Pandemic 2020

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John Oliver On Trump's Handling Of The Pandemic Response

Friend of The Late Show and host of "Last Week Tonight," John Oliver, points out a few of the holes in President Trump's narrative of how well he's handling the government's response to the coronavirus pandemic.
Will the US be releasing prisoners as the covid 19 crisis gets worse?

The US has a whole lot more prisoners per population than anywhere else in the World.
What state are you in?
Word here is that OK will peak April 17th. I am at one if those rural main hub hospitals. Most of our patients come as far out as hour or hour and half away. Which i have been hearing could be a worse case scene then the city hospitals because the hospital is so small. The state is very locked down and business are deserted where I live. Even the Starbucks closed over 2 weeks ago and removed all their furniture. Not even a drive through. We had stopped all elective surgeries and no outpatient imaging exams. But the CT scans are keeping busy with all the Lung imaging trying to detect the Covid19 in the Lungs. Should they think about sending sick people over to the cancer center for scans would be troublesome. Mixing coughing sick covid-19 patients with immunodeficient cancer patients is very very troubling to me. One day at a time. They are not communicating the plans very well so i don’t know what to expect.

have you seen Captain Morgan around? I hope he is OK.
I'm in Maine and have heard the same, mid April to June. After nursing school I worked med-surg with little bit of telemetry. I did that for a couple of years to gain my skills before moving on to EMS in the rural area I'm in now. My state only has 2 level 1 trauma units in the state. The rest are just small access point hospitals. Given the nature of this, and from what I'm hearing from friends, they're kinda winging it for now. I've kept my licenses current but I doubt they'll need least I hope they wont.
I'm not sure about cancer care patients but that would trouble me as well the diverse range of thoracic patients that could be exposed on the same levels.
This is definitely a learning experience for everyone.
His method of operation is to take all he can out of his business (this nation), then claim bankruptcy and get tax credits for years to follow. The fuck has Lucifer as his Attorney General and the Grim Reaper controlling the Senate. The call was perfect. The transcript was perfect.
What makes that both terrifying and revolting is that it's true.

I don't think we'll recover from all of this in my lifetime. We're not only going into more debt than we can ever pay off, but we have lost ALL of our credibility.

We have proven to be a dysfunctional, finger pointing, unprepared, rudderless nation under Trump.

That damage will take decades of hard work and flawless leadership to overcome.

And folks, with half our nation STILL believing even now that Trump and the GOP are doing a good job, that's never going to happen.

What we are witnessing now isn't just a global pandemic of epic proportions, but the end of the United States being a world leader to ever be trusted or looked to in a global crisis.
What makes that both terrifying and revolting is that it's true.

I don't think we'll recover from all of this in my lifetime. We're not only going into more debt than we can ever pay off, but we have lost ALL of our credibility.

We have proven to be a dysfunctional, finger pointing, unprepared, rudderless nation under Trump.

That damage will take decades of hard work and flawless leadership to overcome.

And folks, with half our nation STILL believing even now that Trump and the GOP are doing a good job, that's never going to happen.

What we are witnessing now isn't just a global pandemic of epic proportions, but the end of the United States being a world leader to ever be trusted or looked to in a global crisis.
I'm glad that I'm at the end of my life, but I have no hope for the future of our kids. I'm also glad that my parents are gone, they sacrificed much more than I ever will, growing up in the Depression, then going through WWII, and surviving. They would cry if they were alive, as I do now.

This isn't the end of pandemics, there are worse to come. The future is bleak, I fear.
I'm glad that I'm at the end of my life, but I have no hope for the future of our kids. I'm also glad that my parents are gone, they sacrificed much more than I ever will, growing up in the Depression, then going through WWII, and surviving. They would cry if they were alive, as I do now.

This isn't the end of pandemics, there are worse to come. The future is bleak, I fear.
My daughter gives me hope for the future. She sees all of this for what it is. She has many friends that do as well.

There is hope. But neither of us will be around to see it come to fruition.
I'm glad that I'm at the end of my life, but I have no hope for the future of our kids. I'm also glad that my parents are gone, they sacrificed much more than I ever will, growing up in the Depression, then going through WWII, and surviving. They would cry if they were alive, as I do now.

This isn't the end of pandemics, there are worse to come. The future is bleak, I fear.
I put my faith in the majority of millennial women, and the generations that they raise doing a great job now that they are starting to shine in their long careers and gaining leadership roles. They are not afraid of science and facts, nor unable to admit they are wrong and incapable of seeking help to get the best results.

My generation and older have a tendency to call them 'weak' and worse, but really it is that they are hard, smart, kind, workers that don't have a lot of the same hangups that we older people grew up with in our (white) male dominated society. Utilizing 100% of the populations best and brightest with the tools and infrastructure that America has build up over since WW2 I think we are in really good hands.

It will be a bumpy road until they push out the old chauvinistic males, but we will get there.

My daughter gives me hope for the future. She sees all of this for what it is. She has many friends that do as well.

There is hope. But neither of us will be around to see it come to fruition.
lol you beat me by moments.
I'll just pose another scenario to the utter destruction of the US and any hope for the future listed in a few posts above.

Yep, the US screwed up at the beginning of this crisis. Yep, we have a nutter at the top who is using this epidemic to further polarize this country. Yep, conservatives are ignoring social distancing guidelines as if they were made up by Democrats to "make Trump look bad". This is where we are today and yep, it means that many more will die that would have lived if we had a coherent leader as prez.

But we don't. We have had almost a decade of the same kind of fumbling luddites running most of our states. Those same states are not even close to doing what's necessary to slow its spread.

OTOH, California and Washington both reacted responsibly to the virus and they are in the early stages of seeing improvements. Oregon, set in-between those two economic powers got a whiff of the problem and followed their lead. New York is in agony but they are taking the necessary steps to stop the spread. The virus isn't partisan. It doesn't care what anybody says, knows or how they vote. It feeds on the kind of inaction and lack of care on display in Texas, Florida, Nevada, and other states that have not yet taken steps to stop it. In a matter of weeks, those states are going to be a horror show, while New York begins to heal and California enacts travel restrictions to protect their public from the luddite states. There is no way those states could pretend they weren't warned, either.

So, yeah, we are screwed in the short term. I don't think it's going to last. It's going to last long enough to teach a hard lesson to states that ignored medical scientists. My guess, it's going to be about a year before we can resume the kind of open society we used to be. But the strength of this nation was never in it's banks or stock market, which are about to get hammered down. It's the people who are law abiding, hard working and while we might argue about how smart we are, history shows we are smart enough to work our way through hard times without falling apart. As some falsely predict we will.

The wind is blowing hard on conservatives. They are going to take it hard, both in their numbers, their health and politically. This decade was set to be one of difficult change. Regardless of this epidemic, by the end of this decade, the boomer-dominated society we had going in was going to be exchanged with the more diverse, better educated and tolerant millennial generation. The early part of the 20's were looking to be a bitter cat and dog fight for political control. The fading conservative movement looked to be hardening voter exclusion laws in order to maintain power of a minority white demographic that still held a plurality. This epidemic changes all of that.

I suggest this epidemic moved the hands of the clock of change forward. I think that the epidemic is speeding up the much needed refresh in leadership and social policies that were acutely needed even before this epidemic. I also submit that we are not done for economically. This is still a large country with plenty of resources at its disposal. So, yeah, these are "interesting times". Covid-19 is speeding up change that was already taking place. In a few years, I look forward to living in a less divided, more socially progressive, environmentally conscious and knowledge-driven country. But, yeah, right now, it sucks.
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