it was a steal like it was just good green bud that had been bricked. It was so smelly and sticky and had a nice bright lime color to it and smoked nicely. Where are these seeds from.
The thing about the weather is, it's largely unpredictable. To add to that, a plant also doesn't follow a script unless it's a clone, so there really is no way to actually predict with accuracy.

Don't forget that you can induce flowering early by using a tent or the like outdoor. I've seen a few videos on YouTube of guys doing this to ensure thier plants finish before winter.
one more thing. What about tikal-ace seeds?
Go to aceseeds website and look for every strain listed OK for latitude 45º or 47º, they are your target, anything listed under 45º will be a risky bet.

That being said, I has this year a very cold, humid autumn , one of the worst I remember in 25 years, still I pull some plants at 6 of December and 29 of November, I has 2 or 3 buds rott, but nothing to worry about.

hey guys i was wondering if its possible to grow panama red by ace seeds outdoor with good results in temperate city is located at latitude 44 and it said that it can be grown till latitude 45.what do u guys think?

No conozco tu clima exactamente en cuanto a frío : cuando comienzan las temperaturas máximas diurnas a la sombra a bajar de la franja 15-10 °C? Cuándo las mínimas bajan de 0°C? Cuándo puede nevar?...

Yo vivo en un microclima montañoso, con heladas nocturnas desde el fin de Noviembre, y posible nieve desde principios de Enero.
Este año ACE me concedió el honor de pensar en mí para testar su nueva GREEN HAZE 19 A5 en exterior y sin invernadero y explorar los límites geográficos/climáticos de la variedad en cuanto a frío: ha soportado lluvias, granizadas y mínimas nocturnas de hasta -3°C (pero sensación térmica de hasta -6°C): La recogí a mediados de Diciembre, y en las fotos oficiales de ACE, puedes ver el resultado (pero el frío si que ha producido una mucha peor relación hoja/cáliz respecto a indoor o a exteriores en clima mediterráneo, me dijeron).
Tu hándicap respecto a mí, es que tú tienes una humedad relativa más elevada seguro.

I don't know your climate exactly in terms of cold: when do daytime maximum temperatures in the shade start to drop below the 15-10°C range? When do minimum temperatures drop below 0°C? When can it snow?....

I live in a mountainous microclimate, with night frosts since the end of November, and possible snow since the beginning of January.
This year ACE gave me the honor to think of me to test their new GREEN HAZE 19 A5 outdoors and without greenhouse and to explore the geographical/climatic limits of the variety in terms of cold: it withstood rain, hailstorms and night minimums down to -3°C (but wind chill down to -6°C): I picked it in mid December, and in the official photos of ACE, you can see the result (but the cold did produce a much worse leaf/calyx ratio compared to indoor or outdoor in Mediterranean climate, I was told).
Your handicap compared to me, is that you have a higher relative humidity for sure.
So it might finish here? I don t mind one week earlier harvest

Mi experiencia (en este foro lo demostré con fotos, testando la Psilocybo's Malawi-Bangui, es que si se pueden recuperar de las heladas nocturnas, pero las nevadas marcan el límite.
Es tan importante como cuando empieza a helar por la noche, cómo cuando la temperatura mínima diaria a la sombra baja de 15 y 10 °C, creo.

My experience (in this forum I demonstrated it with photos, testing the Psilocybo's Malawi-Bangui, is that if they can recover from night frosts, but snowfall marks the limit.
It is as important as when it starts to freeze at night, how when the daily minimum temperature in the shade drops below 15 and 10 °C, I think.
No conozco tu clima exactamente en cuanto a frío : cuando comienzan las temperaturas máximas diurnas a la sombra a bajar de la franja 15-10 °C? Cuándo las mínimas bajan de 0°C? Cuándo puede nevar?...

Yo vivo en un microclima montañoso, con heladas nocturnas desde el fin de Noviembre, y posible nieve desde principios de Enero.
Este año ACE me concedió el honor de pensar en mí para testar su nueva GREEN HAZE 19 A5 en exterior y sin invernadero y explorar los límites geográficos/climáticos de la variedad en cuanto a frío: ha soportado lluvias, granizadas y mínimas nocturnas de hasta -3°C (pero sensación térmica de hasta -6°C): La recogí a mediados de Diciembre, y en las fotos oficiales de ACE, puedes ver el resultado (pero el frío si que ha producido una mucha peor relación hoja/cáliz respecto a indoor o a exteriores en clima mediterráneo, me dijeron).
Tu hándicap respecto a mí, es que tú tienes una humedad relativa más elevada seguro.

I don't know your climate exactly in terms of cold: when do daytime maximum temperatures in the shade start to drop below the 15-10°C range? When do minimum temperatures drop below 0°C? When can it snow?....

I live in a mountainous microclimate, with night frosts since the end of November, and possible snow since the beginning of January.
This year ACE gave me the honor to think of me to test their new GREEN HAZE 19 A5 outdoors and without greenhouse and to explore the geographical/climatic limits of the variety in terms of cold: it withstood rain, hailstorms and night minimums down to -3°C (but wind chill down to -6°C): I picked it in mid December, and in the official photos of ACE, you can see the result (but the cold did produce a much worse leaf/calyx ratio compared to indoor or outdoor in Mediterranean climate, I was told).
Your handicap compared to me, is that you have a higher relative humidity for sure.

I just noticed that the photo you posted in the ACE thread is the one on their website. Good job with that.