Panda film or foam board insulation?


Well-Known Member
Was hoping someone could lend me their experience. I built the frame of the tent out of 3/4in pvc. In the pic the ceiling is not on yet, I just posted it for reference. I'm leaning towards foam board bc it insulates and I'm planning on putting the ac unit and the dehumidifier in there. I can't see a ton of difference between them other than one insulates, the other doesn't. But if anyone's got any exp with this and had some tips or pointers throw them my way.
Was hoping someone could lend me their experience. I built the frame of the tent out of 3/4in pvc. In the pic the ceiling is not on yet, I just posted it for reference. I'm leaning towards foam board bc it insulates and I'm planning on putting the ac unit and the dehumidifier in there. I can't see a ton of difference between them other than one insulates, the other doesn't. But if anyone's got any exp with this and had some tips or pointers throw them my way.
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I dont have experience with panda film but i do know its normally used just for reflecting light. If i were you i would use foam sheets and diamond mylar film for reflection. You will have an easier time keeping environment in control with the foam and more sturdy. It would be easiest to cut all your foam sheets to size then put the mylar film to it with wallpaper paste so itll come out smooth no hot spots.
EDIT - Or you could just paint the foam sheets flat white and call it a day. Both have great reflection.
I dont have experience with panda film but i do know its normally used just for reflecting light. If i were you i would use foam sheets and diamond mylar film for reflection. You will have an easier time keeping environment in control with the foam and more sturdy. It would be easiest to cut all your foam sheets to size then put the mylar film to it with wallpaper paste so itll come out smooth no hot spots.
EDIT - Or you could just paint the foam sheets flat white and call it a day. Both have great reflection.
Dude, I found some that already have a reflective side! It's just the ones at my local hardware store, but one side is white and the other is reflective. I thought the same thing about being able to control the environment better. Thanks for the feedback.
Foam board would be a good choice for the rigidity of the walls, but I would wrap it in panda film anyways. I can't quote the exact numbers but panda film will have a higher reflectivity than the shiney foam board. Most people dont realize how good flat white can be for grow rooms/homemade tents or closets. Just my opinion from experience.
Dude, I found some that already have a reflective side! It's just the ones at my local hardware store, but one side is white and the other is reflective. I thought the same thing about being able to control the environment better. Thanks for the feedback.
I dont know if i would use the shiny side on the foam boards could give you hot spots. Not 100% sure on that but i wouldnt try it. Lol honestly man flat white or diamond mylar is the way to go. Im doing my closet 4ft from floor up mylar and the rest keeping white so the lower half had that reflection and im lazy to do the whole thing. Haha
I would finish the room and grow in that, if possible.
I've been thinking about that but I would have to have a window ac unit and light comes through it. I don't know how much light leak is too much so I go for total dark. Also I thought I could control the environment a bit easier inside a tent. I don't know. I've def thought about skipping the tent though. I just don't know how to keep the light from coming in through the ac vent.
Foam board would be a good choice for the rigidity of the walls, but I would wrap it in panda film anyways. I can't quote the exact numbers but panda film will have a higher reflectivity than the shiney foam board. Most people dont realize how good flat white can be for grow rooms/homemade tents or closets. Just my opinion from experience.
I see. I may just do that. I'd only need to put the panda film up in the 5x5 area I'm growing. I could get one of the small packs
Would have been easier getting a tent ….. how are you gonna support the lights and weight ? …. Hopefully not with PVC.
Yeah def with pvc. I'll have no problem supporting a light when the ceiling is put on. The reason I built this tent is bc I have access to a much pvc as I want. For the $100 cost I'll spend on foam board or the $50 for panda film I'm putting together a 5x8 tent. I'll prob do them both and still be hundreds under what a tent that size would cost me. A more expensive tent that I would have no decision in the layout of? No thanks. I have a small tent I've been using. This tent is a project I've been planning and gathering material for over the last 2 grows. Man if I could ever build something even for the same cost as buying it I'll build it every time. This one's a no brainer, I thought. There's nothing better than customization. Don't you ever get a sense of pride out of building something?
Yeah def with pvc. I'll have no problem supporting a light when the ceiling is put on. The reason I built this tent is bc I have access to a much pvc as I want. For the $100 cost I'll spend on foam board or the $50 for panda film I'm putting together a 5x8 tent. I'll prob do them both and still be hundreds under what a tent that size would cost me. A more expensive tent that I would have no decision in the layout of? No thanks. I have a small tent I've been using. This tent is a project I've been planning and gathering material for over the last 2 grows. Man if I could ever build something even for the same cost as buying it I'll build it every time. This one's a no brainer, I thought. There's nothing better than customization. Don't you ever get a sense of pride out of building something?
Gotta love DIY. So much more satisfying. Remember as long as your happy with it thats all that matters! Im following along make sure you keep posting your updates. And tag me if you remember. Lol
I've been thinking about that but I would have to have a window ac unit and light comes through it. I don't know how much light leak is too much so I go for total dark. Also I thought I could control the environment a bit easier inside a tent. I don't know. I've def thought about skipping the tent though. I just don't know how to keep the light from coming in through the ac vent.
Get a stand alone unit.