Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
We are about a month away from many people losing their internet and cell phone accounts, many people will be completely cut off from outside sources of information soon. Many have never known a world without the internet and some young people are going to go through cell phone withdrawal. The state or federal governments are going to have to do something about this, internet access is a vital piece of infrastructure and how many access government programs. People will need to cooperate and share their wireless connections with neighbors and even split the cost 3 or 4 ways with neighbors.


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Michigan Health Care Worker Blasts 'Idiots' Protesting Stay-Home Order | The 11th Hour | MSNBC

James Smith, a health care worker from Lansing, Michigan took to social media to blast protesters clogging roads during a protest against the state's stay-at-home order. Aired on 4/15/2020.


Well-Known Member
Love the way this former republican puts things.
“Baghdad Don”: Trump Blasted For Most Inept Response To “Any Crisis In History” | MSNBC

Veteran strategist and former Republican Steve Schmidt argues President Trump has exhibited the most inept response of any president to any crisis in history. Schmidt tells MSNBC’s Ari Melber that many avoidable problems in the US response to the coronavirus pandemic revealed Trump’s failures as a president, and historians will look back on this as a time when a reality show star “New York con man” narrowly ended up as President and was simply not prepared. Aired on 4/16/2020.


Well-Known Member
Doing almost nothing until the middle of March has killed thousands of Americans through trump’s negligent homoside.


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Here is the way other countries are dealing with the pandemic, Singapore had an outbreak, but they test, trace and isolate the ill, they can detect and react quickly, America can't.
Coronavirus outbreak: Some Canadian businesses preparing to reopen; is it too early?

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
I'm not talking about locking up minorities either, just nazi's, fools and traitors.
The United States had the highest prison population before the virus scare.

Would you say a forcible quarantine is at least a kind of "locking up" and does that mean it might be appropriate to say "Prison Nation" now, given the large percent of people who've had their movement restricted?


Well-Known Member
An idea for a COVID-19 victims memorial (repost)
A Lincoln like memorial, with a marble Donald in the chair, tweeting on his phone in front of a stone TV, sitting alone in the cold stone edifice. Surrounding the monument for many square miles would be arrayed gravestones representing every victim of coronavirus from across the nation, it would dwarf all military graveyards. Donald in his columned house with 2' high TRUMP gold plated letters over the top, surrounded by the tombstones of a tens of thousands of victims, each one with KBT (Killed By Trump) engraved at the top over the name, each one spaced 6' apart. It can serve as Donald's "presidential library"of sorts, a monument to dereliction of duty, incompetence, unfitness for office and failure as commander and chief.

The government will seize his properties next year anyway for money laundering and tax evasion, this will be a good use for the golf courses. With in a year of being removed from office he will be in prison and won't have a pot to piss in unless it's provided by the prison authorities. Maybe he can tap his following of suckers for some cash, "Free Donald", will be their slogan, maybe Vlad might even kick in a few bucks.

Hopefully it will be sited on one of Donald's old golf courses, but I doubt there would be enough room, generations of Americans can visit and contemplate the importance of responsible government by an adult. It would be money very well spent, you don't want to forget this experience as a nation, it's far too valuable to lose and too dearly purchased. People can bring their kids and grandkids and explain what it was all about, like some war memorial. In a way it will be a war memorial, a civil war II war memorial, more costly than the first one in lives, the first time they wore grey kepies, this time it was red MAGA hats. All will die in roughly the same numbers, red or blue, winning...


Well-Known Member
The United States had the highest prison population before the virus scare.

Would you say a forcible quarantine is at least a kind of "locking up" and does that mean it might be appropriate to say "Prison Nation" now, given the large percent of people who've had their movement restricted?
During war time you lock up antisocial elements and traitors, they did in briton and they did in America. German spies were summarily executed after military tribunals on presidential orders. The public health laws give the state tremendous power, they've been on the books for well over a hundred years and the courts agreed. Fuck your ideals, get out of line and we will fuck you, no argument, go straight to jail or an internment camp, you get your trial there. Remember Rob, almost all senior judges are older people who are very vulnerable to covid-19, most also have a brain in their head and want to survive.

YOUR MEANINGLESS QUESTIONS AND ILLOGICAL ARGUMENTS WILL IMPRESS THEM EVEN LESS THAN ME. Don't bother responding, I'm not the one you have to convince, that would be a judge in your own community.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
During war time you lock up antisocial elements and traitors, they did in briton and they did in America. German spies were summarily executed after military tribunals on presidential orders. The public health laws give the state tremendous power, they've been on the books for well over a hundred years and the courts agreed. Fuck your ideals, get out of line and we will fuck you, no argument, go straight to jail or an internment camp, you get your trial there. Remember Rob, almost all senior judges are older people who are very vulnerable to covid-19, most also have a brain in their head and want to survive.

YOUR MEANINGLESS QUESTIONS AND ILLOGICAL ARGUMENTS WILL IMPRESS THEM EVEN LESS THAN ME. Don't bother responding, I'm not the one you have to convince, that would be a judge in your own community.
Not that I'm a Constitution polisher, but couldn't a "traitor" be defined as a Politician acting outside the Constitution ? Which is happening all over the USA.

Aren't "the people" ultimately the judge of judges who work with Politicians / traitors ?

Don't bother responding, the questions were rhetorical, slave.
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