Someone’s been listening to The Conspiracy Show far too long
Didn't millions of Vietnamese people die during the USA's terrorist false flag invasion of Vietnam?
How come those deaths don't count ? Aren't "we all in this together" ?
Do you know how many Vietnamese have died from the scary virus ? When I checked it was zero.
If a government is capable of brainwashing people so much they only tabulate "the home teams" deaths when calculating mortality comparisons, how hard would it be for them to brainwash Americans on other things?
I think it's very possible you're being My Laied to.
Here is who was pushing HCQ, I was discussing it and it's use by doctors. It is a commonly prescribed medication for the prevention of malaria and its treatment. Stop conflating me with this bullshit, you lost that discussion. You accuse others of using disinformation and here you are using it yourself, against an ally, trying to tar me with this dispicable bullshit. More guilt by association, like you tried with the medcram site, slagging American heroes like doctors.
AC is claiming that shut downs don't work and is giving support to those who are protesting against them, he has a right to do that though, we can debate him on it and disagree. Do you intend to lay covid-19 deaths at his doorstep? He is disagreeing with the majority after all and is a "dupe" of the right wing propaganda machine too. I guess you had better start dropping pictures of the corpses on his threads now. Do you intend to slag him with photos like the one you posted to try and slag me, as if I caused this injury? I can see why you are so focused on Russian disinformation and distortions, because you use them yourself and think like these people, you must, because you are behaving like them too.
Here's a little history as a reminder of who is actually responsible, note the dates on the opening video clips.
Use Of Drug Boosted By Trump, Fox News Not Borne Out By Science | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC
Have a look at Trump in this video, he looks like he's got a hot poker shoved up his asshole. Fire Redfield will be the cry now, forget Fauci! Jesus Christ! The democrats are nuts is they don't make the GOP own this cocksucker over this summer with oversight hearings and if not an impeachment trial, an investigation at least. Make the republicans carry Donald's water by the barrel in the summer heat as their red states catch on fire and the panic begins. Let them support the withholding of documents and witnesses, good luck trying to muzzle the scientists over this, let them stand on the tracks in front of the freight train with Donald's water barrel on their back.
Trump, CDC's Redfield contradict each other over 2nd wave of virus being worse
Robert Redfield, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, said he was accurately quoted in an article, despite the president saying Redfield was misquoted.
I just set you up for your obvious troll.
I'm glad I had @Rob Roy to distract me from getting too worked up and started trolling. IDK if you are getting paid to post not, I choose to think of you as exactly what you are. But on forums/comment sections across the internet you will get spam trolls spamming the very links that you currently seem to enjoy watching on this forum. By doing this, even if it is innocuous, you are increasing their google ratings/exposure on the internet so that they show up in more and more peoples results.
Then when they get up there enough, the President can then easily just promote it using these daily press conferences to make American voters chase their tails following what the Don is saying.
I dont hate on people for having jobs, people got to pay those bills. But it doesn't make what they are doing correct.
I need to reread your post, I got distracted and just reread some of it. I don't know what your talking about with 'lost that one' with you because I chose not to go down that road after you posted your religious doomsday university approved video that Dear Leader was using to boost his snake oil's notoriety.
I don't pay any attention to Robs posts, I don't have him on ignore though. I figure people who use ignore, filter reality like the Trumpers do, I ignore nobody automatically, just consciously. You tried a propaganda troll on me for no good reason and attacked be like a fucking Trumper. You also attacked an American hero, a medical doctor without cause because you are conflating things and cannot think clearly about the issue. Fox news has got you as addled over this shit as a Trumper. I believe this is unacceptable behavior and you'll hear about too.I just set you up for your obvious troll.
I'm glad I had @Rob Roy to distract me from getting too worked up and started trolling. IDK if you are getting paid to post not, I choose to think of you as exactly what you are. But on forums/comment sections across the internet you will get spam trolls spamming the very links that you currently seem to enjoy watching on this forum. By doing this, even if it is innocuous, you are increasing their google ratings/exposure on the internet so that they show up in more and more peoples results.
Then when they get up there enough, the President can then easily just promote it using these daily press conferences to make American voters chase their tails following what the Don is saying.
I dont hate on people for having jobs, people got to pay those bills. But it doesn't make what they are doing correct.
I need to reread your post, I got distracted and just reread some of it. I don't know what your talking about with 'lost that one' with you because I chose not to go down that road after you posted your religious doomsday university approved video that Dear Leader was using to boost his snake oil's notoriety.
Troll those who deserve it, the Trumpers, focus on who the actual enemy is, it a more efficient and logical use of resources. Don't bother trolling AC though, he's have a discussion and seeking to defend his position in a debate, he's not a Trumper, he's just got an unpopular POV right now. Trumpers and right wingers are showing up on his threads and his arguments can be used by them to bolster their contentions, that's the way its suppose to work in a free society though. People can ridicule him for his positions, because they are ridiculous and we even have a word in the language for it, I don't usually do that shit though.I just set you up for your obvious troll.
I'm glad I had @Rob Roy to distract me from getting too worked up and started trolling. IDK if you are getting paid to post not, I choose to think of you as exactly what you are. But on forums/comment sections across the internet you will get spam trolls spamming the very links that you currently seem to enjoy watching on this forum. By doing this, even if it is innocuous, you are increasing their google ratings/exposure on the internet so that they show up in more and more peoples results.
Then when they get up there enough, the President can then easily just promote it using these daily press conferences to make American voters chase their tails following what the Don is saying.
I dont hate on people for having jobs, people got to pay those bills. But it doesn't make what they are doing correct.
I need to reread your post, I got distracted and just reread some of it. I don't know what your talking about with 'lost that one' with you because I chose not to go down that road after you posted your religious doomsday university approved video that Dear Leader was using to boost his snake oil's notoriety.
Whatever man, you are a fruit-loop and are just happening to spam nonstop, I can buy it. I am not doing anything other than pointing out what is going on around the internet to support Trump's trolling campaign on America and how those videos have become part of it.I don't pay any attention to Robs posts, I don't have him on ignore though. I figure people who use ignore, filter reality like the Trumpers do, I ignore nobody automatically, just consciously. You tried a propaganda troll on me for no good reason and attacked be like a fucking Trumper. You also attacked an American hero, a medical doctor without cause because you are conflating things and cannot think clearly about the issue. Fox news has got you as addled over this shit as a Trumper. I believe this is unacceptable behavior and you'll hear about too.
Put me on ignore if it upsets you emotionally, I ignore nobody, I deal in reality.
Disinformation and propaganda is the enemy. It is being used effectively by Trump and Putin and whatever other would be dictators are to stir up fear and divide us up into nice little sections so that Trump and his troll nation can then further divide us in the best way to keep himself in power.Troll those who deserve it, the Trumpers, focus on who the actual enemy is, it a more efficient and logical use of resources. Don't bother trolling AC though, he's have a discussion and seeking to defend his position in a debate, he's not a Trumper, he's just got an unpopular POV right now. Trumpers and right wingers are showing up on his threads and his arguments can be used by them to bolster their contentions, that's the way its suppose to work in a free society though. People can ridicule him for his positions, because they are ridiculous and we even have a word in the language for it, I don't usually do that shit though.
People would be wrong to post pictures of body bags on his threads in an effort to silence him though and seek to blame him for the crimes of others. I can see why you folks require a 1st amendment though.
I like you dude, I think you are missing the point that a 12 yr old boy is the one being molested by the older lady regardless of how he enjoyed it, but I would need some examples to make a guess knowing you are going to have some mildly clever legality loophole or illogical conclusion based on absolutely void of outside reality that might make that situation have more sense.If you knew of people who were prominent members of an organization that featured murder, fraud and lying to their "citizens" on a regular and routine basis, would you also say it might not be a good idea to take other information / direction from them as holy gospel?
I don't give a fuck about Trump, he has nothing to do with my question.
I will continue to mostly be polite to you,
Stevens Johnson Syndrome, skin boils off the body is a possible side effect of the drug these fuckers were pimping. A couple cases popped up in Michigan recently.
Not to mention all the linking to it adds 'credibility' to those sources and increases the visibility on Youtube and search results. It is bullshit.
I think she's dedicated to her constituents, though. She did the seemingly impossible by flipping an Orange County seat. She's no second banana and is worthy of Presidential consideration. Not this year, though.Katie Porter would be very high on any VP list.
My view of America. She can be a fucked up country due to the people who make the fucking rules. She can be just as evil as other countries due to the fucking people that make the fucking rules. She is most certainly in the top three of the most racist countries create.
I don't want to troll you, it's an utter waste of my time and yours, I want to focus on finding solutions to the issues that are confronting us. I should say focused on the solutions others are finding to this crises, pharmacological, social and political too. My main focus remains on Trump and his removal though.Whatever man, you are a fruit-loop and are just happening to spam nonstop, I can buy it. I am not doing anything other than pointing out what is going on around the internet to support Trump's trolling campaign on America and how those videos have become part of it.
I will continue to mostly be polite to you, I am not putting anyone on ignore, because otherwise I wouldn't know what the next trolling to hit Americans with will be.
Disinformation and propaganda is the enemy. It is being used effectively by Trump and Putin and whatever other would be dictators are to stir up fear and divide us up into nice little sections so that Trump and his troll nation can then further divide us in the best way to keep himself in power.
And what you do add into that. Even if it is a honest mistake, I would recommend looking at everything you are seeing and reading and wonder how it is getting to you. And then when you understand the full picture of what is happening in the things you really care about (gained by reading from reputable news agencies like AP news or Reuters) make up your own mind on what is going on and vote accordingly.
I like you dude, I think you are missing the point that a 12 yr old boy is the one being molested by the older lady regardless of how he enjoyed it, but I would need some examples to make a guess knowing you are going to have some mildly clever legality loophole or illogical conclusion based on absolutely void of outside reality that might make that situation have more sense.
But it seems like DYI wants to try to troll me today, so maybe we pick this up in the next weeks?