Pandemic 2020

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This is good
Fuck Mitch McConnel that sister fucking POS.
Wisdom comes from many places James, this one has been kind of a guide to me and others. Anger is natural and appropriate, a great motivator and overcomes fear, its birthplace. We should not fight our nature, but seek to use it skillfully, make the most with what ya got.

"Anybody can become angry - that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way - that is not within everybody's power and is not easy".
- Aristotle

Think this guy got close to the mark with the old greek feller? :D
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I still figure Trump should be impeached, he can do too much damage, especially if he loses, he will set the country on fire and burn ya to the ground. People will ask why he was not impeached during the summer over the covid-19 and why the democrats did not act, Nancy knows this. This is the perfect storm for Donald, he can't distract from it and move on, he must perform, he must do the work and pass the test in the harsh light of day, he can't do the job and was revealed as an imbecile and incompetent fool. The challenge takes all the skills a good leader could muster, the danger and challenge to the nation are enormous and he has sworn an oath to protect and defend the nation, he is commander and chief. Leaders in a democracy must put the country and its people first to be successful, in terms of enriching the nation and helping its people to flourish in their pursuit of happiness. To do this they must first be normal people and care about others and their country first, to do it well they must be extraordinary human beings. Obama was an example of such a person and such a thing as this would never have happened if he was president, the response would have been more inline with other countries who are coping better with the pandemic,. Trump's failure will be measured by the body count and the economic destruction wrought. Make all the sacrifice count in November, make sure these folks lives will make a difference for America's future.

The choice is stark and could not be more clear, both for the presidency and the congress, America must choose, the time for compromising with evil is over. This is the struggle for the soul of a nation, is it to dwell in a utopian future fueled by science and reason, or a trumpian dystopia where you will dwell in Hell starving under the rule of King Clorox the first? My memorial day message to friends and others on RIU
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I still figure Trump should be impeached, he can do too much damage, especially if he loses, he will set the country on fire and burn ya to the ground. People will ask why he was not impeached during the summer over the covid-19 and why the democrats did not act, Nancy knows this. This is the perfect storm for Donald, he can't distract from it and move on, he must perform, he must do the work and pass the test in the harsh light of day, he can't do the job and was revealed as an imbecile and incompetent fool. The challenge takes all the skills a good leader could muster, the danger and challenge to the nation are enormous and he has sworn an oath to protect and defend the nation, he is commander and chief. Leaders in a democracy must put the country and its people first to be successful, in terms of enriching the nation and helping its people to flourish in their pursuit of happiness. To do this they must first be normal people and care about others and their country first, to do it well they must be extraordinary human beings. Obama was an example of such a person and such a thing as this would never have happened if he was president, the response would have been more inline with other countries who are coping better with the pandemic,. Trump's failure will be measured by the body count and the economic destruction wrought. Make all the sacrifice count in November, make sure these folks lives will make a difference for America's future.

The choice is stark and could not be more clear, both for the presidency and the congress, America must choose, the time for compromising with evil is over. This is the struggle for the soul of a nation, is it to dwell in a utopian future fueled by science and reason, or A trumpian dystopia where you will dwell in Hell starving under the rule of King Clorox the first? My memorial day message to friends and others on RIU

:clap:i don't think our framers ever considered the possibility of two of the three co-equals would be able align and thwart the will of the long as we have pardon to dangle that may keep us safe for the time being..remember it's all about self preservation with him and i know he has pardon on his list..which means he needs a bit of self control or not..he can terrorize, burn to the ground and still expecting pardon. this is a very weird juncture and all the intuition in the world cannot predict free will's outcome if changed.

thank dog nancy knows constitution and loopholes better than anyone..
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Think Morning Joe gets under Donald's skin, pisses him off and makes him do stupid social and political shit?
Twitter remains silent about Trump's appalling attack against Joe Scarborough

President Trump's appalling tweets have real world consequences.
Take his reckless posts about MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. For the past few weeks, Trump has been insinuating that Scarborough was responsible for the 2001 death of Lori Klausutis, who worked in his Florida office when he was a GOP congressman.
These concerns are kinda funny from a guy who refused to fund election security or take it seriously. If your concerned Donald, fund election security for the states.

Trump sees a ‘rigged election’ ahead. Democrats see a constitutional crisis in the making.
The president’s increasingly amped-up rhetoric surrounding the integrity of the November elections has many wondering how he might respond to a defeat.

First he lit into Michigan and Nevada, threatening to withhold federal funding because of his assertion that both states were preparing to commit voter fraud through mail-in ballot applications. Then President Donald Trump followed up Sunday with two more broadly-worded warnings that November would be “the greatest Rigged Election in history.”

“The Democrats are trying to Rig the 2020 Election, plain and simple!” the president claimed.

Trump’s increasingly amped-up rhetoric surrounding the integrity of the November election is beginning to bring to center stage a previously muted conversation. With the president lagging behind Joe Biden in public opinion polls six months before the general election, his opponents are becoming increasingly anxious that Trump may attempt to undermine the results of the election if he loses — or worse, might attempt to cling to power regardless of the outcome.

"He is planting the seeds for delegitimizing the election if he loses," Vanita Gupta, a former head of DOJ’s civil rights division under President Barack Obama and now president of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, said on Twitter on Sunday in reaction to Trump's "rigged election" claim. "It’s from the playbook. It’ll get more intense as he gets more freaked out."
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i don't think our framers ever considered the possibility of two of the three co-equals would be able align and thwart the will of the long as we have pardon to dangle that may keep us safe for the time being..remember it's all about self preservation with him and i know he has pardon on his list..which means he needs a bit of self control or not..he can terrorize, burn to the ground and still expecting pardon. this is a very weird juncture and all the intuition in the world cannot predict free will's outcome if changed.

thank dog nancy knows constitution and loopholes better than anyone..
Never corner a rat, lives might be saved if he were offered a way out, it would hurt like Hell, but mass death hurts more of the innocent.
Another example of Lincoln’s incredible eloquence. Imagine if he had more than a year of formal education? Obviously reading Shakespeare helped him acquire such a mastery of the language.
Having a good heart helped a lot too, his intentions shone through like the sun and they were pure, motivating greatness.
Never corner a rat, lives might be saved if he were offered a way out, it would hurt like Hell, but mass death hurts more of the innocent.

the quicker we're rid of him the quicker we can get back to business..i wish she would offer him in lieu of stepping vote- he just leaves and biden takes over..never say never, now with this guy, anythings possible..its best to minimize the damage.
Think Morning Joe gets under Donald's skin, pisses him off and makes him do stupid social and political shit?
Twitter remains silent about Trump's appalling attack against Joe Scarborough

President Trump's appalling tweets have real world consequences.
Take his reckless posts about MSNBC host Joe Scarborough. For the past few weeks, Trump has been insinuating that Scarborough was responsible for the 2001 death of Lori Klausutis, who worked in his Florida office when he was a GOP congressman.

-- David Frum: "Yesterday, the president accused a prominent citizen of murder. Surely the attorney general wants to get right on this important news? The US Attorneys? The crack investigative crew at Fox News? Judge Jeanine? Or do they all tacitly agree: Trump's words are just empty craziness?"


you mean..? Scarboroughgate?:lol: King Clorox has spoken..i think it's great joe get's 3 unfettered hours to speak his mind about The Donald he knows soooooo well.
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These concerns are kinda funny from a guy who refused to fund election security or take it seriously. If your concerned Donald, fund election security for the states.

Trump sees a ‘rigged election’ ahead. Democrats see a constitutional crisis in the making.
The president’s increasingly amped-up rhetoric surrounding the integrity of the November elections has many wondering how he might respond to a defeat.

First he lit into Michigan and Nevada, threatening to withhold federal funding because of his assertion that both states were preparing to commit voter fraud through mail-in ballot applications. Then President Donald Trump followed up Sunday with two more broadly-worded warnings that November would be “the greatest Rigged Election in history.”

“The Democrats are trying to Rig the 2020 Election, plain and simple!” the president claimed.

Trump’s increasingly amped-up rhetoric surrounding the integrity of the November election is beginning to bring to center stage a previously muted conversation. With the president lagging behind Joe Biden in public opinion polls six months before the general election, his opponents are becoming increasingly anxious that Trump may attempt to undermine the results of the election if he loses — or worse, might attempt to cling to power regardless of the outcome.

"He is planting the seeds for delegitimizing the election if he loses," Vanita Gupta, a former head of DOJ’s civil rights division under President Barack Obama and now president of The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, said on Twitter on Sunday in reaction to Trump's "rigged election" claim. "It’s from the playbook. It’ll get more intense as he gets more freaked out."

really? i see a criminal with no way's not getting biden elected that's going to be an issue; it's getting that fat diapered ass, Chumpy* to leave..
really? i see a criminal with no way's not getting biden elected that's going to be an issue; it's getting that fat diapered ass, Chumpy* to leave..
I think if Nancy impeached him over covid-19 in a month or two when the body count got high in the red states and the governors had to pull back with shit on their faces, it might stick. It would at least hold the republican senators feet to the fire and make them carry Donald's water one last time in the midst of a nation crises when their congressional delegations will be panicking. Imagine trying to support the withholding of documents and witnesses over this, the scientific whistle blowers will form a fucking orchestra! If the republicans acqiut the fucker (perhaps after their primaries?) they carry his water into the general election and it should have over 200,000 dead floating in it and more added everyday, it's gonna smell real bad by november. They could have a counter like the national debt counter at the bottom of the fucking screen reeling off the numbers of dead on CSPAN, as the trial proceeds. There are 23 republican senate seats are up for grabs and Nancy wants as many as she can get, Donald will provide lot's of them for her, Nancy is wise and Donald is a moron, Nancy also has experience in handling children.
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