Pandemic 2020

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Greatest increases of covid deaths projected in Republican states. "Gee, that's too bad."

it's because it had to get there and spread which was interrupted by the stay at home order to flatten NY curve. it's their turn now.
Greatest increases of covid deaths projected in Republican states. "Gee, that's too bad."

Those GOP senators up for election in november are getting real nervous, they will get a lot more worried when hospitals are overwhelmed and the death toll in their states start. If Nancy does oversight on this fiasco they will have a hard time supporting the blocking of witnesses and documents on this mess. I saw a glimmer of hope in the senate hearings today and when Donald is out of the picture things appear to get done. I think Donald might fire Fauci and maybe a few others who contradict him when he says stupid shit, which is all the time.
Those GOP senators up for election in november are getting real nervous, they will get a lot more worried when hospitals are overwhelmed and the death toll in their states start. If Nancy does oversight on this fiasco they will have a hard time supporting the blocking of witnesses and documents on this mess. I saw a glimmer of hope in the senate hearings today and when Donald is out of the picture things appear to get done. I think Donald might fire Fauci and maybe a few others who contradict him when he says stupid shit, which is all the time.
Can you actually believe this shit spewed from Fox, which is actually murderous.

That Fox News bitch Laura Ingraham lauded that asshole Rand Paul for pressing the White House's top infectious disease expert about a range of policies and restrictions that have been adopted because of the coronavirus.

This morning, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci testified before senators on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, including Rand Paul, who took the opportunity to raise skepticism about Fauci's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

This is what that flaming cunt then actually Tweeted

"What @RandPaul did today at the hearing was the clearest, most concise, informed, practical response to the unaccountable COVID health experts & shutdowns I've heard from any elected official. "Freedom, Period".

I would say to her if I could get within earshot, go into your closet or bedside drawer, or where ever, and pull out your biggest dildo (I'm pretty sure she has more than one :) )
and 1st shove it up your flabby ass & then suck on it, because you not only a useless piece of shit, but your also a danger too society.

But on the bright side, her listener's are all fucking idiots & believe her & hopefully listen to her advice & die as a result.

I just hope they don't infect anyone else on the way that is simply trying to survive in this pile of shit that her idol, Trump, created.
A new poll says that in Wisconsin with seniors 60 and over Biden leads Trump by 18+ points and they will also influence their children's vote too. The seniors are scared, concerned, paying attention to the pandemic news and their tolerance of bullshit has gone way down lately. Seniors vote the most of any demographic grouping and the numbers turning against Trump and the GOP continue to grow, often with age comes wisdom, as well as senility!
55% to 37% and they haven't even had any oversight investigations of the coronavirus yet. Most seniors remember a time when a competently lead US government could get shit done and watched as men went to the moon. They know a failure of leadership and incompetence when they see it and they see it most clearly when their lives are on the line.
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Can you actually believe this shit spewed from Fox, which is actually murderous.

That Fox News bitch Laura Ingraham lauded that asshole Rand Paul for pressing the White House's top infectious disease expert about a range of policies and restrictions that have been adopted because of the coronavirus.

This morning, the Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Dr. Anthony Fauci testified before senators on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee, including Rand Paul, who took the opportunity to raise skepticism about Fauci's response to the coronavirus pandemic.

This is what that flaming cunt then actually Tweeted

"What @RandPaul did today at the hearing was the clearest, most concise, informed, practical response to the unaccountable COVID health experts & shutdowns I've heard from any elected official. "Freedom, Period".

I would say to her if I could get within earshot, go into your closet or bedside drawer, or where ever, and pull out your biggest dildo (I'm pretty sure she has more than one :) )
and 1st shove it up your flabby ass & then suck on it, because you not only a useless piece of shit, but your also a danger too society.

But on the bright side, her listener's are all fucking idiots & believe her & hopefully listen to her advice & die as a result.

I just hope they don't infect anyone else on the way that is simply trying to survive in this pile of shit that her idol, Trump, created.
Laura Ingraham is a she-male. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Fux gotta be careful who they pick up.
How covid-19 could change the financial world order | The Economist

America has dominated global finance for decades. But could covid-19 tip the balance of financial power in China's favour?
If she keeps doing shit shows with Donald she might hang herself with her own scarf! I thought she was gonna shit in her panties when Donald proposed his Lysol and light treatment, from the shocked look on her face it was obvious she realized she was dealing with a complete moron and ignoramus. It's a good thing she was frozen in fright or she would have covered her face with her hand like Fauci, when she thought, "Oh my fucking God", like everybody else who heard it. I know I did, had to pick my jaw up off the fucking floor when I saw the Clorox King video. :D

i don't care what lie he's pedaling- called it:

Washington (CNN)Jared Kushner on Wednesday sought to clarify comments casting doubt on whether the 2020 general election will take place as planned on November 3 due to the coronavirus pandemic, saying he wasn't aware of any efforts to change the date after suggesting that it's "too far in the future to tell" whether it will take place then.
Neither the President nor his staff can postpone the election, even in an emergency, according to a 2004 report from the nonpartisan Congressional Research Service. That power rests with Congress, which can pass a statute changing the date of the election, but cannot cancel it altogether. The Constitution also gives states wide latitude to regulate elections within their own borders.

ask yourself when was the last time Trumpy* followed the Constitution or Congress rules.
If she keeps doing shit shows with Donald she might hang herself with her own scarf! I thought she was gonna shit in her panties when Donald proposed his Lysol and light treatment, from the shocked look on her face it was obvious she realized she was dealing with a complete moron and ignoramus. It's a good thing she was frozen in fright or she would have covered her face with her hand like Fauci, when she thought, "Oh my fucking God", like everybody else who heard it. I know I did, had to pick my jaw up off the fucking floor when I saw the Clorox King video. :D

she already did.
If she keeps doing shit shows with Donald she might hang herself with her own scarf! I thought she was gonna shit in her panties when Donald proposed his Lysol and light treatment, from the shocked look on her face it was obvious she realized she was dealing with a complete moron and ignoramus. It's a good thing she was frozen in fright or she would have covered her face with her hand like Fauci, when she thought, "Oh my fucking God", like everybody else who heard it. I know I did, had to pick my jaw up off the fucking floor when I saw the Clorox King video. :D
As far as I'm concerned, she's an enabler. First nodding in agreement in the background, like a good bobble head, then giving shit answers and using the term "granually". "We've got to think of this granually." What the fuck is that? Shop-talk double speak? Who else uses that term? Take some granules and shove them down you're gullet, Birx. Then you might get a feeling what a goose feels like
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