Well-Known Member
You don't know right from wrong or your arse from a hot rock. I've been known to make long posts myself, but they are coherent and the content makes fucking sense at some level. You are spouting hard right horse shit and listening to a rightwing nutbar and sound like one yourself.I dont take sides lib or con.
An example of stupidity, ignorance and a head filled with nutbar crap.In canada right now: Harm reduction program. illegally used to provide children with hard drugs instead of using doctors to administer with the goal of control of child to move toward trauma informed response/ sobriety. Foster parents are also told to purchase smokes for underage kids, wont find that in the contract.
I no longer think you're a paid troll, just a willing victim of disinformation and hate. Stop posting and embarrassing yourself, I just skimmed your shit spew and I'm not even gonna bother going through it and reaming your ass. You are among informed educated adults here and are gonna get a hard dose of reality right between the eyes.
I'm a Canadian so stop spreading bullshit conspiracy theories about my country and about treatment programs you know shit about except for what some rightwing psycho spouts at you.
Start backing up things you say with links and be prepared to stand behind what you say or I'm gonna start the painful task of reading your posts and you in detail.
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