Pandemic 2020

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The Bible beaters miss the lesson:

God's wrath forces those who would not normally work together, to work together.
Seems like God would have done this during Obama's presidency then.


Just because someone can't afford health insurance doesn't mean they deserve health insurance, Rocky. And just because they don't understand the Bible doesn't mean they deserve to understand the Bible.
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Matter of fact , apparently they are hoarding and inter prescribing chloroquine for themselves thinking its the miracle cure. Fuck them. Savages.
Yeah but the thing is .... we can NEVER believe anything china says.
100% agree but can u believe anything US says either then. If you’re going by numbers you can’t dismiss them because it’s China. Cuomo is using China’s numbers and so are the WHO.
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Matter of fact , apparently they are hoarding and inter prescribing chloroquine for themselves thinking its the miracle cure. Fuck them. Savages.
Who do you think we just struck a deal with to buy supplies? Say what u want China is important to our global economy. Stop and read a label it’s almost all made in China.
I’d say just about as reliable as trump, probably better.
Amen and he’s our leader. Like him or not he’s our leader. This was one hell of a way to get u guys to stop talking about those Russian ties. No one is even interested in that story and there was talk of impeachment.

We picked a guy with failing businesses in his background to run a nation. What could go wrong.
Now we will all pay the price for Republicans not convicting the prick
Look at the past two 2 republican presidents they didn’t win popular vote. Both complete idiots.

That neither side really wanted in.

Missed that
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Just because someone can't afford health insurance doesn't mean they deserve health insurance, Rocky. And just because they don't understand the Bible doesn't mean they deserve to understand to understand the Bible.
damn, looks like i need to come by and pick up my rent check after all. could you put the dog cage away beforehand?

and the context i used was for affording college, not healthcare. but facts don't matter to you NeverDemocrat Regressives, do they?
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