Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Does anybody deserve this? Even a fucking Canadian? The smell don't stop at the border and neither will the virus!

Watch the Dr. Birx video for an example of shock and awe! Jesus help us all (I'm an atheist). :o

Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat coronavirus and 'clean' the lungs
A Homeland Security official, under questioning from reporters, later said federal laboratories are not considering such a treatment option

Watch: Dr. Birx reacts as Trump suggests 'injection' of disinfectant to beat coronavirus


Well-Known Member
He now claims he was being sarcastic to a reporter, you know...rewriting history
It sounded to me he was being sarcastic about the weak excuse of being sarcastic. That bit yesterday certainly wasn't sarcastic. "You know, I have an uncle who was a very successful stand-up comedian, maybe it is in the genes and I could have gone into that line of work." That's sarcastic, but not far removed from what he's actually said.


Well-Known Member
fuck trump
They will, if not in congress, in the election and if he is removed from office, he is fucked a thousand times over, at some level he knows he will spend the rest of his life in an orange jumpsuit, a loser... He will have an awful lot of company behind bars too, hundreds, if not thousands, many are fearing the day of retribution in the courts because they are actually guilty. Legal fees will cripple many more, many old hands in the DOJ and FBI will be back in the saddle with Joe, they are eager to see justice reestablished and done, and we know who they are gonna do.


Well-Known Member
Just another reason too slit your wrists now and just get it over with, because we're all going too die under Trump

That #motheringfuckingsonofsatan stated that he disagreed with his head of the Virus task force because of Fauci's statement yesterday that the U.S. does not yet have the testing capacity that it needs to effectively contain the spread of the novel coronavirus as stay-at-home restrictions are relaxed.

"No, I don't agree with him on that. I think we are doing a grab job on testing," Trump told reporters at a White House briefing last night when asked about Fauci's recent remarks in a Time magazine interview.

This is what Dr Fauci, said yesterday morning

"We need to significantly ramp up not only the number of tests, but the capacity to perform them, so that you don't have a situation where you have a test but it can't be done because there isn't a swab, or because there isn't extraction media, or not the right vial," Fauci said.

"I am not overly confident right now at all that we have what it takes to do that. We are doing better, and I think we are going to get there, but we are not there yet," he continued.

"If he said that, I don't agree with him," Trump commented when asked by a reporter.

He then lied again (Wow, what a shock!!!) & described the U.S. as more advanced than other nations on testing, claiming that other countries (Puerto Rico? have inquired about American capabilities.

"We're doing very well on testing. We've tested far more than anyone else in the world and within a short period of time you'll be hearing about new tests that are coming out that are going to be incredible," Trump also blathered.

Yea, we're doing great, that why we lead the World in Deaths per Capita.

EVERYONE on the fucking Planet has done a better job dealing with the Virus, and he still talks pure shite thinking his lies will get him somewhere?

Anyway, it's time for a whiskey & a bowl & too chill out and listen to some Imagine Dragons (good song)

Have a good day & try to stay safe :)



Well-Known Member
US policy remains the same no matter who is elected. Two sides of the same coin.
Do a history search as far as which party started/engaged in the most wars, or better yet how many US soldiers died under Republican presidents vs Democratic presidents and tell me if they're the same. (FDR doesn't count)
Do the fucking math & then honestly tell me they're the same.


Well-Known Member
US policy remains the same no matter who is elected. Two sides of the same coin.
not only is your post full of horse shit but naive horse shit.

congrats, you've plumbed the depths of right wing propaganda to levels we've never seen before.


yes, I'm mocking and laughing at you.

Booing too



Well-Known Member
Deficits decline under Democratic Presidents also.

That same coin shit is foolish, sounds good, like Libertarian but really, Democrats typically try to make sure everyone can vote and that votes all count the same. Republicans are blindly loyal to an amoral authoritarian who wants nothing to do with democracy. A sadistic and malicious vindictive twisted monster.
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