The process of dead Donald duck has begun, he's gonna skip the lame part, of course he won't form a committee, they would have to explain things to somebody then and nobody can explain or defend Trump, not even Trump! Yer fucked, he's stark raving mad! Cheeto Jesus Christ won't help ya, maybe Jesus can, but ya gotta repent!
40%+ of voters drank the Kool Aid and thousands are calling the state health hotlines about drinking Clorox, republicans are panicking cause he's killing off the base like Jim Jones did at Jonestown! Remember these people are stupid enough to believe Trump, so anything is possible, you can't make this shit up, not even the onion could. It kinda looks like natural selection forces will move America forward politically, interesting... The Trump effect?
First Deadline For Possible Transition Of Power Nears | Morning Joe | MSNBC
The Trump administration has until May 3 to form a committee to begin transition planning according to federal law, but Democrats worry that Trump will be disruptive, according to new reporting from Carol Lee. Aired on 04/27/2020.