Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
If you have a hydro shop close, they might have the 99.9 ISO. Most people won't think of that.
2 hours to the nearest hydro store for me and at $20/L I'll risk the Covid and smoke bud thank you very much! ;)

$28/4L at the feed store for 99% ISO. Can get 99.9% methyl hydrate at the hardware store for $10 and it works fine too. I've never seen 99.9% ISO.



Well-Known Member
What a narcissist

Christ ... just lick a handrail already ........ that’s the fucking “ miracle “ we want.


Well-Known Member
2 hours to the nearest hydro store for me and at $20/L I'll risk the Covid and smoke bud thank you very much! ;)

$28/4L at the feed store for 99% ISO. Can get 99.9% methyl hydrate at the hardware store for $10 and it works fine too. I've never seen 99.9% ISO.

My hydro store had these last time I went there. $20 a gallon is still high, when I was buying the Safeway 99% for $8 a gallon on sale, but buying individual bottles instead of a 1 gal jug.


Well-Known Member
Christ ... just lick a handrail already ........ that’s the fucking “ miracle “ we want.
I was watching this news thing on PBS and there was this Muslim nutbar licking the gate of a mosque over there where people kiss it and are rubbing their hands all over it in prayer. He's babbling on how Allah has sent him to lick the Covid off the gates so believers would be safe to congegrate and pray safely.

Reminded me of Trump right away tho he was a darker shade of orange. lol


Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
And, I thought you were a gun guy too Napsalot. You were just posting pics of yours a couple days ago, so I really don't get you. Also the AR15 is the most common gun for competition shooting for a reason, it's accurate as fuck. Get your facts straight.
AR15s suck compared to my 1951 SAKO .222

Straight facts


Well-Known Member
It turns out Sen Chris Murphy from my state, CT, had a meeting with the Administration on February 4 asking for emergency funding in order to buy needed supplies to fight the virus, and was turned down.

Someone should be prosecuted for this, not admonished or fired, but sent to fucking jail.
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