Pandemic 2020

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Maybe the feds should secretly rebrand one of the vaccines as "The Real Jesus Miracle" and give it to the hucksters who prey upon these morons for a discount and they can sell it to them. Say Jesus himself peed in the vaccine bottles (add some yellow food dye) and that it kills socialist and they won't take it! If there is profit involved their churches could sell the vaccine too! Promote it as the "white man's vaccine" and liberals can't get it! Make them pay for it though, anything given away will be viewed with suspicion... :lol:

Put some ketchup on it.
I was out to the grocery store early this morning to pick up a few items and saw the assistant manager, who is also a friend I used to talk RC plane and drone with. I hadn't seen this forty something in many months, he was working in a different area of the store. He's high school educated, intelligent, personable, not politically off the wall and to my surprise vaccine resistant. We had a polite conversation that started when I asked if he and the other staff who work with the public got the jab yet. I didn't stay long as it was a bit busy and we didn't speak for very long, but I did point out a few facts to him. I think his employer will insist on vaccination though, once supplies are sufficient, anybody working with the public and contacting large numbers of the public every day should be required to get the jab. I never mentioned this to him though, but focused on the brain damage and maiming statistics.
A story came out saying 30% of health care workers are considering changing professions because of covid.
Can you blame them when they were repeatedly thrown under the bus by asshole governors and premiers here in Canada because restaurant owners and other such are running their parties for the most part. Treat soldiers like that and they would be turning their guns on you! Being worked to death in a sea of covid and having your governor tell people not to wear masks and pander to lunatics in the midst of a pandemic is enough to cut the heart out of most people. So was working in garbage bags for PPE and recycling masks and other PPE while these lunatics shoveled more victims in the door daily.
A friends daughter got out last fall, couldn't take all the death, she drives for Amazon now.
Moving forward with an increasingly older population and all the maiming and other issues in the wake of covid, it's gonna be rough for awhile. I don't think we will see another pandemic like this one, next time we will be ready and the science in this area greatly advanced. This will have a military level of preparedness and response after this experience, we always prepare for the last war. Any pandemic is most likely to be an airborne highly contagious virus like covid, we stopped the flu in it's tracks this year with public health measures and hand washing, not so much with covid.

If Trump didn't kill the pandemic response team and plan Obama left in place and just went golfing, things would have been much different in America. No matter what Joe does to remedy the situation another republican Trump will just destroy it, along with the country. If they can't have the country, they are determined to burn it to the ground.
seems GOOGLE has an interest in India..sayyyyyyyyy how's those adjusted algorthms working out for you?..thanks for the Trump years:finger:

apparently he's going on CNN to plead to the people.

CNN and NOT FOX? i wonder what would make him think we care what HE CARES ABOUT.

fate my friends..i'm all for helping India any way possible but NOT the GOOGLE CEO who had a hand in what happened.
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"Centner Academy has campuses in Miami’s Design District and Edgewater. School co-founder Leila Centner wrote to parents, without citing any scientific evidence, saying “vaccinated persons may be transmitting something from their bodies that could harm others who aren’t vaccinated — impacting fertility and the development of children.”

LOL turns out vaccinations are contagious... I would re-think my choice of private school in this case.

@schuylaar You were too fast

LOL turns out vaccinations are contagious... I would re-think my choice of private school in this case.

@schuylaar You were too fast

cite it, squirrel and not using the anti-vaxxer's article.
Blood clots from covid are huge problem compared to the rare ones from vaccine, link below.

Blood clots from covid are huge problem compared to the rare ones from vaccine, link below.

i agree but now they are going to pause again. the stores that have it weren't taking appointments and now probably won't. Covid is a circulatory disease that's transmitted through respiratory.
I was out to the grocery store early this morning to pick up a few items and saw the assistant manager, who is also a friend I used to talk RC plane and drone with. I hadn't seen this forty something in many months, he was working in a different area of the store. He's high school educated, intelligent, personable, not politically off the wall and to my surprise vaccine resistant. We had a polite conversation that started when I asked if he and the other staff who work with the public got the jab yet. I didn't stay long as it was a bit busy and we didn't speak for very long, but I did point out a few facts to him. I think his employer will insist on vaccination though, once supplies are sufficient, anybody working with the public and contacting large numbers of the public every day should be required to get the jab. I never mentioned this to him though, but focused on the brain damage and maiming statistics.
My boss and coworker are not going to get the vaccine. They do very little mask wearing too. I talk to them a little, but don't harp on it.
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