Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Well from all my reading on corona viruses and covid-19 I've come to the conclusion that a safe and effective vaccine is a pipe dream. The only chance this thing goes away is if there are world wide lock downs like the first Chinese one and that's a even bigger pipe dream, just looking at maga morons proves that. We just have to hope it mutates into a milder form, some scientists say the 1889-1890 pandemic was a corona virus and that it mutated into a milder form and is still with us today as one of the common cold viruses. The alternative is it keeps killing in large numbers till it runs out of people with pre existing conditions that make them susceptible or people with the genetics that make them susceptible. If it isn't eradicated or mutates into something less deadly or they don't come up with a vaccine it will destroy the current world economics and trade system. If not stopped it will transform the planet and destroy the world economy, people don't see it because it's such a slow moving disaster and it's effects will be slow until things reach a breaking point. When I talk to people about it they look at me like I'm one of those crazy guys on a street corner screaming about the end of the world.


Well-Known Member
Well from all my reading on corona viruses and covid-19 I've come to the conclusion that a safe and effective vaccine is a pipe dream. The only chance this thing goes away is if there are world wide lock downs like the first Chinese one and that's a even bigger pipe dream, just looking at maga morons proves that. We just have to hope it mutates into a milder form, some scientists say the 1889-1890 pandemic was a corona virus and that it mutated into a milder form and is still with us today as one of the common cold viruses. The alternative is it keeps killing in large numbers till it runs out of people with pre existing conditions that make them susceptible or people with the genetics that make them susceptible. If it isn't eradicated or mutates into something less deadly or they don't come up with a vaccine it will destroy the current world economics and trade system. If not stopped it will transform the planet and destroy the world economy, people don't see it because it's such a slow moving disaster and it's effects will be slow until things reach a breaking point. When I talk to people about it they look at me like I'm one of those crazy guys on a street corner screaming about the end of the world.
With this bug willful ignorance will kill you and others, it was tailor made to exterminate Trumpers, unfortunately it kills and maims everybody else too. Even when it kills the Trumpers you can't help but feel sorry for the victims of lies and bullshit, there is no victory, there's only sorrow and misery for all. I'm hopeful for a treatment or a somewhat effective vaccine, I'm most hopeful about convalescent plasma and artificial antibody therapies that are beginning to be rolled out in Canada and America, there will be logistical issues with antiviral drugs.

Nobody could keep up with the scale of the catastrophe unfolding in the southern red states in the midst of summer. Republicans killed those folks, just like lining them up against a wall and shooting the poor fuckers, any moron could have seen this coming a mile away. Donald stabbed the very heart of his support and power in the back and kicked them in the face while they are down, Donald is losing in Texas and Florida bigly now and it's gonna get a lot worse there and for him. The GOP are in a panic the senate is not just in play but gone by a long shot, they are gonna break with Trump, but it's too little and far to late.
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Well-Known Member
Experts predict that 20 to 28 million evictions will happen in the US by October, if that doesn't scare you, you're brain dead already.
Here is what Donald is doing to help, looks like Fauci is gonna be fired, Donald is winding up for the pitch.
As Virus Surges, WH Seeks To Discredit Dr. Fauci | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The White House is seeking to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's leading infectious disease expert, as the president works to marginalize Fauci and his warnings about U.S. response to coronavirus.


Well-Known Member
Experts predict that 20 to 28 million evictions will happen in the US by October, if that doesn't scare you, you're brain dead already.
If it seizes up the banking system like in 2008, yer fucked, 30 million people will be fucked and on the street in the midst of a pandemic. People are out of money and the republicans won't give up any money unless you agree to let them raid the treasury again, starve. Millions of tons of food rotted in the fields or were plowed under, hunger will be widespread and food banks won't be able to keep up. Jesus Christ, no wonder he bankrupted a casino, lost his family fortune, owed near 10 billion and ripped off everybody in site. The most unsuccessful man in the world, he even lost when he won the presidency and didn't even want to win.


Well-Known Member
Well from all my reading on corona viruses and covid-19 I've come to the conclusion that a safe and effective vaccine is a pipe dream. The only chance this thing goes away is if there are world wide lock downs like the first Chinese one and that's a even bigger pipe dream, just looking at maga morons proves that. We just have to hope it mutates into a milder form, some scientists say the 1889-1890 pandemic was a corona virus and that it mutated into a milder form and is still with us today as one of the common cold viruses. The alternative is it keeps killing in large numbers till it runs out of people with pre existing conditions that make them susceptible or people with the genetics that make them susceptible. If it isn't eradicated or mutates into something less deadly or they don't come up with a vaccine it will destroy the current world economics and trade system. If not stopped it will transform the planet and destroy the world economy, people don't see it because it's such a slow moving disaster and it's effects will be slow until things reach a breaking point. When I talk to people about it they look at me like I'm one of those crazy guys on a street corner screaming about the end of the world.
Your absolutely right, the World is pretty much fucked
This virus is constantly mutating making a specific effective vaccine almost impossible to attain.
It will boil down simply to the survival of the fittest it seems.
Oh well :(
Anyway, enough Debbie Downer shite.
It's time too laugh :)



Well-Known Member
The ones in power know what's coming and choose not to tell the truth to the public. They're hoping people will go back work and school and accept the death all around them as the new normal to save the economy. What would happen if the powers that be went on TV and told the dire truth of the economic collapse coming if things don't change? Would it be worse than it happening without the public being at least warned of the consequences? They obviously think the public will freak and that will speed up the collapse but will it? If the whole ugly truth was told about the virus and the economic ruin that it brings was told to the public would it bring people together under a common goal to save their way of life or would it lead to a sped up of the collapse and chaos?


Well-Known Member
If the whole ugly truth was told about the virus and the economic ruin that it brings was told to the public would it bring people together under a common goal to save their way of life or would it lead to a sped up of the collapse and chaos?
This would require federal leadership which unfortunately doesn’t exist right now. We can’t answer your question until that happens.


Well-Known Member
According to my wife who watches Russian news occasionally, Russia has already approved a vaccine for use and reopened summer camps for kids and restaurants for full dining.

Of course, most Russians are wise enough to realize that holds as much water as a colander, so there it is.


Well-Known Member
With this bug willful ignorance will kill you and others, it was tailor made to exterminate Trumpers, unfortunately it kills and maims everybody else too. Even when it kills the Trumpers you can't help but feel sorry for the victims of lies and bullshit, there is no victory, there's only sorrow and misery for all. I'm hopeful for a treatment or a somewhat effective vaccine, I'm most hopeful about convalescent plasma and artificial antibody therapies that are beginning to be rolled out in Canada and America, there will be logistical issues with antiviral drugs.

Nobody could keep up with the scale of the catastrophe unfolding in the southern red states in the midst of summer. Republicans killed those folks, just like lining them up against a wall and shooting the poor fuckers, any moron could have seen this coming a mile away. Donald stabbed the very heart of his support and power in the back and kicked them in the face while they are down, Donald is losing in Texas and Florida bigly now and it's gonna get a lot worse there and for him. The GOP are in a panic the senate is not just in play but gone by a long shot, they are gonna break with Trump, but it's too little and far to late.
the other countries have shown containment is possible..but you have to want to.


Well-Known Member
Here is what Donald is doing to help, looks like Fauci is gonna be fired, Donald is winding up for the pitch.
As Virus Surges, WH Seeks To Discredit Dr. Fauci | Morning Joe | MSNBC

The White House is seeking to discredit Dr. Anthony Fauci, the country's leading infectious disease expert, as the president works to marginalize Fauci and his warnings about U.S. response to coronavirus.
Fauci will be gone by Wednesday probably, because the wheels are obviously turning for his removal, and he's just going to be Trumps latest scapegoat in his feeble attempts to blame anyone or anything else for his own, very obvious failure to lead this Nation in this historic crisis.
Trump will never change, he just closes his ears to criticism and exiles the critics.
Great timing, eh?
Trump & COVID-19 at the same fucking time.
I don't believe in God, but lately I'm not so sure about the Devil.



Well-Known Member
The ones in power know what's coming and choose not to tell the truth to the public. They're hoping people will go back work and school and accept the death all around them as the new normal to save the economy. What would happen if the powers that be went on TV and told the dire truth of the economic collapse coming if things don't change? Would it be worse than it happening without the public being at least warned of the consequences? They obviously think the public will freak and that will speed up the collapse but will it? If the whole ugly truth was told about the virus and the economic ruin that it brings was told to the public would it bring people together under a common goal to save their way of life or would it lead to a sped up of the collapse and chaos?
and there is a truth not being the absence of, there already is collapse and chaos.


Well-Known Member
Fauci will be gone by Wednesday probably, because the wheels are obviously turning for his removal, and he's just going to be Trumps latest scapegoat in his feeble attempts to blame anyone or anything else for his own, very obvious failure to lead this Nation in this historic crisis.
Trump will never change, he just closes his ears to criticism and exiles the critics.
Great timing, eh?
Trump & COVID-19 at the same fucking time.
I don't believe in God, but lately I'm not so sure about the Devil.

View attachment 4622984
i would've preferred the cartoonist to not have filled in the black of pence's jacket..i just knew this was all fauci's fault! :cuss:
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Well-Known Member
Experts predict that 20 to 28 million evictions will happen in the US by October, if that doesn't scare you, you're brain dead already.
the courts would be completely could pull a Trumpy* to protect yourself easy = bankruptcy and discharge back rent..take heart there is always a process you can tie up.

Trumpy* isn't the only one who can leverage loopholes- educate yourself with the law of your state.

think about it..he's kept himself out of jail this long with an IQ of 78.


Well-Known Member
Great timing, eh?
Trump & COVID-19 at the same fucking time.
I don't believe in God, but lately I'm not so sure about the Devil.
The virus however, did lay bare all of Trump's faults for more to see. Without this Trump definitely gets elected again. It's crazy he still has a chance. Maybe less people will die this way than armageddon happening in his second term.

Now, if that motherfucker should happen to die a slow and agonizing death with this disease, I'm going to fucking church every fucking Sunday. I'm going to fucking donate fucking huge to the fucking collection plate too...............I may even quit fucking swearing.............maybe.


Well-Known Member
Well from all my reading on corona viruses and covid-19 I've come to the conclusion that a safe and effective vaccine is a pipe dream. The only chance this thing goes away is if there are world wide lock downs like the first Chinese one and that's a even bigger pipe dream, just looking at maga morons proves that. We just have to hope it mutates into a milder form, some scientists say the 1889-1890 pandemic was a corona virus and that it mutated into a milder form and is still with us today as one of the common cold viruses. The alternative is it keeps killing in large numbers till it runs out of people with pre existing conditions that make them susceptible or people with the genetics that make them susceptible. If it isn't eradicated or mutates into something less deadly or they don't come up with a vaccine it will destroy the current world economics and trade system. If not stopped it will transform the planet and destroy the world economy, people don't see it because it's such a slow moving disaster and it's effects will be slow until things reach a breaking point. When I talk to people about it they look at me like I'm one of those crazy guys on a street corner screaming about the end of the world.
Six months.

It's a bit early to throw in the towel. Here is a summary of where we are in understanding this disease, six months in. A section was copied regarding immunity:

Six months of coronavirus: the mysteries scientists are still racing to solve
From immunity to the role of genetics, Nature looks at five pressing questions about COVID-19 that researchers are tackling.

What’s the nature of immunity and how long does it last?
Immunologists are working feverishly to determine what immunity to SARS-CoV-2 could look like, and how long it might last. Much of the effort has focused on ‘neutralizing antibodies’, which bind to viral proteins and directly prevent infection. Studies have found2 that levels of neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 remain high for a few weeks after infection, but then typically begin to wane.

However, these antibodies might linger at high levels for longer in people who had particularly severe infections. “The more virus, the more antibodies, and the longer they will last,” says immunologist George Kassiotis of the Francis Crick Institute in London. Similar patterns have been seen with other viral infections, including SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome). Most people who had SARS lost their neutralizing antibodies after the first few years. But those who had it really severely still had antibodies when re-tested 12 years later, says Kassiotis.

Studies5 of other coronaviruses suggest that ‘sterilizing immunity’, which prevents infection, might last for only a matter of months. But protective immunity, which can prevent or ease symptoms, could last longer than that, says Shane Crotty, a virologist at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology in California.

Sorry that it's taking so long.
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