Pandemic 2020

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Well-Known Member
Well I have had an extra horrible couple of weeks.

I work for a very large organization. They have been pretty proactive about COVID 19 shit. All the employees have to check in using their phone on an app to tell if they have had any recent Covid symptoms. But enforcement of this kind of depends on where you are and who is locally in charge. So we have had no enforcement. Recently we have had employees with the full range of symptoms and yet they wanted to return to work as soon as they felt better. Despite very clear guidelines that they cannot and them being instructed that they must either wait nearly two weeks or get a clean Covid test, they have been allowed to return without the test after a couple of days.

Then a mandatory mask edict was sent out - perversely on the same day as the potential carrier was allowed to return to work. All were ignored.

Let's just say that eventually, higher up people got involved after a while and masks were instituted. They were instituted begrudgingly and ineffectively.

I share an office with a woman who you could accurately call Karen. She looks like this if you give her about thirty additional years, all of which were spent being beaten with a heavy stick, and then she developed a severe case of alopecia.

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She won't wear a mask despite sharing the office with four other people. I have had to ask her to wear one every day. She begrudgingly places it on her chin, leaving her mouth and nose exposed. When I ask her to put it on, she loudly abuses me and departs on a political diatribe. At night she spends most of her time ripping me with the other employees on Facebook. I seen it.

Today was particularly special. She had scrawled Trump 2020 on her mask (fine with me, I like it when people self identify as assholes) and finally put it on her chin while screaming about freedom. She told me I am not her boss (I'm not), and when I pointed out that we were all management and it was our responsibility to set an example and ensure that safety regulations are met, she flipped me off and used her middle finger to push it up over her mouth. One minute later it was back on her whiskery chin.

Anybody that says Trump isn't responsible for Covid-19 deaths is stupid enough to be a Trump supporter.

I guess I am looking for a new job.

report her immediately to HR..if they can't convince her, report employer to the Labor Board and OSHA..she's putting your whole household at an employment attorney- they love when big corporations drop the ball..consult before you leave and document, document and document. make sure you screen shot everything..once your access disappears, so will network documents..the 2nd part of your post sounds like a hostile work environment to me..doesn't your state now have mandatory inside mask requirement?

there may be money of luck, friend..hope you got some ideas:wink::hug:

PS- no one goes to court anymore it's mostly about the Demand Letter and their typical policies pay up to $30K to keep it out of gets 30% and balance is yours..put it away for your sons future.

i'm sure your company has cameras everywhere but you may wish to consider:

you just won your case with the above and you'll have you're own copy of vid and not just the company'd be surprised at how this^^ makes people behave.
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Well-Known Member
Yer lucky you weren't maimed for life, many are, many more than die from it.
I have alot of after effects I kinda do feel maimed. Just tell myself people survive worse and to not be a pussy. It works most days, although I am starting to feel old now lol. Like I said shit feels like your dying from cancer, even months after. Just cant give up that will to live!!


Well-Known Member
I want a tshirt that says Individual #1 lol
Having a set of cuffs on Trump by sundown on inauguration day would be a wonderful way for the SDNY DA to keep their job. Joe is going to inherit a bankrupt graveyard with no transition meetings to help smooth the way, he will be fucking outraged. Joe is going to have to hit the ground running and there are old hands on his team who know where the levers of power are. Joe is an old man and this is his chance to not just make a difference, but for greatness, he will shine brightly, even if he burns out doing it. Churchill was great for the adversity he overcame, Joe knows this, such problems make great men, you will see what a real POTUS can accomplish. Give Joe a year with some willing hands (and there will be many) and ya won't know the place, until Trump and the republicans are gone it will be dystopia.


Well-Known Member
I have alot of after effects I kinda do feel maimed. Just tell myself people survive worse and to not be a pussy. It works most days, although I am starting to feel old now lol. Like I said shit feels like your dying from cancer, even months after. Just cant give up that will to live!!
Ya get an A for attitude! Many are going through this shit, maybe some help and solutions can be found online, folks with problems help each other and there are probably doctors and other experts involved too. I costs nothing to look, who knows ya might be able to class action sue Trump, get in line!


Well-Known Member
We are doing well on masks. When the city mask mandate with $500 fine for not wearing went into effect last week I saw an improvement with a few staff members And patients . Some are even doubling up like me. Watch plastic face shields more often now as well.
i ordered these and this company donates 10%:


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
i ordered these and this company donates 10%:

Those are bad ass. I would wear those on top of another mask with a filter. I have some that look like they might be the same spandex like material. They are really awesome because you can fold them up so small and tuck them into your jeans pocket. But protection wise very poor. Enough to keep you legal. B7955A52-9D57-4BD3-92D0-74B8E12CDBE9.jpeg
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Well-Known Member

Daniel Green is still hobbled by the severe viral infection that struck him in March and left him coughing up blood.

Three months ago, the 28-year-old postdoctoral research associate from Newcastle, United Kingdom, was on the road with friends in a band as they toured venues in the French Alps.

He came down with Covid-19 symptoms, and like many coronavirus patients, spent weeks in bed.

Unlike other people, however, Green's life hasn't returned to normal.

"Since then it's been on and off with extreme tiredness and fatigue," he said.

Every day he has brain fog, difficulty concentrating and problems with short-term memory that make reading, writing and speaking harder.


Well-Known Member

Daniel Green is still hobbled by the severe viral infection that struck him in March and left him coughing up blood.

Three months ago, the 28-year-old postdoctoral research associate from Newcastle, United Kingdom, was on the road with friends in a band as they toured venues in the French Alps.

He came down with Covid-19 symptoms, and like many coronavirus patients, spent weeks in bed.

Unlike other people, however, Green's life hasn't returned to normal.

"Since then it's been on and off with extreme tiredness and fatigue," he said.

Every day he has brain fog, difficulty concentrating and problems with short-term memory that make reading, writing and speaking harder.
I have no clue what my blood type is, but that sounds spot on for me. I experience all of those symptoms, and my depression is running rampant ever since meds just are not working anymore life is a blur!! Cant wait for better dayz ahead!!


Well-Known Member

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This has been a trend since the mass production of printed books 500 years ago and the cult of celebrity began in the 18th and 19th centuries with authors like dickens and twain and many poets too. Next came music, radio and film, then TV and cable, next the internet and today the wireless world of cell phones and 4G service. Every second we spend with these technologies is a second we don't spend directly interacting with other humans, if everybody does it a lot, it makes the world a lonelier place for everybody. Social/emotional skills fail to develop properly or atrophy, stress levels also increase and have been decade by decade as measured by standardised tests, in lock step with technology. Younger people are more stressed out than older folks who don't adopt the technology as much or as pervasively.

Back in the 50's they studied the last town to get TV before and after, the streets and restaurants emptied when, I Love Lucy was on, there was a marked social change in the community with one channel of black and white, radio had a similar impact in the 30's and 40's. The cumulative effect of all these technologies is to offer an enormous variety of entertainment options, in 1900 the only sound in your house was the ticking of the clock in the hall, folks socialised more.


Well-Known Member
This has been a trend since the mass production of printed books 500 years ago and the cult of celebrity began in the 18th and 19th centuries with authors like dickens and twain and many poets too. Next came music, radio and film, then TV and cable, next the internet and today the wireless world of cell phones and 4G service. Every second we spend with these technologies is a second we don't spend directly interacting with other humans, if everybody does it a lot, it makes the world a lonelier place for everybody. Social/emotional skills fail to develop properly or atrophy, stress levels also increase and have been decade by decade as measured by standardised tests, in lock step with technology. Younger people are more stressed out than older folks who don't adopt the technology as much or as pervasively.

Back in the 50's they studied the last town to get TV before and after, the streets and restaurants emptied when, I Love Lucy was on, there was a marked social change in the community with one channel of black and white, radio had a similar impact in the 30's and 40's. The cumulative effect of all these technologies is to offer an enormous variety of entertainment options, in 1900 the only sound in your house was the ticking of the clock in the hall, folks socialised more.
my grandparents from europe had that clock on the buffet. it sang its song every hour while my grandmother snuck me a cup of dark coffee with lots of cream and's amazing the high you get from first? Canadian maple candy at age 3.

i guess you could say my first remembered high was with a Canadian:wink:


Well-Known Member
Well I don't know what the trigger will be but things are going to get medieval at some point soon. One third of people couldn't make their rent or house payment in July and the extra $600 in federal unemployment benefits is in it's last week. We're looking at a complete economic meltdown soon unless they come up with a effective vaccine very quickly, long shot is a understatement. This thing will make the great depression look like a picnic and chances are it will happen this year. When the food supply chain collapses is when things will really get ugly, you can't eat guns and ammo. We might have limited the impact if the virus would have been controlled but tRUmp made sure it wasn't. This all sounds like tinfoil hat stuff but it doesn't take that much research to see it coming like a freight train, good luck to everyone.
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