Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Not into movies, much. Just a few stand out. Mostly comedies, laughter is therapeutic, it gets me through hard times, such as these. I hate "thrillers."
Expand your horizons in film now that we have nothing better too do for the time being.
Check out Alfred Hitchcock for example as far as Thrillers are concerned
Did you ever see North by Northwest?
C'mon man, that shit is classic :)



Well-Known Member
Expand your horizons in film now that we have nothing better too do for the time being.
Check out Alfred Hitchcock for example as far as Thrillers are concerned
Did you ever see North by Northwest?
C'mon man, that shit is classic :)

Hitchcock's movies were psychological, they made you think, not just shock. I love them. :)


Well-Known Member
I was just copying CD's into my laptop (gives me something too do :) ) when I got to this song & stopped & decided to make this my Intermission song of the Day.
Alway's a timeless song, it seems more poignant today than yesterday

You (and nearly everyone) are way ahead of me, technologically (but that's by design). I'm still using a CD recorder to copy LP's. Let's see, that makes me...15, times... carry the 1 equals...old.
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Well-Known Member
Forget bulk toilet paper ... shit in a box . These are my personal necessities.
COVID what ? ...... Pistol still in reach tho. So don’t be tryin to harsh my mellow.

View attachment 4528751
That stuff is garbage, ick. If you're going to drink that crap, do yourself a favor and pick up their ruination IPA, hell their regular pale ale, or smoked Porter is better than AB, fucking over rated headache juice.


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Republicans Who Watch Fox News More Likely to Believe COVID-19 Falsehoods: New Poll

The novel coronavirus pandemic—which has already infected nearly half a million victims and claimed more than 16,000 lives in the United States alone—is proving to be significantly more lethal than the seasonal flu.
Yet 58 percent of self-identified Republicans who depend on Fox News, Breitbart, and other conservative media outlets for information about the public-health crisis erroneously believe that COVID-19 is “less deadly or as deadly as” influenza.

This reminds me of some of the members on RIU.....smh :roll:


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Golf Kept Trump From Focusing On COVID-19, Not Impeachment, Zings GOP Group In New Ad .... *shocking right ?

The latest scorcher of an attack ad by the Republican Lincoln Project concedes Donald Trump had other priorities before launching his lackluster battle against COVID-19. But he wasn’t distracted by impeachment, as he claims. Instead, he was too busy golfing and packing people into campaign rallies, according to the message released Thursday by the conservative group.

“Coronavirus has now killed three times more Americans than 9/11,” the ad notes somberly at the start. “So what’s Donald Trump been up to? Blaming the impeachment hearings for distracting him from preparing for the pandemic.”

Despite warnings about the urgency of the virus from both his trade adviser Peter Navarro and the World Health Organization in January — and the subsequent shutdown of Italy — Trump “had plenty to do, like campaign rallies and golfing,” notes the ad, titled “Distracted.”

The “day before the first American died, where was Trump? Where do you think he was?” the narrator asks. “At another rally. By March, the world was calling coronavirus a pandemic. Where was Trump? On Twitter, as usual, blaming everyone else.”

Trump “just didn’t care. He still doesn’t. He was never distracted. And Americans have been paying attention,” the video concludes.

Senator Majority Leader Mitch McConnell aka Moscow Mitch (R-Ky.) last month said impeachment “diverted the attention of the government” from dealing with COVID-19. Trump told reporters: “I got impeached. I think you know I certainly devoted a little time to thinking about it, right?” But the president also said he wouldn’t have done anything differently.

“The President’s dishonest, incompetent, and delusional press conferences have veered into disturbing territory,” Reed Galen, political strategist and co-founder of The Lincoln Project, said in a statement Thursday. “The President is aware he lacks the competency to deal with this crisis, though he refuses to hold himself accountable. Instead, he’d rather place blame for his ineptitude on an irrelevant issue.”



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I see Donald's approval rating is dropping to it's normal level of 42%. So that many Americans are either too stupid, senile or hate filled to deal with reality. Treason, incompetence and dereliction of duty made no difference to them at this point, it will be interesting to see how they cling to their false narrative in a couple of months. This will turn violent in the USA, businesses who follow Trump's advice will be attacked, along with those who publicly support Trump, many are seeing Trump and those who follow him as a direct threat to their own lives and livelihoods.

The blue states and federal government will step in when those red states who are denying reality start to suffer massive deaths. I'm sure Donald has the cupboard well stocked and the massive federal response in red states will shock many, oh we changed our mind now.
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