Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
He's going to oversee the worst Medical/Economic crisis in the USA's/Worlds History for the next 6 months at least, and then we'll have Biden to clean up the mess he'll leave behind.
Just the thought of that makes me cry.
What the fuck happened?
How the fuck did we end up in this position?
I'm pretty sure Trump will beat sleepy Joe. It's a rigged system.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure Trump will beat sleepy Joe. It's a rigged system.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary, evidence and I'd say that your contention falls into the category of an extraordinary claim.
Perhaps you'd like to elaborate on what led you to this optimistic prediction? It sounds like you are telling folks there's no point in voting, not a good message and a nefarious intention, if it was.


Well-Known Member
I'm pretty sure you're wrong. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary, evidence and I'd say that your contention falls into the category of an extraordinary claim.
Perhaps you'd like to elaborate on what led you to this optimistic prediction? It sounds like you are telling folks there's no point in voting, not a good message and a nefarious intention, if it was.
I was semi joking but not on the rigged system. It's the same thing with every president. Corporations heavily influence every decision and its rarely in the peoples favor. This virus is the perfect example, they choose to keep the money flowing at the expense of human health and life.


Well-Known Member
I was semi joking but not on the rigged system. It's the same thing with every president. Corporations heavily influence every decision and its rarely in the peoples favor. This virus is the perfect example, they choose to keep the money flowing at the expense of human health and life.
Just encourage our American friends to vote and vote for Joe, before Trump starts killing us too. Put the ideology on hold for a spell and dwell in the human aspects of this situation, bear in mind the Americans are getting hit hard and have a moron leading them to disaster. I try to be supportive and helpful, they will need every vote they can get to get their country back and they should do it in a landslide and hat trick for the democrats. America was moving left, this will accelerate it while trump will destroy the republicans and discredit the right.

People are losing family here now and a couple of older members in hotspots who I consider friends of a sort, are missing in action for a week, one fellow I like, was saying he wasn't feeling well before disappearing for a week, so far. It's gonna get worse, more so for them than us, it might be best to ease up on the "rigged system" talk, most people know that money makes the world go round, it always has, in Canada too. We all need hope right now, the Americans more than most, the richest country in the world with the best medical system, will probably have the highest death toll of all, inquiring minds will want to know why.


Well-Known Member
"Johnson was a late convert to the strict social-distancing measures now in place in the UK. Only a few weeks ago, the Prime Minister boasted of shaking the hands of coronavirus patients in hospital. At that time, the UK faced criticism for a more cautious approach to the restrictive measures adopted by its European neighbors. It is now racing to catch up in terms of testing and social distancing".

UK PM Boris Johnson admitted to hospital for tests
(CNN)British Prime Minister Boris Johnson has been admitted to the hospital for tests, Downing Street said Sunday, after days of coronavirus symptoms.
"On the advice of his doctor, the Prime Minister has tonight been admitted to hospital for tests," the Prime Minister's Office said in a statement, adding that the tests were part of a "precautionary step" due to Johnson's lingering symptoms.
He is expected to stay in the hospital overnight, a Downing Street source told CNN.
The 55-year-old announced that he had tested positive for the virus on March 27, describing a cough and a fever in a video posted to Twitter. In an update on Friday, Johnson said that he continued to experience a temperature.

In its Sunday statement, Downing Street said that the "Prime Minister continues to have persistent symptoms of coronavirus 10 days after testing positive for the virus."
"The Prime Minister thanks NHS staff for all of their incredible hard work and urges the public to continue to follow the Government's advice to stay at home, protect the NHS and save lives," it added.
Johnson had been running the government remotely during his isolation and remains in charge despite his hospitalization.
How can Boris Johnson run the UK while suffering from coronavirus?
How can Boris Johnson run the UK while suffering from coronavirus?

CNN Medical Analyst Dr. Kent Sepkowitz, a physician at Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York and professor of medicine at Weill Cornell Medical College, said hospital visits could be necessary for testing like a CT scan of the chest or sophisticated bloodwork.
A hospital-grade test of blood oxygen could show "several more variables of lung function and might indicate whether he is just fatigued and spent, or actually in some danger," Sepkowitz said.
Several of the people around Johnson have also tested positive or experienced symptoms that strongly suggest a coronavirus infection. His pregnant partner, Carrie Symonds, has also experienced Covid-19 symptoms, and said over the weekend that she is "on the mend."
Coronavirus strikes UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, his health secretary and his chief medical adviser
Coronavirus strikes UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, his health secretary and his chief medical adviser

Symonds, 32, took to Twitter Saturday to encourage other pregnant women to follow health guidance, adding that she had not been tested.
"I've spent the past week in bed with the main symptoms of Coronavirus. I haven't needed to be tested and, after seven days of rest, I feel stronger and I'm on the mend," she tweeted.
Johnson's secretary of state for health, Matt Hancock said on March 27 he had the virus, and chief medical officer, Chris Whitty announced that he would begin self-isolation after displaying Covid-19 symptoms.
Johnson was a late convert to the strict social-distancing measures now in place in the UK. Only a few weeks ago, the Prime Minister boasted of shaking the hands of coronavirus patients in hospital. At that time, the UK faced criticism for a more cautious approach to the restrictive measures adopted by its European neighbors. It is now racing to catch up in terms of testing and social distancing.


Well-Known Member
I read this book when I was 16 & I didn't get it then, but now I do.

We all have time now to do the things that we thought we didn't have the time for before, so now, if ever there was a good time to sit back & smoke one or sip one and just chill for awhile and expand, this is it.

Here's a link to Amazon for The Plague, but move fast, it's selling out quickly (go figure)



Well-Known Member
Watching Morning Joe, they are incensed about Trump and the lack of federal response to the plague, I think they are typical of Americans with brains enough to see the truth. Trump will still get 40% of the vote and the support of the majority of white males, many of whom he will end up sickening or killing. Better that everybody die, than the brown folks get some, yeah ha, Jesus take the wheel!

The republican senate owns Donald and they should be reminded of that fact, they had the opportunity to get rid of this loser, but chickened out, now America is paying the price with tens of thousands of lives and perhaps hundreds of thousands more before this is done. The presidency, house and senate should be democratic by a large margin in a normal country, it won't be in America. Face it, if Donald wants to kill blue states off by withholding medical supplies and equipment, and the red states are OK with it and continue to support him, it's nothing less than a declaration of civil war. Anybody who votes for Trump is an enemy of America, it's really that simple at this point in time and will be more so in the future, it's not hyperbole or exaggeration, people are dying in large numbers. Viruses have replaced bullets in the minds of some Trumpers and it will be a weapon used by the republicans in the civil war, I have no doubt.


Well-Known Member
This has fucked up the game plan, even Vlad is screwed by oil prices and I'll bet the coronavirus is ravaging Russia right now. Even the Goddamn IRA trolls have been hit and many is drying up. Donald is in deep shit and knows it, his stress level gives me confidence. I still think he has no idea what is coming with the oversight hearings, just like the coronavirus, even a child would have taken precautions, Donald is brain damaged in that area. He will reach into his habitual bag of tricks, they won't work this time and if the GOP tries to carry his water over it this summer, after his popularity fades, so much the better. I think the senate might have a different attitude on this issue later this year with an election 5 months or so away. The TV hearings will have members wearing masks, even the republicans, perhaps some of those masks will have messages printed on them...
The house and senate are going to be wearing N95 masks with boxes of gloves and sanitizer on the desks and the air sprayed down between sessions with disinfectant. Let them publicly deny that reality while wearing a mask on TV.
sadly, there goes the Black Sea fortune..a shame.:lol:

speaking of which..where's all our Russian friends lately?
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