Pandemic 2020

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Trump owed tens of millions to Bank of China
The president's financial dealings with the state-owned bank complicate his attacks on Biden.


Donald Trump owes tens of millions to the Bank of China – and the loan is due soon
  • One of US president’s most prized New York buildings was refinanced for almost US$1 billion in 2012, a chunk of which came from China
  • Revelation complicates Trump’s charge that ‘China will own the US’ if rival Joe Biden is elected president in November


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Ha Ha Ha!!!!!
These are 2 ad's released today by The Lincoln Project, a Republican Conservative group of which George Conway, Kelly Anne's husband (figure that one out if you can) is a founding member.

Pretty good, eh?
Considering it's a bunch of former republicans... Pretty strong stuff and it's gonna get worse, much worse, you'll need a nomex suit and flame shield to watch TV, the political ads will be hot!


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Reasons for Hope: The Drugs, Tests and Tactics That May Conquer Coronavirus
By Reuters
  • April 24, 2020
(Reuters) - With much of the world living in lockdown, the spread of the new coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, that was first detected in China late last year is beginning to slow in some places. As of April 23, 2.7 million had been infected and 192,000 killed by COVID-19, the disease caused by the virus.

While a safe, effective vaccine is still more than a year away, researchers are rushing to repurpose existing drugs and non-drug therapies as well as testing promising experimental drugs that were already in clinical trials.

Even moderately effective therapies or combinations could dramatically reduce the crushing demand on hospitals and intensive care units, changing the nature of the risk the new pathogen represents to populations and healthcare systems.

New drugs, together with new diagnostics, antibody tests, patient- and contact-tracing technologies, disease surveillance and other early-warning tools, mean the anticipated next "wave" of the global pandemic does not have to be nearly as bad as the first.

More than 70 vaccine candidates are also in development around the world, with at least five in preliminary testing in people. Below are some of the drugs, vaccines and other therapies in development:
(For a related graphic, open this in a web browser:


Antiviral drug, originally developed to combat RNA viruses including respiratory syncytial virus. At least 13 trials underway in China, Europe and the United States with preliminary results expected as soon as May 2020. A February assessment by the WHO flagged this candidate as the most promising for battling COVID-19.

CAVEATS: Initial data are expected to come from studies of patients with relatively severe COVID-19. Because antivirals work best when patients are healthier, those results may show limited effectiveness.
STATUS: Repurposed Experimental
EARLY RESULTS: 0-3 months
Exclusive: Trial of Gilead's potential coronavirus treatment running ahead of schedule, researcher says

Gilead increases enrollment target for remdesivir trial in COVID-19 patients


Report says COVID-19 patients respond to Gilead's remdesivir, shares surge


Gilead starts two late-stage studies to test drug for coronavirus


Investors await data on coronavirus drugs as market rally builds


Gilead asks FDA to revoke orphan drug status for potential coronavirus drug


Two thirds of COVID-19 patients improve after Gilead drug: NEJM


Clinical Trials



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Prez is in hiding mode - no briefing because ...
“ why do it if , all they are gonna do is ask hostile questions and not hear the truth ?”

Time to hand it over to the real professionals , instead of listening to this orange colored bag of shit.


Well-Known Member
Prez is in hiding mode - no briefing because ...
“ why do it if , all they are gonna do is ask hostile questions and not hear the truth ?”

Time to hand it over to the real professionals , instead of listening to this orange colored bag of shit.
Looks like if ya pound hard enough something gets through after all, seems even Donald has an upper limit on being called a moron. I wonder if it was all the cleaning product companies making panicked announcements? I mean if ya been drinking his Koolaid already, why not, what have ya got to lose? If you support Trump your soul fled in terror long ago and without one of those life ain't worth living, at least people have said! :D

Yep I can see why they issued the warnings, we've all read the posts here by the Trumpers and will again. Where have they all gone? Have they gargled with clorox and bleached their socks?:p:D


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Nervous Republicans See Trump Sinking, and Taking Senate With Him
The election is still six months away, but a rash of ominous new polls and the president’s erratic briefings have the G.O.P. worried about a Democratic takeover.

WASHINGTON — President Trump’s erratic handling of the coronavirus outbreak, the worsening economy and a cascade of ominous public and private polling have Republicans increasingly nervous that they are at risk of losing the presidency and the Senate if Mr. Trump does not put the nation on a radically improved course.

The scale of the G.O.P.’s challenge has crystallized in the last week. With 26 million Americans now having filed for unemployment benefits, Mr. Trump’s standing in states that he carried in 2016 looks increasingly wobbly: New surveys show him trailing significantly in battleground states like Michigan and Pennsylvania, and he is even narrowly behind in must-win Florida.

Democrats raised substantially more money than Republicans did in the first quarter in the most pivotal congressional races, according to recent campaign finance reports. And while Mr. Trump is well ahead in money compared with the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joseph R. Biden Jr., Democratic donors are only beginning to focus on the general election, and several super PACs plan to spend heavily on behalf of him and the party.

Perhaps most significantly, Mr. Trump’s single best advantage as an incumbent — his access to the bully pulpit — has effectively become a platform for self-sabotage.

His daily news briefings on the coronavirus outbreak are inflicting grave damage on his political standing, Republicans believe, and his recent remarks about combating the virus with sunlight and disinfectant were a breaking point for a number of senior party officials.

On Friday evening, Mr. Trump conducted only a short briefing and took no questions, a format that a senior administration official said was being discussed as the best option for the president going forward.

Glen Bolger, a longtime Republican pollster, said the landscape for his party had become far grimmer compared with the pre-virus plan to run almost singularly around the country’s prosperity.

“With the economy in free-fall, Republicans face a very challenging environment and it’s a total shift from where we were a few months ago,” Mr. Bolger said. “Democrats are angry, and now we have the foundation of the campaign yanked out from underneath us.”

Mr. Trump’s advisers and allies have often blamed external events for his most self-destructive acts, such as his repeated outbursts during the two-year investigation into his campaign’s dealings with Russia. Now, there is no such explanation — and, so far, there have been exceedingly few successful interventions regarding Mr. Trump’s behavior at the podium.

Representative Tom Cole, Republican of Oklahoma, said the president had to change his tone and offer more than a campaign of grievance.

“You got to have some hope to sell people,” Mr. Cole said. “But Trump usually sells anger, division and ‘we’re the victim.’”

There are still more than six months until the election, and many Republicans are hoping that the dynamics of the race will shift once Mr. Biden is thrust back into the campaign spotlight. At that point, they believe, the race will not simply be the up-or-down referendum on the president it is now, and Mr. Trump will be able to more effectively sell himself as the person to rebuild the economy.

“We built the greatest economy in the world; I’ll do it a second time,” Mr. Trump said earlier this month, road-testing a theme he will deploy in the coming weeks.

Still, a recent wave of polling has fueled Republican anxieties, as Mr. Biden leads in virtually every competitive state.

The surveys also showed Republican senators in Arizona, Colorado, North Carolina and Maine trailing or locked in a dead heat with potential Democratic rivals — in part because their fate is linked to Mr. Trump’s job performance. If incumbents in those states lose, and Republicans pick up only the Senate seat in Alabama, Democrats would take control of the chamber should Mr. Biden win the presidency.


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Republican State Senator Dons Confederate Flag Mask, Then Things Get Weirder.... Remember to vote these fucks out .


A Michigan state senator wore a Confederate flag during a state senate vote on Friday, then denied the obvious by stating that the flag was not what it clearly was. Then, he ultimately half-heartedly apologized after also throwing his wife under the bus for the incident.

On Friday, State Senator Dale Zorn was confronted by WLNS-TV about wearing the Confederate flag mask and excused his behavior away with a litany of lies and half-baked excuses.

“It wasn’t a Confederate flag, it was a mask that my wife made for me, and she wanted me to wear it today. So I did, and I told my wife it probably will raise some eyebrows, but it was not a Confederate flag,” Zorn said.

So, a flag that, according to Zorn, “wasn’t a Confederate flag” would “raise some eyebrows.” Got it.

The senator continued by saying the Confederate flag is relevant for teaching children history, saying, “Our kids should know what that flag stands for.” But when asked what the flag stands for, Zorn ran into a little trouble.

“And I think even if it was a Confederate flag, we should be talking about teaching our national history, in schools. And that’s part of our national history, and it’s something we can’t just throw away because it is part of our history. And if we want to make sure that the astrosities [sic] that happened during that time doesn’t happen again, we should be teaching it, our kids should know what that flag stands for,” Zorn said.

Reporter Kiyerra Lake, then asked, “What does that flag stand for?”

“The Confederacy,” Zorn replied............ FACEPALM:wall:

The senator went on to insist that the mask was not the Confederate flag, again blaming his wife, saying, “My wife said it’s more similar to the, I think she said Kentucky or Tennessee flag.” But WLNS-TV showed that comparison to be nothing close to the truth when they graphically overlayed those state flags during their airing of the interview.

Michigan’s Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist, commented on the matter on Saturday, telling MSNBC, “As someone who has fought for civil rights his entire life … as the first black Lieutenant Governor in the history of Michigan, as the first black person to preside over the Michigan state Senate it was appalling and disgusting to see a confederate flag chosen as the face mask by a sitting state Senator.”

Gilchrist also took issue with signage and Confederate flags that littered the anti-stay-at-home protests at the Capitol last week.

“To see those Confederate flags and swastikas in the Capitol last week shows you what this was really all about,” Gilchrist said. “This was not about protesting orders to stay home and stay safe. This was about politics and partisanship. That was a Trump rally.”

Zorn released a statement on Saturday where he gave a lukewarm apology, tweeting, “I’m sorry for my choice of pattern on the face mask I wore yesterday on the Senate floor. I did not intend to offend anyone; however, I realize that I did, and for that I am sorry. Those who know me best know that I do not support the things this pattern represents.” Zorn continued, “My actions were an error in judgment for which there are no excuses and I will learn from this episode.”

Zorn made it clear during the interview that he knew what his “choice of pattern” symbolized when he spoke about how the Confederate flag should not be publically shelved. The senator’s behavior seems even more damning when he chose not to define what the flag stood for.

Therefore, the senator’s choice of an “I did not intend to offend anyone” apology is simply not good enough.


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Thousands flood Wisconsin Capitol to protest stay-at-home orders
The protests in Madison followed similar demonstrations in recent days in Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio and Colorado.

MADISON, Wis. — Thousands of protestors assembled on the state Capitol here Friday, expressing loud opposition to the extended stay-at-home order put in place by Democratic Gov. Tony Evers due to the coronavirus pandemic.

The anti-government protest in Madison was organized by a tapestry of online groups, including a group of Wisconsin business owners, as well as several rightwing Facebook groups, like Wisconsinites Against Excessive Quarantines.

Bob Tarantino, the leader of a group of business owners who helped plan the Madison rally, said his goal was to bring attention to the fact that Wisconsin’s “small businesses are suffering unbelievable financial harm.”

“The kind of harm that they may not recover from,” he told NBC News in an email.

Protests against state stay-at-home orders in various states have attracted a wide range of fringe activists and ardent Trump supporters, NBC News reported earlier this week. Present at the protest in Madison on Friday were anti-abortion activists as well as people carrying pro-Trump signs. According to local media reports, Facebook took down the event page for the protest Thursday because the event did not meet guidelines the social media platform had provided for events calling for protests of stay-at-home orders.

Image: Protesters against the state's extended stay-at-home order demonstrate in Madison
Protesters at the Capitol building in Madison, Wis., on April 24, 2020.Daniel Acker / Reuters
Madison’s protest came just days after Evers extended the state’s stay-at-home order — which included the closure of all non-essential businesses — through May 26. His initial order had been scheduled to expire Friday. Wisconsin officials have said the order was extended to allow time for more testing to be in place. The extended order, however, also allowed for some non-essential businesses to increase services to provide deliveries and curb-side pickups.

Wisconsin Republicans, earlier this week, filed suit against Evers in the state’s Supreme Court to block the extended order.

As of Friday morning, there have been more than 5,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and at least 257 deaths from the virus. Since March 14, about 393,000 Wisconsin residents (or about 1 in 8 workers in the state) have lost their jobs.

Organizers of the protest told NBC News they were expecting up to 11,000 people to attend, citing people who had expressed interest in the event on the event’s Facebook page. But, as of 3:00 p.m. local time, only a few thousand had so far shown up.
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The same kinds of people are protesting in Canada, here is what a conservative premier thinks about it. though nobody is busting heads yet. These are mostly small business owners who are being killed by the shutdown and who's lives are being destroyed. They make up a big part of Trump's base in the states and do a bit better on average than a well paid union worker and some do quite well, almost all are in businesses that are the most impacted by the shut down. They are also the kinds of businesses that won't come back because of public fear, even if the government opened things up, many of them are going to go from easy street to living on the street. Businesses that require concentrations of people to serve or entertain are screwed, from sporting events of all kinds to bars, restaurants and even churches. Air travel and tourism are off the table, as is any form of public transport, unless by necessity, the immune, young and healthy might travel, but only with in their own countries for the next a year or two. Even if the government opened up tomorrow, not too many people are going to attend public events and people will still avoid public events. Fear is the controlling factor for the economy, fear for ones health and fear for the health of others. Who wants to kill their own mother or father?

These folks will throw grandma under the bus, greed drives them, not need, though that will soon enough. Compassion is in short supply at these protests, fear and greed are not. It's all about individual rights and not about collective responsibility.

I would have prefered they all be ticketed and fined $1K apiece, maybe next time... I wonder what the hospitalisation rate will be in a couple of weeks, they should have identified every one of them for a warning next time and matched the information on illness rates.
Ford slams Toronto anti-lockdown protesters
Ontario Premier Doug Ford said protesters who rallied against lockdown measures in Toronto are "irresponsible" and "reckless."
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