Pandemic 2020

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Trump gets tested, so I guess it works to control the spread in a work place...
Pence Staffer Tests Positive For Coronavirus | Craig Melvin | MSNBC

According to an administration official, a staff for Vice President Mike Pence has tested positive for coronavirus. The staffer was not traveling with the vice president today as he heads to Iowa. NBC's Hans Nichols reports from the White House. Aired on 5/8/2020.

With Pence and Trumps inner circle now testing positive . Makes me question if either one of them tested positive for covid19 would we the public find out the truth about it ? With state of affairs being what it is I do question it .
A useful recap of Donald's response to the pandemic.
As Deaths In U.S. Continue, A Look At Trump's Words On Virus | Morning Joe | MSNBC

As of May 8, 2020, the coronavirus has claimed more than 76,000 lives in America despite the president insisting early on that he had it all under control. Morning Joe looks back at his claims. Aired 5/8/2020.
With Pence and Trumps inner circle now testing positive . Makes me question if either one of them tested positive for covid19 would we the public find out the truth about it ? With state of affairs being what it is I do question it .
good point. A desperate Republican Party might even commission a robot from Disney to stand if for Trump if that hoax epidemic should take out the current manifestation of Trump.
With Pence and Trumps inner circle now testing positive . Makes me question if either one of them tested positive for covid19 would we the public find out the truth about it ? With state of affairs being what it is I do question it .
You would never find out about it. It's actually protected information that you yourself have. No one is allowed to see your medical records without your expressed written permission.
America is a richer country than Canada, note the difference in leadership. America could have leadership like this too, but its up to you, Trump and chaos or Joe and responsible government. We've got our issues and problems too, but at least the federal government is following the science and taking care of the people.

Dunno what happened to the video at 3:45 though, but it was funny! You'll know them by their actions and so far they've acted responsibly and with compassion.
Coronavirus outbreak: Trudeau says Canada's bleak job numbers only "tell us what we already knew"

Canada shed nearly two million jobs in April, as the novel coronavirus pandemic tore through the Canadian economy.

That, on top of an employment drop of over one million in March, brings the total job losses since the start of the COVID-19 shutdown to over three million, Statistics Canada said on Friday.

Speaking to reporters later that day, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said that bad as they were, those numbers only "tell us what we already knew" during these "unprecedented" times.

Trudeau also announced the government’s wage subsidy program for employers will be extended past June.

The move, he said, would help “kickstart” Canada’s economic re-opening and boost jobs.

“We’ll have more details next week,” he said. “But to businesses hit by COVID-19, know this: The wage subsidy will continue to be there for you.”


Former President Barack Obama has taken a swipe at the Department of Justice's move to drop its case against the former White House national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, saying that the "rule of law is at risk."

In audio from a private conversation with the Obama Alumni Association which was obtained by Yahoo News, the 44th president also criticized how the current White House administration was handling the coronavirus pandemic, saying that it should focus Democrats on unseating President Donald Trump in the November presidential election.


Former President Barack Obama has taken a swipe at the Department of Justice's move to drop its case against the former White House national security adviser, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, saying that the "rule of law is at risk."

In audio from a private conversation with the Obama Alumni Association which was obtained by Yahoo News, the 44th president also criticized how the current White House administration was handling the coronavirus pandemic, saying that it should focus Democrats on unseating President Donald Trump in the November presidential election.

no time like the present..
My Dr’s office called me yesterday to let me know they will be getting the antibody immunity test for Covid 19 and I was first on the list so she called and asked if I was still interested . My insurance doesn’t cover it and it will be $55.

FDA publishes first validation results of 12 COVID-19 antibody tests

The FDA published results from the first batch of COVID-19 antibody diagnostics to have their accuracy independently evaluated by federal laboratories—starting with the 12 blood tests the agency has already authorized for emergency use against the pandemic.

The data illustrates each test’s approximate ability to avoid false-positive and false-negative results, known as specificity and sensitivity, as well as their overall predictive value—essentially, how much a clinician could trust the likelihood of a correct reading when discussing the results with a patient, based on the test’s performance as well as the estimated prevalence of the novel coronavirus throughout the community.

The validation work is part of a project launched last month in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the National Institutes of Health, and the results come just days after the agency clamped down on the broad marketing of antibody tests across the country.

Conducted by the National Cancer Institute’s Frederick National Laboratory for Cancer Research, the test data was also used by the FDA as it decided whether to grant the products a green light. In addition, the FDA last month issued a broad authorization for antibody tests that are voluntarily submitted and pass review by the program.

EUA Authorized Serology Test Performance
Trump says he couldn't have exposed WWII vets to COVID-19 because the wind was blowing the wrong way ... WTF ?


President Trump commemorated the 75th anniversary of VE Day on Friday with eight World War II veterans, the youngest of whom was 96 and the oldest of whom was 100, CBS News reports. The president, however, did not wear a mask around the veterans despite the CDC's warning that anyone over the age of 65 is at a higher risk for severe illness if they catch COVID-19.

Trump, notably, could have been exposed to the virus by one of his personal valets, who tested positive for COVID-19 this week and potentially wasn't wearing a maskwhen he interacted with the president. Asked if Trump gave "any consideration to wearing a mask" with the veterans "given that his valet just tested positive," White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany said Friday that Trump is "regularly tested." She added that the veterans "made the choice" to attend the ceremony "because they've chosen to put their nation first. They wanted to be with their commander-in-chief on this momentous day. And it was there choice to come here."

Please for the love of god , get this piece of shit out .
With Pence and Trumps inner circle now testing positive . Makes me question if either one of them tested positive for covid19 would we the public find out the truth about it ? With state of affairs being what it is I do question it .
They could die I suppose, hard to hide that one, I'm sure it would be a pleasure for some to intubate Donald with a foot long plastic tube shoved down his pie hole. Not to worry Donald has a stash of remdesivir and somebody's convalescent plasma on ice just incase, he'll be ok, everybody is tested everyday, not you though. Donald calls you a warrior, one sent into battle with no gun, no body armour, no support, no plan and no fucking hope, cannon fodder is the proper term.
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This a very sobering article about the future of this country & effectively the World.
I said years ago that Trump would end life on this Planet as we knew it, and with his incompetency in dealing with the Virus, he has proven me right
I don't blame China or the W.H.O or Obama like he does.
I blame him.
Yep, we are trying to do the right thing up here, but are gonna get economically hammered along with the USA. The American economy going tits up because of Trump's failed premature restarts, mismanagement and stupidity is gonna hurt your largest trading partner too. I expect they will pull back in a few weeks or sooner when the body count goes through the roof in the red states who drank Trump's Koolaid. I wonder if he's gonna try to hold red state rallies again? He's stupid enough for anything and already he's doing a Jim Jones on his cult by killing off the morons in red states, along with the innocent who are forced back to work. The GOP governors and senators from those states will be freaking as the body count rises and local panic sets in with hospitals overflowing.
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