Pandemic 2020

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But Putin’s putting hits out on our soldiers is out of the headlines and cucktrump has been so compliant and just sits there silent.
It's not out of the news, there is just no news about it at this time because Donald is doing nothing about it. The democrats are lining up their ducks and giving Donald rope to hang himself with each passing day of inaction, there is an election soon and oversight is coming, so are subpoenas. Do you think the public would be too upset if congress used its inherent powers to protect American troops? How about to defend American citizens votes from Barr? How about the response to covid, anybody want to support withholding documents from oversight on the response?

I figure Congress will end up using its inherent powers before this is over, I can't see them letting the republicans off the hook just before an election, or letting Bill Barr & Donald Trump conspire to steal the election so they can get away with their crimes. They will try to cancel or steal the election no matter the results, they have no other choice, it win or prison, Barr will most likely do himself in the end, Donald doesn't have the guts.

If the democrats win in November, they will use the inherent power of congress before the inauguration for sure, Donald will go nuts.


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Special Report: Bolsonaro bets 'miraculous cure' for COVID-19 can save Brazil - and his life .... :wall:

RIO DE JANEIRO/BRASILIA (Reuters) - Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro has gone all in on hydroxychloroquine to help his coronavirus-ravaged country beat COVID-19. He has pushed his government to make the malaria drug widely available and encouraged Brazilians to take it, both to prevent the disease and to treat it.

Now the far-right populist is putting his convictions to the ultimate test: Bolsonaro on Tuesday announced that he had tested positive for the disease and was taking hydroxychloroquine.

Bolsonaro said in a televised interview that he had taken an initial two doses, in conjunction with the antibiotic azithromycin, and felt better almost immediately. His only regret, he said, was not using it sooner.

“If I had taken hydroxychloroquine preventively, I would still be working” instead of heading into quarantine, Bolsonaro said.

Later, in a separate video, he gulped down a third pill. He said he was aware of other treatments, but noted none of them had been proven to work.

I trust in hydroxychloroquine,” he said. “And you?”

Bolsonaro’s illness is a potent symbol of his government’s botched response to the outbreak. More than 1.7 million people in Brazil have tested positive for coronavirus and nearly 68,000 have died. Only the United States has performed worse.

A forceful critic of stay-at-home measures, Bolsonaro, 65, has largely shunned masks and derided the coronavirus as a “little flu.” Instead, he has placed his faith in hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, turning them into the centerpiece of his government’s virus-beating playbook.

The two medications are often used against malaria, while hydroxychloroquine is also used to treat certain automimmune diseases. Some countries authorized the drugs to be tried on COVID-19 patients, and some doctors anecdotally have reported encouraging results.

Still, evidence is mounting that these drugs have no benefit for hospitalized patients. The U.S. Food and Drug administration in June, for example, revoked its emergency use authorization for hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine, saying it was no longer likely that the medications were effective at treating COVID-19 in these patients.

Bolsonaro has been undeterred by such pronouncements. He has pushed his Health Ministry to expand access to the drugs and dispensed with two Health Ministers - Luiz Henrique Mandetta and Nelson Teich - who had urged a more cautious approach.

So where do i send the funeral flowers ?


Well-Known Member
I see Donald is planning on opening schools, in Canada some places have decided to do this, others have not yet. I think we have 2 months to aggressively test and contact trace to see if we can drive this down as much as we can. When we reopen schools, those small Spartan fast testing machines would sure come in handy, they've been manufacturing them en mass for months, but there were issues with the swabs that I assume are being resolved. Hopefully they will be able to hit the ground running with mass fast testing by the time schools reopen, it would help a lot to do it safely. Also monitoring the sewage of schools might be helpful, apparently they can detect a outbreak that way and if there is a case in the school it should detect it. If any cases are found in a school they can quickly hit it with massive testing and contact tracing.

We would never even think about opening schools until the public health officials say it is safe to do so, we won't throw our kids on the bonfire of Donald's vanity and psychopathy, will you? Does MAGA mean throwing your kids under the bus along with their grandparents? What an essay subject, how I caught covid in school and killed grandma. Jesus Christ, some people had better wake the fuck up before you are ankle deep in the blood of the innocent. Does anybody think with all these deaths and betrayal that this shit won't go on for years if Donald loses. Does anybody doubt that if Donald seizes power and cancels elections that it won't trigger a civil war? Would you live peacefully under Donald's thumb after he stole your vote, country and freedom?

I guess those kids in cages are covid victims too...
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I see Donald is planning on opening schools, in Canada some places have decided to do this, others have not yet. I think we have 2 months to aggressively test and contact trace to see if we can drive this down as much as we can. When we reopen schools, those small Spartan fast testing machines would sure come in handy, they've been manufacturing them en mass for months, but there were issues with the swabs that I assume are being resolved. Hopefully they will be able to hit the ground running with mass fast testing by the time schools reopen, it would help a lot to do it safely. Also monitoring the sewage of schools might be helpful, apparently they can detect a outbreak that way and if there is a case in the school it should detect it. If any cases are found in a school they can quickly hit it with massive testing and contact tracing.

We would never even think about opening schools until the public health officials say it is safe to do so, we won't throw our kids on the bonfire of Donald's vanity and psychopathy, will you? Does MAGA mean throwing your kids under the bus along with their grandparents? What an essay subject, how I caught covid in school and killed grandma. Jesus Christ, some people had better wake the fuck up before you are ankle deep in the blood of the innocent. Does anybody think with all these deaths and betrayal that this shit won't go on for years if Donald loses. Does anybody doubt that if Donald seizes power and cancels elections that it won't trigger a civil war? Would you live peacefully under Donald's thumb after he stole your vote, country and freedom?

I guess those kids in cages are covid victims too...
Ontario said it will be opening schools in September, that’s 6 weeks away! Canadian airlines have removed all distancing requirements. As for a civil war due to Donald not giving up his presidency I highly doubt that could/would happen but at this point I’m not betting he won’t try.


Well-Known Member
Ontario said it will be opening schools in September, that’s 6 weeks away! Canadian airlines have removed all distancing requirements. As for a civil war due to Donald not giving up his presidency I highly doubt that could/would happen but at this point I’m not betting he won’t try.
Ontario will obey the public health officials, if they say it's ok, most folks will agree, but they had better be up to snuff on rapid testing. I'm ambivalent about it myself, there is risk, but life has to go on somewhat, kids need school and parents need to work.

I don't think it will come to civil war either, it will be a landslide and everyday the election draws closer with Donald down in the polls, the more powerless he becomes. They will still try to steal the election, Bill Barr seems as desperate to avoid prison as Trump, he must have dirtied himself up real good, Donald did rat him out over the Ukraine affair. I figure congress will cut Bill Bar off at the knees, by impeaching him, he won't show for the subpoena, so congress can arrest him and hold him in their very own jail (or rent space from the city of DC). If they did that then they wouldn't have to worry about the senate letting him off on impeachment. They need to get Bill Barr behind bars, it will scare the shit out of the rest of Donald's minions and take Billy and any mischief he might make off the table. Bill Barr isn't too popular and nobody would give a shit if they impeached him, much less jailed him.


Well-Known Member
Arizona is the worlds #1 covid19 center ? Listening to talking heads last night shit on the Trump supporting governor from Az and how his leadership decisions have adversely impacted the state and it’s people in the last few months . 145 icu beds left in the state is 1 number that stood out to me ,holy shit ! No navy hospital ships gonna make that voyage to help in a relief effort . Fuck that guy .


Well-Known Member
It looks like the top health people are rebelling against Trump, Redfield will be fired over this and I think Fauci might be axed too, things appear to be coming to a head.

CDC director says agency won't revise school reopening guidelines despite WH push

(CNN)The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will not revise its guidelines for reopening schools despite calls from the White House to do so, agency Director Dr. Robert Redfield said Thursday.
Instead, additional reference documents will be provided, Redfield told ABC's "Good Morning America."
"Our guidelines are our guidelines, but we are going to provide additional reference documents to aid basically communities in trying to open K-through-12s," Redfield said. "It's not a revision of the guidelines; it's just to provide additional information to help schools be able to use the guidance we put forward."
The comments risk further adding to a sense of confusion about how best to reopen schools as the new academic year approaches amid a surge in confirmed coronavirus cases. President Donald Trump has vehemently called for schools to reopen -- one of the keys to restarting the economy and getting the country back to a sense of pre-pandemic normalcy -- calling the existing guidelines "very tough and expensive," and going so far as to threaten to cut off school funding, though the federal government's ability to do so is limited.


Well-Known Member
It looks like the top health people are rebelling against Trump, Redfield will be fired over this and I think Fauci might be axed too, things appear to be coming to a head.

CDC director says agency won't revise school reopening guidelines despite WH push

(CNN)The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will not revise its guidelines for reopening schools despite calls from the White House to do so, agency Director Dr. Robert Redfield said Thursday.
Instead, additional reference documents will be provided, Redfield told ABC's "Good Morning America."
"Our guidelines are our guidelines, but we are going to provide additional reference documents to aid basically communities in trying to open K-through-12s," Redfield said. "It's not a revision of the guidelines; it's just to provide additional information to help schools be able to use the guidance we put forward."
The comments risk further adding to a sense of confusion about how best to reopen schools as the new academic year approaches amid a surge in confirmed coronavirus cases. President Donald Trump has vehemently called for schools to reopen -- one of the keys to restarting the economy and getting the country back to a sense of pre-pandemic normalcy -- calling the existing guidelines "very tough and expensive," and going so far as to threaten to cut off school funding, though the federal government's ability to do so is limited.
It looks like they’re hoping to get fired. Get off the sinking ship.

If I was Fauci, I would have quit a long time ago and moved to New Zealand.........waving...... bye bye stupid motherfuckers!

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
How much will the United States deficit be after the pandemic has run its course of destruction . Getting schools back up under CDC guidelines would cost 300 billion is what I heard . Will it be in the
quadrillion, quintrillion, sextillion, septillion, octillion, nonillion, or decillion?


Well-Known Member
I know I posted this first video somewhere before, it was very fun at the time (when the pandemic was first going in lockdowns).

But she did an update that to me is equally worth watching.



Well-Known Member
Well, after all, gravity is a made up hoax. Many people say.
Not a hoax but modern theories treat it as a perceived force, not a real one. The "force" of gravity is due to mass causing time-space to curve. discussed here:

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